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Journal Articles

Report on investigation of unexpected reactor shutdown of the TRACY facility; Cause and countermeasures

Sono, Hiroki; Tsukamoto, Michio; Aizawa, Eiju; Takeuchi, Masaki; Fukaya, Yuji; Iseda, Hirokatsu*; Ogawa, Kazuhiko; Sakuraba, Koichi; Tonoike, Kotaro

UTNL-R-0446, p.3_1 - 3_10, 2005/03

This report describes an investigation and countermeasures of the unexpected reactor shutdown of the TRACY facility at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute on June 17, 2004, caused by a malfunction of a safety rod of the facility. As a result of the investigation, the principal cause of the malfunction was ascribed to a drop in attraction of a binding magnet for the safety rod by a small piece of a foreign material. The following countermeasures were taken against its recurrence: prevention of incidence of foreign materials, reduction of the chance of intrusion of foreign materials into devices, and certain detection of foreign materials. This lesson learned through the experience is expected to be shared with the staffs concerned in reactor operation and maintenance.

JAEA Reports

Release behavior of smoke and clogging characteristics of the ventilation filter under the fire accident (Contract research)

Takada, Junichi; Hayashi, Shiro*; Watanabe, Koji; Takita, Koji*; Tsukamoto, Michio; Tashiro, Shinsuke; Abe, Hitoshi*; Uchiyama, Gunzo*

JAERI-Tech 2002-102, 87 Pages, 2003/01


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JAEA Reports

Report of TRACY operation

Aizawa, Eiju; Ogawa, Kazuhiko; Sakuraba, Koichi; Tsukamoto, Michio; Sugawara, Susumu; Takeuchi, Masaki*; Miyauchi, Masakatsu; Yanagisawa, Hiroshi; Ono, Akio

JAERI-Tech 2002-031, 120 Pages, 2002/03


TRACY (Transient Experiment Critical Facility) in NUCEF (Nuclear Safety Research Facility) is the pulse-type critical facility using uranyl nitrate solution which can carry out various supercritical experiments changing reactivity addition up to 3$.TRACY achieved its first criticality on 20th December 1995,and transient operations have been conducted Since1996.This report summarizes the operation data of 176 experiments from the first criticality to FY2000.

JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration tests on thermal decomposition of nitrated solvent with nitric acid in nuclear fuel reprocessing plants (Contract research)

Tsukamoto, Michio; Takada, Junichi; Koike, Tadao; Watanabe, Koji*; Miyata, Teijiro*; Nishio, Gunji*; Murata, Mikio*; Uchiyama, Gunzo

JAERI-Tech 2001-031, 47 Pages, 2001/03


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JAEA Reports

Aerosol generation tests on thermal decomposition of organic solvent with nitric acid in nuclear fuel reprocessing plants (Contract research)

Tsukamoto, Michio; Takada, Junichi; Koike, Tadao; Watanabe, Koji*; Miyata, Teijiro*; Nishio, Gunji*; Murata, Mikio

JAERI-Tech 2000-036, p.43 - 0, 2000/03


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JAEA Reports

Characteristics and mechanism of explosive reactions Purex solvent reactions with nitric acid at elevated temperatures (Contract research)

Miyata, Teijiro*; Takada, Junichi; Ida, Masaaki*; Nakagiri, Naotaka*; Koike, Tadao; Tsukamoto, Michio; Watanabe, Koji*; Nishio, Gunji*

JAERI-Tech 2000-035, p.64 - 0, 2000/03


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JAEA Reports

Cause finding experiments and environmental analysis on the accident of the fire and explosion in TRP bituminization facility

Fujine, Sachio; Murata, Mikio; Abe, Hitoshi; Takada, Junichi; Tsukamoto, Michio; Miyata, Teijiro*; Ida, Masaaki*; Watanabe, Makio; Uchiyama, Gunzo; Asakura, Toshihide; et al.

JAERI-Research 99-056, p.278 - 0, 1999/09


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Journal Articles

Generation of smoke and clogging of ventilation filter under burning of bitumen/salt mixture

Abe, Hitoshi; Takada, Junichi; Tsukamoto, Michio; ; Murata, Mikio

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 36(7), p.619 - 625, 1999/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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JAEA Reports

Synthesis and identification of organic components of ``Red Oil'' (Contract research)

Miyata, Teijiro; Takada, Junichi; Nakagiri, Naotaka*; Koike, Tadao; Tsukamoto, Michio; ; Nishio, Gunji*

JAERI-Tech 99-040, 194 Pages, 1999/05


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JAEA Reports

Investigation of the exothermic characteristics of purex solvents and its main degradation products in the presence of nitric acid (Contract research)

Miyata, Teijiro; Takada, Junichi; Ida, Masaaki*; Nakagiri, Naotaka*; Tsukamoto, Michio; Koike, Tadao; ; Nishio, Gunji*

JAERI-Tech 99-039, 70 Pages, 1999/05


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Journal Articles

Behavior of radioactive aerosols in cell-ventillation system in reprocessing plants

Murata, Mikio; Takada, Junichi; Tsukamoto, Michio

KURRI-KR-30, p.5 - 11, 1998/00

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JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration tests on pressure rise in ventilation system and blower integrity of a fuel-reprocessing plant

Takada, Junichi; Suzuki, Motoe; Tsukamoto, Michio; Koike, Tadao;

JAERI-Tech 96-054, 237 Pages, 1996/12


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JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration tests of air-ventilation system for the postulated explosive burning in a cell of fuel-reprocessing plant

Takada, Junichi; Suzuki, Motoe; Tsukamoto, Michio; Koike, Tadao; Nishio, Gunji

JAERI-Tech 95-024, 339 Pages, 1995/03


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JAEA Reports

Thermal decomposition of organic solvent with nitric acid in nuclear fuel reprocessing plants

Koike, Tadao; Nishio, Gunji; Takada, Junichi; Tsukamoto, Michio; Miyata, Teijiro;

JAERI-Tech 95-005, 84 Pages, 1995/02


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JAEA Reports

Large-scale demonstration tests of solvent fire and boilover burning during the fire in fuel-reprocessing plant

Nishio, Gunji; Suzuki, Motoe; Takada, Junichi; Koike, Tadao; Tsukamoto, Michio

JAERI-M 93-019, 209 Pages, 1993/02


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JAEA Reports

Demonstration test on the safety of a cell ventilation system during a hypothetical explosive burning in a fuel reprocessing plant

Suzuki, Motoe; Nishio, Gunji; Takada, Junichi; Tsukamoto, Michio; Koike, Tadao

JAERI 1328, 90 Pages, 1993/01


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JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration tests of postulated solvent fire accidents in extraction process of a fuel reprocessing plant, Part III

Takada, Junichi; Koike, Tadao; Tsukamoto, Michio; Nishio, Gunji; Kitani, Susumu*; Uno, Seiichiro; ; Watanabe, Hironori; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro

JAERI-M 92-048, 332 Pages, 1992/03


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JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration tests of postulated solvent fire accidents in extraction process of a fuel reprocessing plant, Part II

Tsukamoto, Michio; Takada, Junichi; Koike, Tadao; Nishio, Gunji; Kitani, Susumu*; Uno, Seiichiro; ; Watanabe, Hironori; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro

JAERI-M 92-047, 384 Pages, 1992/03


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JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration tests of solvent fire accidents in a fuel reprocessing plant

Takada, Junichi; Koike, Tadao; Tsukamoto, Michio; Nishio, Gunji; Kitani, Susumu*; Uno, Seiichiro; ; Watanabe, Hironori; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro

JAERI-M 91-145, 195 Pages, 1991/09


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Journal Articles

Safety demonstration tests of hypothetical explosive burning in the cell and air ventilation system in a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant

Nishio, Gunji; Suzuki, Motoe; ; Takada, Junichi; Tsukamoto, Michio; Koike, Tadao

Nuclear Technology, 95, p.325 - 335, 1991/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Safety demonstration tests of air-ventilation system in nuclear fuel reprocessing plant

Nishio, Gunji; Suzuki, Motoe; Takada, Junichi; Tsukamoto, Michio; Koike, Tadao

Proc. of the CSNI Specialist Meeting on Safety and Risk Assessment in Fuel Cycle Facilities, p.205 - 221, 1991/00

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21 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)