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検索結果: 57 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Unusual low-temperature ductility increase mediated by dislocations alone

Naeem, M.*; Ma, Y.*; Tian, J.*; Kong, H.*; Romero-Resendiz, L.*; Fan, Z.*; Jiang, F.*; Gong, W.; Harjo, S.; Wu, Z.*; et al.

Materials Science & Engineering A, 924, p.147819_1 - 147819_10, 2025/02


Face-centered cubic (fcc) medium-/high-entropy alloys (M/HEAs) typically enhance strength and ductility at cryogenic temperatures via stacking faults, twinning, or martensitic transformation. However, in-situ neutron diffraction on VCoNi MEA at 15 K reveals that strain hardening is driven solely by rapid dislocation accumulation, without these mechanisms. This results in increased yield strength, strain hardening, and fracture strain. The behavior, explained by the Orowan equation, challenges conventional views on cryogenic strengthening in fcc M/HEAs and highlights the role of dislocation-mediated plasticity at low temperatures.


Iron coupled with hydroxylamine turns on the "switch" for free radical degradation of organic pollutants under high pH conditions

Tian, Q.*; Feng, L.*; Wu, C.*; Wen, J.*; Qiu, X.*; 田中 万也; 大貫 敏彦*; Yu, Q.*

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 669, p.1006 - 1014, 2024/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

In this study, we assessed the impact of solution pH on organic pollutant degradation by goethite with the addition of hydroxylamine. This study demonstrated that the system can continuously scavenge organic pollutants through oxygen-mediated generation of free radicals under alkaline conditions.


Anomalous dislocation response to deformation strain in CrFeCoNiPd high-entropy alloys with nanoscale chemical fluctuations

Ying, H.*; Yang, X.*; He, H.*; Yan, A.*; An, K.*; Ke, Y.*; Wu, Z.*; Tang, S.*; Zhang, Z.*; Dong, H.*; et al.

Scripta Materialia, 250, p.116181_1 - 116181_7, 2024/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.56(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Nanoscale chemical fluctuations and their effect on the deformation behavior of CrFeCoNi-based high-entropy alloys (HEAs) were investigated using small-angle scattering and in situ neutron diffraction measurements. Small-angle scattering results demonstrated the presence of nano ($$>$$10 nm) chemical fluctuations in the as-prepared CrFeCoNiPd HEAs, which was attributed to the negative mixing of enthalpy and the significant atomic radius difference between Pd and the constituent elements in the CrFeCoNi-based alloys. Subsequent tensile tests demonstrated that the yield and tensile strengths of the as-prepared CrFeCoNiPd HEA surpass those of the as-prepared CrMnFeCoNi HEA. Neutron diffraction data analysis revealed an anomalous response of dislocation evolution with the strain.


Gradient residual strain determination of surface impacted railway S38C axles by neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging

Hu, F. F.*; Qin, T. Y.*; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; Zhou, L.*; 徐 平光; Parker, J. D.*; 篠原 武尚; Chen, J.*; Wu, S. C.*

Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 306, p.110267_1 - 110267_18, 2024/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:0.00(Mechanics)

Non-destructive and quantitative mapping of gradient residual strain distribution in surface-hardened railway S38C axles could provide a positive reference for determining service lifetime and maintenance strategy. To tackle this concern, time-of-flight neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging was employed by real axle samples with and without impacted crater. A novel and simple procedure to formulate the residual strain field was also developed in this work, with the transmission batch code in Appendix A. By mapping the global two- dimensional residual strains, it can be verified that the residual strains into the axle are uniformly distributed in the hoop direction. Subsequently, it was revealed that the axial and hoop residual strains, respectively in the cylinder and the long strip samples prepared from a real S38C hollow axle, indicated a gradient evolution distribution with a depth of $$sim$$ 8 mm, covering a range of -5500 $$sim$$ 1000 $$mu$$$$varepsilon$$ for axial strains and -6500 $$sim$$ 1000 $$mu$$$$varepsilon$$ for hoop strains. More importantly, the maximum compressive lattice strain of the cylinder sample was increased by 15.61%, and 22.35% at the impacting speeds of 100, and 125 m/s, respectively; and that of the long strip sample increased by 29.17%, and 43.70%, respectively. It can thus be concluded that lattice strains have redistributed around the impact crater, demonstrating the local alteration of the residual strain field. These new findings suggest the localized variation in residual strains should be taken into account while evaluating the service damage evolution of railway axles, especially those affected by high-speed impacts during operation.


Gradient residual stress and fatigue life prediction of induction hardened carbon steel S38C axles; Experiment and simulation

Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; 徐 平光; Zhang, H.*; Zhou, L.*; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; 菖蒲 敬久; Wu, S. C.*

International Journal of Fatigue, 185, p.108336_1 - 108336_13, 2024/08

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:93.69(Engineering, Mechanical)

Gradient distribution of triaxial residual stresses to a depth of several millimeters is retained in middle carbon steel S38C axles after high-frequency induction hardening, which has become a critical concern for fatigue structural integrity. To address this, the axial, hoop, and radial gradient residual strains inside the axles were measured for the first time by advanced neutron diffraction. The SIGINI Fortran subroutine was then adopted to reconstruct the global initial residual stress field from the measured data. Experimental and simulation results show that residual stresses of about -520 MPa (axial), -710 MPa (hoop), and -40 MPa (radial) residual stress were retained below the axle surface. Subsequently, the fatigue crack propagation behavior of S38C axles was numerically investigated in the framework of fracture mechanics. The calculated results clearly show that the compressive residual stresses at a depth of 0?3 mm from the axle surface lead to a low crack growth driving force, and that fatigue cracks do not propagate as long as the crack depth is less than 3.7 mm for hollow S38C axles. These results further indicate that the maximum defect size allowed in routine inspections is acceptable from a safety and economic point of view. Accurate measurement and characterization of the global gradient residual stress field through experiments and simulations can provide an important reference for optimizing the mileage intervals of nondestructive testing (NDT) of surface defects in these surface-strengthened railway axles.


Gradient residual strain measurement procedure in surface impacted railway steel axles by using neutron scattering

Zhou, L.*; Zhang, H.*; Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; 徐 平光; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; He, L. H.*; Li, X. H.*; Zhang, J. R.*; et al.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(7), p.2175 - 2185, 2024/07

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:81.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

High-speed railway S38C axles undergo surface induction hardening for durability, but are susceptible to fatigue cracks from foreign object impact. The neutron diffraction method was employed to measure the residual strain in S38C axles, obtaining microscopic lattice distortion data, for the gradient layer at a depth of 8 mm under the surface. The results showed that after induction-hardening, the microscopic lattice distortion had a gradient distribution, decreasing with the distance from the surface. However, in the case of impacting speed of 600 km/m, the average microscopic lattice distortion increased with the distance from the surface, reaching a maximum augmentation of 55 pct. These findings indicate a strong experimental basis, and improve our understanding of the relationship between macroscopic residual stress and decision-making, in regard to operation and maintenance.


Production of the $$Xi N$$ dibaryon as a weakly bound system in $$pp$$ collisions

Wu, T.-C.*; 保坂 淳; Geng, L.-S.*

Physical Review D, 109(11), p.114009_1 - 114009_8, 2024/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

$$Xi N$$からなるダイバリオンの存在の有無は大きな興味がもたれている。ここでは弱い束縛状態が存在すると仮定し、陽子・陽子衝突によってこのダイバリオンがどの程度生成されるかを見積もった。また、生成量と束縛エネルギーとの普遍的な関係も導いた。


A Systematic approach for the adequacy analysis of a set of experimental databases; Application in the framework of the ATRIUM activity

Baccou, J.*; Glantz, T.*; Ghione, A.*; Sargentini, L.*; Fillion, P.*; Damblin, G.*; Sueur, R.*; Iooss, B.*; Fang, J.*; Liu, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 421, p.113035_1 - 113035_16, 2024/05

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:95.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In the Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) framework, the use of best-estimate code requires to go through a Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification process (VVUQ). The relevance of the experimental data in relation to the physical phenomena of interest in the VVUQ process is crucial. Adequacy analysis of selected experimental databases addresses this problem. The outcomes of the analysis can be used to select a subset of relevant experimental data, to encourage designing new experiments or to drop some experiments from a database because of their substantial lack of adequacy. The development of a specific transparent and reproducible approach to analyze the relevance of experimental data for VVUQ still remains open and is the topic of this contribution. In this paper, the concept of adequacy initially introduced in the OECD/NEA SAPIUM (Systematic APproach for model Input Uncertainty quantification Methodology) activity is formalized. It is defined through two key properties, called representativeness and completeness, that allows considering the multifactorial dimension of the adequacy problem. A new systematic approach is then proposed to analyze the adequacy of a set of experimental databases. It relies on the introduction of two sets of criteria to characterize representativeness and completeness and on the use of multi-criteria decision analysis method to perform the analysis. Finally, the approach is applied in the framework of the new OECD/NEA ATRIUM activity which includes a set of practical IUQ exercises in thermal-hydraulics to test the SAPIUM guideline in determining input uncertainties and forward propagating them on an application case. It allows evaluating the adequacy of eight experimental databases coming from the Super Moby-dick, Sozzi-Sutherland and Marviken experiments and identifying the most adequate ones.


Chiral Dirac fermion in a collinear antiferromagnet

Zhang, A.*; Deng, K.*; Sheng, J.*; Liu, P.*; Kumar, S.*; 島田 賢也*; Jiang, Z.*; Liu, Z.*; Shen, D.*; Li, J.*; et al.

Chinese Physics Letters, 40(12), p.126101_1 - 126101_8, 2023/12

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:83.51(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

In a Dirac semimetal, the massless Dirac fermion has zero chirality, leading to surface states connected adiabatically to a topologically trivial surface state as well as vanishing anomalous Hall effect. Recently, itis predicted that in the nonrelativistic limit of certain collinear antiferromagnets, there exists a type of chiral "Dirac-like" fermion, whose dispersion manifests four-fold degenerate crossing points formed by spin-degenerate linear bands, with topologically protected Fermi arcs. Here, by combining with neutron diffraction and first-principles calculations, we suggest a multidomain collinear antiferromagnetic configuration, rendering the existence of the Fermi-arc surface states induced by chiral Dirac-like fermions.


Pressure engineering of van der Waals compound RhI$$_3$$; Bandgap narrowing, metallization, and remarkable enhancement of photoelectric activity

Fang, Y.*; Kong, L.*; Wang, R.*; Zhang, Z.*; Li, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Bu, K.*; Liu, X.*; Yan, S.*; 服部 高典; et al.

Materials Today Physics (Internet), 34, p.101083_1 - 101083_7, 2023/05

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:68.49(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Fatigue crack non-propagation behavior of a gradient steel structure from induction hardened railway axles

Zhang, H.*; Wu, S. C.*; Ao, N.*; Zhang, J. W.*; Li, H.*; Zhou, L.*; 徐 平光; Su, Y. H.

International Journal of Fatigue, 166, p.107296_1 - 107296_11, 2023/01

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:81.02(Engineering, Mechanical)

Abnormal damages in railway axles can lead to a significant hazard to running safety and reliability. To this end, a surface treatment was selected to effectively inhibit fatigue crack initiation and growth. In this study, a single edge notch bending fatigue test campaign with artificial notches was conducted to elucidate the fatigue crack non-propagation behavior in railway S38C axles subjected to an induction hardening process. The fatigue cracking behavior in the gradient structure was revealed by optical microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, and fractography. The microhardness distribution was measured using a Vickers tester. The obtained results show that the microhardness of the strengthening layer is nearly triple that of the matrix. Owing to the gradient microstructures and hardness, as well as compressive residual stress, the fatigue long crack propagates faster once it passes through the hardened zone (approximately 2.0 mm in the radial depth). Thereafter, local retarding (including deflection, branching, and blunting) of the long crack occurs because of the relatively coarse ferrite and pearlite in the transition region and matrix. Totally, this fatigue cracking resistance is reasonably believed to be due to the gradient microstructure and residual stress. These findings help to tailor a suitable detection strategy for maximum defects or cracks in railway axles.


The Investigations of the $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states combining quark model and lattice QCD in the coupled channel framework

Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; 岡 眞; Zhu, S.-L.*

Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2023(1), p.058_1 - 058_19, 2023/01

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:70.34(Physics, Particles & Fields)

ハミルトニアン有効理論にクォーク模型、クォークペア生成、$$B^{(*)}bar K$$相互作用の情報を含むベアな状態と散乱状態の結合を取り入れた形式を用いて、しきい値近傍の$$P$$波の4個の$$B_s$$状態のスペクトルを研究した。


Ten years of warming increased plant-derived carbon accumulation in an East Asian monsoon forest

Zhang, J.*; Kuang, L.*; Mou, Z.*; 近藤 俊明*; 小嵐 淳; 安藤 麻里子; Li, Y.*; Tang, X.*; Wang, Y.-P.*; Pe$~n$uelas, J.*; et al.

Plant and Soil, 481(1-2), p.349 - 365, 2022/12

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:70.96(Agronomy)

Soil warming effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition and stabilization are highly variable, and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. In this study, concentration, stability (dissolved, particle and mineral-associated SOC), and source (plant-derived and microbial-derived) of SOC, soil microbial community composition, and enzyme activities were studied in a 10-year soil warming field experiment in an East Asian monsoon forest. The results showed that 10-year soil warming significantly enhanced SOC in the top 0-10 cm soil. The increased SOC induced by warming was mainly derived from plants with lignin markers, accompanied by a decrease in microbial-derived SOC. This highlights an urgent need for a better understanding of how the contrasting effects of plant- and microbial-derived C mediate the response of the SOC pool to warming across different biomes.


Two-dimensional quantum universality in the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice quantum antiferromagnet Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$

Sheng, J.*; Wang, L.*; Candini, A.*; Jiang, W.*; Huang, L.*; Xi, B.*; Zhao, J.*; Ge, H.*; Zhao, N.*; Fu, Y.*; et al.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(51), p.e2211193119_1 - e2211193119_9, 2022/12

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:89.41(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Although considerable progress has been made in the theoretical understanding of the low-dimensional frustrated quantum magnets, experimental realizations of a well-established scaling analysis are still scarce. This is particularly true for the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic triangular lattices. Owing to the small exchange strength, the newly discovered compound Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ provides a rare opportunity for clarifying the quantum criticality in an ideal triangular lattice with quantum spin S=1/2. In addition to the establishment of the complete phase diagrams, the spin Hamiltonian with a negligible interplane interaction has been determined through the spin wave dispersion in the polarized state, which is consistent with the observation of a two-dimensional quantum critical point with the Bose-Einstein condensation of diluted free bosons.


Novel coupled channel framework connecting the quark model and lattice QCD for the near-threshold $$D_s$$ states

Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; 岡 眞; Zhu, S.-L.*

Physical Review Letters, 128(11), p.112001_1 - 112001_6, 2022/03

 被引用回数:32 パーセンタイル:95.20(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Temperature-dependent hardening contributions in CrFeCoNi high-entropy alloy

Naeem, M.*; He, H.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Lin, W.*; Kai, J.-J.*; Wu, Z.*; Lan, S.*; Wang, X.-L.*

Acta Materialia, 221, p.117371_1 - 117371_18, 2021/12

 被引用回数:51 パーセンタイル:96.15(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We studied the deformation behavior of CrFeCoNi high-entropy alloy by in situ neutron diffraction at room temperature, intermediate low temperature of 140 K, low temperatures of 40 K (no serrated deformation) and 25 K (with massive serrations). The contributions from different deformation mechanisms to the yield strength and strain hardening have been estimated. The athermal contributions to the yield strength were $$sim$$183 MPa at all temperatures, while the Peierls stress increased significantly at low temperatures (from 148 MPa at room temperature to 493 MPa at 25 K). Dislocations contributed to $$sim$$94% strain hardening at room temperature. Although the dislocation strengthening remained the major hardening mechanism at very low temperatures, the planar faults contribution increased steadily from 6% at room temperature to 28% at 25 K.


Martensitic transformation in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy at cryogenic temperature

Naeem, M.*; Zhou, H.*; He, H.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; Zhu, Y.*; Wang, X.-L.*

Applied Physics Letters, 119(13), p.131901_1 - 131901_7, 2021/09

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:72.74(Physics, Applied)

We investigated the in situ deformation behavior of the CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy at a cryogenic temperature of 140 K and compared it with deformation at room temperature. The sample exhibited higher strength and larger ductility at the cryogenic temperature. The CrCoNi alloy remained single-phase face-centered cubic at room temperature, while deformation at 140 K resulted in a martensitic transformation to the hexagonal close-packed structure. The phase transformation, an additional deformation mechanism to stacking faults, twinning, and dis- location slip, resulted in a higher work hardening at cryogenic temperature. The study addresses the structure metastability in the CrCoNi alloy, which led to the formation of epsilon-martensite from the intrinsic stacking faults.


Coordination number regulation of molybdenum single-atom nanozyme peroxidase-like specificity

Wang, Y.*; Jia, G.*; Cui, X.*; Zhao, X.*; Zhang, Q.*; Gu, L.*; Zheng, L.*; Li, L. H.*; Wu, Q.*; Singh, D. J.*; et al.

Chem, 7(2), p.436 - 449, 2021/02

 被引用回数:258 パーセンタイル:99.76(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Nanozymes are promising alternatives to natural enzymes, but their use remains limited owing to poor specificity. Overcoming this is extremely challenging due to the intrinsic structural complexity of these systems. We report theoretical design and experimental realization of a series of heterogeneous molybdenum single-atom nanozymes (named Mo$$_{rm{SA}}$$-N$$_{x}$$-C), wherein we find that the peroxidase-like specificity is well regulated by the coordination numbers of single Mo sites. The resulting Mo$$_{rm{SA}}$$-N$$_{3}$$-C catalyst shows exclusive peroxidase-like behavior. It achieves this behavior via a homolytic pathway, whereas Mo$$_{rm{SA}}$$-N$$_{2}$$-C and Mo$$_{rm{SA}}$$-N$$_{4}$$-C catalysts have a different heterolytic pathway. The mechanism of this coordination-number-dependent enzymatic specificity is attributed to geometrical structure differences and orientation relationships of the frontier molecular orbitals.


Stacking fault driven phase transformation in CrCoNi medium entropy alloy

He, H.*; Naeem, M.*; Zhang, F.*; Zhao, Y.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Wang, B.*; Wu, X.*; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; et al.

Nano Letters, 21(3), p.1419 - 1426, 2021/02

 被引用回数:65 パーセンタイル:96.34(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

In CrCoNi, a so-called medium-entropy alloy, an fcc-to-hcp phase transformation has long been anticipated. Here, we report an in situ loading study with neutron diffraction, which revealed a bulk fcc-to-hcp phase transformation in CrCoNi at 15 K under tensile loading. By correlating deformation characteristics of the fcc phase with the development of the hcp phase, it is shown that the nucleation of the hcp phase was triggered by intrinsic stacking faults. The confirmation of a bulk phase transformation adds to the myriads of deformation mechanisms available in CrCoNi, which together underpin the unusually large ductility at low temperatures.


Extremely high dislocation density and deformation pathway of CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy at ultralow temperature

Naeem, M.*; He, H.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Zhang, F.*; Wang, B.*; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Lu, Z.*; et al.

Scripta Materialia, 188, p.21 - 25, 2020/11

 被引用回数:81 パーセンタイル:98.01(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

The deformation behavior of CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy was investigated by in situ neutron diffraction at an ultralow temperature of 15 K. Analysis of the diffraction peak widths showed an extremely high dislocation density at 15 K, reaching $$sim$$10$$^{16}$$ m$$^{-2}$$. In addition, the dislocation density was found to closely follow the development of texture caused by deformation. In contrast to deformation by dislocation slip at room temperature, the ultralow-temperature deformation also involved stacking faults, twinning and serrations. The deformation pathway at ultralow temperature is outlined which is responsible for the extraordinary strength-ductility combination.

57 件中 1件目~20件目を表示