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Beyond 1-MW scenario in J-PARC rapid-cycling synchrotron

山本 風海; 守屋 克洋; 沖田 英史; 山田 逸平; 地村 幹; Saha, P. K.; 菖蒲田 義博; 田村 文彦; 山本 昌亘; 森下 卓俊; et al.

Proceedings of 68th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams (HB2023) (Internet), p.270 - 273, 2023/10

J-PARC 3GeVシンクロトロン(RCS)は、1MWの大強度ビームを中性子実験施設および主リングシンクロトロンに供給するために運転している。これまで進めてきたビーム調整および機器改良により、当初想定よりもはるかに低いビームロス量で1MWのビーム運転を行うことが出来ている。そのため、現在のビーム出力はビームロスではなく高周波加速空胴の電源容量によって制限されている。近年、RCSグループではより少ない消費電力でビームを加速することのできる新しい構造の加速空胴の開発に成功した。この空胴によって、利用運転中に加速空胴で消費される電力を大幅に削減することが出来、さらに1MW以上の大出力での運転も可能となる。これまでの試験結果から、RCSの加速空胴を全て新しい物へ更新すれば、1.5MW以上の大出力も可能となる事が判っている。今後、中性子利用および主リングシンクロトロンの更なる成果創出のため、2MWを目標にRCSで必要な改良について検討を行った。その結果、高周波空胴の更新以外にも、高周波増幅器の増強やビームモニタの増強が必要であることが判ったため、今後順次更新を進める。


Evaluation of doped potassium concentrations in stacked two-Layer graphene using real-time XPS

小川 修一*; 津田 泰孝; 坂本 徹哉*; 沖川 侑揮*; 増澤 智昭*; 吉越 章隆; 虻川 匡司*; 山田 貴壽*

Applied Surface Science, 605, p.154748_1 - 154748_6, 2022/12

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:54.33(Chemistry, Physical)

グラフェンのKOH溶液への浸漬により、SiO$$_{2}$$/Siウェハ上のグラフェンの移動度が改善される。これはK原子によるグラフェン修飾による電子ドーピングのためと考えられるが、このときのグラフェンに含まれるK濃度は不明だった。本研究では高輝度放射光を用いたXPS分析によりK濃度を求めた。リアルタイム観察によりK原子濃度の時間変化を求め、放射光未照射時のK原子濃度は0.94%と推定された。また、K原子の脱離に伴ってC 1sスペクトルが低結合エネルギー側にシフトした。これはグラフェンへの電子ドープ濃度が減少していることを示し、K原子はグラフェンに電子注入していることが実験的に確かめられた。


Gas barrier properties of chemical vapor-deposited graphene to oxygen imparted with sub-electronvolt kinetic energy

小川 修一*; 山口 尚登*; Holby, E. F.*; 山田 貴壽*; 吉越 章隆; 高桑 雄二*

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 11(21), p.9159 - 9164, 2020/11

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:17.37(Chemistry, Physical)



Valence-band electronic structure evolution of graphene oxide upon thermal annealing for optoelectronics

山口 尚人*; 小川 修一*; 渡辺 大輝*; 穂積 英彬*; Gao, Y.*; 江田 剛輝*; Mattevi, C.*; 藤田 武志*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; et al.

Physica Status Solidi (A), 213(9), p.2380 - 2386, 2016/09

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:51.96(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Graphene growth and carbon diffusion process during vacuum heating on Cu(111)/Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ substrates

小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 石塚 眞治*; 吉越 章隆; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52(11), p.110122_1 - 110122_8, 2013/11

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:63.02(Physics, Applied)

In this study, behavior of carbon atoms in annealing/cooling process of graphene/Cu(111) substrates is investigated using photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry. After growth of graphene on Cu(111) surfaces, Cu$$_{2}$$O was formed at the graphene/Cu interface during transportation through the atmosphere. The Cu$$_{2}$$O layer completely disappeared by vacuum annealing at 773 K. Graphene was decomposed and carbon atoms diffuse into the Cu substrate by elevation of temperature up to 1223 K. When the sample was cooled down, the carbon atoms did not segregate on the surface and remain in the Cu substrate. This result indicates the carbon atoms easily diffuse into Cu substrates in vacuum annealing while the amount of diffused carbon atoms in the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process is smaller, suggesting that the barrier layer which prevents from the diffusion of C atoms exists on Cu surfaces at the graphene CVD growth.


Vacuum annealing formation of graphene on diamond C(111) surfaces studied by real-time photoelectron spectroscopy

小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 石塚 眞治*; 吉越 章隆; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51(11), p.11PF02_1 - 11PF02_7, 2012/11

 被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:73.57(Physics, Applied)

To clarify the graphene formation process on a diamond C(111) surface, changes in the chemical bonding states by annealing in vacuum were investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. It is difficult to study the formation of sp$$_{2}$$-bonded carbon atoms on a diamond C(111) surface because the peak of the sp$$_{2}$$ component overlaps the peak of the surface sp$$_{3}$$ component as a result of the 2$$times$$1 reconstruction. Therefore, we focused on the shift in the C 1s photoelectron spectra and energy loss spectra caused by band bending depending on the temperature. As a result, we found that graphitization on the diamond C(111) surface began at approximately 1120 K, which was lower than that for an SiC substrate. The photoelectron spectra indicated that a buffer layer composed of sp$$_{2}$$-bonded carbon atoms existed at the interface between the graphene and diamond C(111) surface.



小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 石塚 眞治*; 渡辺 大輝*; 吉越 章隆; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

表面科学, 33(8), p.449 - 454, 2012/08




渡辺 大輝*; 小川 修一*; 山口 尚登*; 穂積 英彬*; 江田 剛輝*; Mattevi, C.*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; 寺岡 有殿; 山田 貴壽*; et al.

no journal, , 



Vacuum annealing formation of graphene on diamond C(111) surfaces studied by real-time photoelectron spectroscopy

小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; 渡辺 大輝*; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

no journal, , 

Diamond has been attracted as a substrate for graphene growth. It has been reported the graphitization of diamond C(111) surface by annealing in vacuum. The aim of this study is to identify the sp$$^{2}$$-bonded carbon layer and to clarify the formation mechanism of a graphene layer on the diamond C(111) surface (GOD). In order to achieve this aim, real-time photoemission spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation (SR-XPS) and ultraviolet He I resonance line (UPS) was employed for investigation of vacuum annealing processes of C(111) surface. Graphitization of diamond surface is clearly observed from the analysis of C 1s energy loss spectra. The sp$$^{2}$$ component comes out as a 2$$times$$1 reconstruction structure component goes in by annealing. This is also confirmed by UPS measurement. In the UPS spectra, the surface state peaks derived from dangling bonds can be clearly observed at low temperature. Based on these results, formation processes of GOD is proposed.



小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 石塚 眞治*; 吉越 章隆; 渡辺 大輝*; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

no journal, , 



酸化グラフェン還元過程のリアルタイムXPS観察; ヒドラジン処理効果

渡辺 大輝*; 小川 修一*; 山口 尚人*; 穂積 英彬*; 江田 剛輝*; Mattevi, C.*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; 寺岡 有殿; 山田 貴壽*; et al.

no journal, , 



Chemical bonding states and electronic states of reduced graphene oxides studied by real-time photoelectron spectroscopy

渡辺 大輝*; 小川 修一*; 山口 尚登*; 穂積 英彬*; 江田 剛輝*; Mattevi, C.*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; 寺岡 有殿; 山田 貴壽*; et al.

no journal, , 

The reduction of graphene oxide (rGO) is the most applicable method to obtain the large-area graphene, which is used for a transparence electrode. In order to improve the electric property of rGO, the reduction process of GO must be clarified. In this study, we have investigated the vacuum-annealing induced changes of the chemical bonding states and electronic states of GO, which was treated with and without hydrazine using real-time photoelectron spectroscopy. After annealing, all of oxides and sp$$^{3}$$ components of C1s photoelectron peak decrease while sp$$^{2}$$ and defect components increase. These facts indicate that carbon vacancies are generated by reduction of GO, implying that these vacancies make rGO poor electric property. Fermi edge can be clearly observed in rGO. This result also supports the assumption that the atomic vacancies are generated in the graphene sheets.



小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 石塚 眞治*; 吉越 章隆; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

no journal, , 



簡素化ペレット法によるMOX燃料製造技術開発,3; ダイ潤滑成型技術開発

須藤 勝夫; 沖田 高敏; 武内 健太郎; 高野 龍雄; 加藤 明文*; 芳賀 哲也; 山田 美一; 木原 義之

no journal, , 



Evaluation of thickness and oxidation state of graphene/Cu(111)/Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ substrates using photoelectron spectroscopy

小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 石塚 眞治*; 吉越 章隆; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

no journal, , 

CVD growth of graphene on Cu substrates is one of the most applicable methods to obtain large area graphene. In this study, we have performed the circumstantial analysis of C 1s and O 1s photoelectron spectra in the graphene/Cu(111) substrate to clarify the annealing temperature dependence of oxidation state of graphene and the Cu substrate and graphene thickness. C 1s photoelectron spectra of a pristine graphene/Cu substrate can be divided by seven peaks. The defect peak derived from sp$$^{3}$$ bonding and oxide peaks clearly observed at 373K. At this time, the Cu substrate is also oxidized and Cu$$_{2}$$O films are formed at the interface. When this sample was annealed in vacuum, graphene oxide peaks of decrease rapidly with increasing temperature, and Cu$$_{2}$$O is completely reduced at 633K. However, graphene oxide can not be reduced completely by annealing even at 1073K, and 4% of oxide still remains in graphene.



渡辺 大輝*; 小川 修一*; 山口 尚登*; 穂積 英彬*; 江田 剛輝*; Mattevi, C.*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; 寺岡 有殿; 山田 貴壽*; et al.

no journal, , 




渡辺 大輝*; 小川 修一*; 山口 尚登*; 穂積 英彬*; 江田 剛輝*; Mattevi, C.*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; 寺岡 有殿; 山田 貴壽*; et al.

no journal, , 



Vacuum annealing decomposition of graphene on Cu studied by in situ photoelectron spectroscopy

小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 石塚 眞治*; 吉越 章隆; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

no journal, , 

In this study, we have investigated the graphene segregation and decomposition processes on Cu(111) substrates by photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. The photoelectron spectroscopy was performed at BL23SU of SPring-8. The sample was epitaxially grown graphene/Cu(111)/Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$(0001). At 373 K, strong O1s peak was observed, derived from adsorbed H$$_{2}$$O and Cu oxide. The O1s intensity decreases with increasing temperature, and disappears at 853 K. The C1s intensity also decreases with temperature increase, indicating that the O atoms are removed as CO or CO$$_{2}$$ molecules. For further annealing over 873 K, C1s intensity continued to decrease, indicating that the graphene is decomposed and C atoms diffuse into the Cu substrate. When the sample was cooled down after annealing at 1223 K, C1s intensity did not recover.


Angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of oxide formation at epitaxial graphene/Cu(111) interface exposed to the atmosphere

小川 修一*; 山田 貴壽*; 石塚 眞治*; 吉越 章隆; 長谷川 雅考*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

no journal, , 

Oxides are formed at an epitaxial graphene/Cu(111) interface once the substrate is exposed to air atmosphere. It is considered these oxides affect not only the electric property of graphene but also a peeling off process. The chemical states of the oxides at the graphene/Cu interface is evaluated by angle-resolved XPS. The graphene was grown on Cu(111)/Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$(0001) substrates by a thermal CVD method. O 1s XPS spectra can be divided into four chemical shift components, that named as C1, C2, C3, C4 in order of lowbinding energy. Only C1 component decreases with increasing detection angle, indicating that C1 is derived from the Cu substrate and C2, C3, C4 are derived from the graphene. From this result, the origins of these components are identified as Cu$$_{2}$$O, C=O, H$$_{2}$$O, and C-OH, respectively.


Real-time XPS study of reduction of graphene oxide; Effect of hydrazine treatment

渡辺 大輝*; 小川 修一*; 山口 尚登*; 穂積 英彬*; Mattevi, C.*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; 寺岡 有殿; 山田 貴壽*; Chhowalla, M.*; et al.

no journal, , 

Evolution of chemical structure of graphene oxide (GO) was investigated with an atomic level using synchrotron light source (SPring-8). Our photoelectron spectroscopy results revealed that there was a distinct difference between chemical structures of GO with and without hydrazine treatment prior to the thermal reduction. Hydrazine treated GO, which is widely used as GO having high electrical conductivity, had less structural defects and amorphous components in the material. This tendency was consistent even after the thermal reduction. Our results provided new insights into the clarification of the transport mechanism, as well as strategy for improving its electrical property for electronic applications.

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