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Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Suzuki, Yuji*; Kabasawa, Satsuki; Kato, Tomoko
JAEA-Data/Code 2024-001, 21 Pages, 2024/03
Model catchments have developed for use in testing various assessment models that can consider specific surface environmental conditions such as topography, riverine systems, and land use in the biosphere assessment of HLW geological disposal. The model catchments consist of the topography and riverine system of the catchment area created using existing tools, as well as land use and population distribution, river discharge, sediment flux data set by algorithms from topographical data. Datasets of three types of model watersheds (Types 1 to 3, watershed area: 730 to 770 km) with different topographical characteristics have released as raster data that can be handled by geographic information systems (GIS). Since the model catchments were created virtually reflecting as much as possible the main characteristics of Japan's surface environment, they can be used as a test bed for conducting hydraulic/mass transport analysis to set the GBI and compartment model.
Yamaguchi, Masaaki
Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu (CD-ROM), 29(1), p.38 - 41, 2022/06
This presentation outlined the framework and background of Japan's geological disposal research that has been underway since the 1970s and outlined research and development on the engineering technology of geological disposal and the performance assessment of geological disposal systems in the research and development fields. Specific assessment methods used in both R&D fields and recent research topics were also explained.
Kitazato, Kohei*; Milliken, R. E.*; Iwata, Takahiro*; Abe, Masanao*; Otake, Makiko*; Matsuura, Shuji*; Takagi, Yasuhiko*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; Hiroi, Takahiro*; Matsuoka, Moe*; et al.
Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03
Times Cited Count:51 Percentile:96.49(Astronomy & Astrophysics)Here we report observations of Ryugu's subsurface material by the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) on the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Reflectance spectra of excavated material exhibit a hydroxyl (OH) absorption feature that is slightly stronger and peak-shifted compared with that observed for the surface, indicating that space weathering and/or radiative heating have caused subtle spectral changes in the uppermost surface. However, the strength and shape of the OH feature still suggests that the subsurface material experienced heating above 300 C, similar to the surface. In contrast, thermophysical modeling indicates that radiative heating does not increase the temperature above 200 C at the estimated excavation depth of 1 m, even if the semimajor axis is reduced to 0.344 au. This supports the hypothesis that primary thermal alteration occurred due to radiogenic and/or impact heating on Ryugu's parent body.
Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Kato, Tomoko; Suzuki, Yuji*; Makino, Hitoshi
Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu (CD-ROM), 27(2), p.72 - 82, 2020/12
An efficient analytical tool to calculate temporal change of topography and repository depth due to uplift and erosion was developed for use in performance assessment of high level radioactive waste geological disposal. The tool was developed as ArcGIS model, incorporating simplified landform development simulation, to enable trial calculation of various conditions such as initial topography, uplift rate and its distributions, and repository location. This tool enables to support decision on which processes, features, and their changes should be taken into account for performance assessment, by calculating topography change and repository depth change under various conditions.
Nagao, Fumiya; Niizato, Tadafumi; Sasaki, Yoshito; Ito, Satomi; Watanabe, Takayoshi; Dohi, Terumi; Nakanishi, Takahiro; Sakuma, Kazuyuki; Hagiwara, Hiroki; Funaki, Hironori; et al.
JAEA-Research 2020-007, 249 Pages, 2020/10
The accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. occurred due to the Great East Japan Earthquake, Sanriku offshore earthquake, of 9.0 magnitude and the accompanying tsunami. As a result, large amount of radioactive materials was released into the environment. Under these circumstances, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been conducting "Long-term Assessment of Transport of Radioactive Contaminants in the Environment of Fukushima" concerning radioactive materials released in environment, especially migration behavior of radioactive cesium since November 2012. This report is a summary of the research results that have been obtained in environmental dynamics research conducted by JAEA in Fukushima Prefecture.
Nagao, Fumiya; Niizato, Tadafumi; Sasaki, Yoshito; Ito, Satomi; Watanabe, Takayoshi; Dohi, Terumi; Nakanishi, Takahiro; Sakuma, Kazuyuki; Hagiwara, Hiroki; Funaki, Hironori; et al.
JAEA-Research 2019-002, 235 Pages, 2019/08
The accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (hereinafter referred to 1F), Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. occurred due to the Great East Japan Earthquake, Sanriku offshore earthquake, of 9.0 magnitude and the accompanying tsunami. As a result, large amount of radioactive materials was released into the environment. Under these circumstances, JAEA has been conducting Long-term Environmental Dynamics Research concerning radioactive materials released in environment, especially migration behavior of radioactive cesium since November 2012. This report is a summary of the research results that have been obtained in environmental dynamics research conducted by JAEA in Fukushima Prefecture.
Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Mizutani, Tomoko; Nagaoka, Mika; Inoue, Kazumi; Koike, Yuko; Yamada, Ryohei; Yoshii, Hideki*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Otani, Kazunori*; et al.
JAEA-Review 2018-028, 120 Pages, 2019/02
Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai Reprocessing Plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and by law of Ibaraki Prefecture), the effluent control of liquid waste discharged from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been performed. This report describes the effluent control results of the liquid waste in the fiscal year 2017. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other nuclear fuel material usage facilities were much lower than the limits authorized by the above regulations.
Yamaguchi, Toshio*; Nishino, Masaaki*; Yoshida, Koji*; Takumi, Masaharu*; Nagata, Kiyofumi*; Hattori, Takanori
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2019(8), p.1170 - 1177, 2019/02
Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:69.93(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)Neutron diffraction measurements of an aqueous 2 mol dm CaCl solutions in DO have been made at 1 GPa, 298 K as well as 0.1 MPa, 298 K. The experimental structure factors are subjected to Empirical Potential Structure Refinement (EPSR) modeling to reveal the ion hydration and association and solvent water at the atomic level. About seven water molecules surround Ca at the Ca-O and Ca-D distances of 2.44 and 3.70 , respectively, at both pressures, suggesting no significant pressure effect on the cation hydration. On the other hand, the Cl ion shows a drastic change in water oxygen coordination from 7 at 0.1 MPa to 14 at 1 GPa, accompanied by shortening of Cl-O distance from 3.18 to 3.15 . However, the number of water hydrogen atoms around Cl does not change significantly as 6.0 6.7 with shortening Cl-D distance from 2.22 to 2.18 on compression. The pressure effect on the solvent water structure is also drastic as an increase in water oxygen atoms of 4.7 at the O-O distance of 2.79 at 0.1 MPa to 10.3 at 2.85 at 1 GPa. The number of water hydrogen atoms, however, does not change as 1.2 at the O-D distance of 1.74 for both pressures, demonstrating the presence of the OD hydrogen bonds which are significantly bent at 1 GPa at 298 K. This change of hydrogen bonds in water with pressure probably causes the drastic increase in water oxygen atoms around Cl.
Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Nagaoka, Mika; Inoue, Kazumi; Koike, Yuko; Yoshii, Hideki*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Otani, Kazunori*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; Sakauchi, Nobuyuki*; et al.
JAEA-Review 2017-037, 119 Pages, 2018/03
Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai Reprocessing Plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and bylaw of Ibaraki Prefecture), the effluent control of liquid waste discharged from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been performed. This report describes the effluent control results of the liquid waste in the fiscal year 2016. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other nuclear fuel material usage facilities were much lower than the limits authorized by the above regulations.
Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Kono, Takahiko; Nagaoka, Mika; Inoue, Kazumi; Yoshii, Hideki*; Otani, Kazunori*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; Sakauchi, Nobuyuki*; et al.
JAEA-Review 2017-001, 115 Pages, 2017/03
Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and bylaw of Ibaraki prefecture), the effluent control of liquid waste discharged from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been performed. This report describes the effluent control results of the liquid waste in the fiscal year 2015. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other nuclear fuel material usage facilities were much lower than the limits authorized by the above regulations.
Wakasugi, Keiichiro; Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Koo, Shigeru*; Nagao, Fumiya; Kato, Tomoko; Suzuki, Yuji*; Ebashi, Takeshi; Umeki, Hiroyuki*; Niibori, Yuichi*
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 16(1), p.15 - 33, 2017/03
This study provides a method of safety assessment for the geological disposal of HLW to evaluate the effects of uplift and erosion which are widespread phenomena identified on regional and global scales, and are more or less difficult to avoid in Japan. This method enables to deal with different uplift rate and erosion rate, and to evaluate repository depth, the time required for a repository to reach the weathered zone and surface of the ground, and the number of waste packages eroded as a function of time by using a landform evolution model. Based on trial analysis, the result shows that the maximum dose in the Base Case (uplift rate: 0.3 mm/y) is less than the targeted criterion suggested by the international organization even if the repository reaches the ground surface. Furthermore, the diversifying effect on timing the waste packages to reach to weathered zone due to heterogeneity on altitude of bottom of weathered zone reduces one order magnitude of result of the existed dose assessment. The new method is applicable to evaluate safety of geological disposal based on realistic phenomena of uplift and erosion and to quantify a safety margin and robustness of the disposal system.
Saito, Hiroshi; Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Kitamura, Akihiro
JAEA-Testing 2016-003, 68 Pages, 2016/12
JAEA has developed a simple and fast simulation program "SACT" (Soil and Cesium Transport) to predict a long-term distribution of Cs deposited on the land surface due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident. It calculates soil movement (erosion, transportation, deposition) and Cs migration, and predicts its future distribution with the assumption that it is adhered to soil. SACT uses USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) for potential soil loss and simple equations for soil transportation and deposition. The Cs amount is predicted by the amount of soil movement and Cs concentration ratio for each grain-size of soil. SACT is characterized by its simplicity which enables fast calculation for wide area for long-term duration using existing equations. Data for parameters are widely available and site-specific calculations are possible using data of the targeted area. This manual provides useful and necessary information to users and facilitates the use of SACT widely.
Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Kono, Takahiko; Inoue, Kazumi; Yoshii, Hideki*; Otani, Kazunori*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; Sakauchi, Nobuyuki*; et al.
JAEA-Review 2015-030, 115 Pages, 2015/12
Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and bylaw of Ibaraki prefecture), the effluent control of liquid waste discharged from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been performed. This report describes the effluent control results of the liquid waste in the fiscal year 2014. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other nuclear fuel material usage facilities were much lower than the limits authorized by the above regulations.
Yamada, Susumu; Kitamura, Akihiro; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Malins, A.; Machida, Masahiko
Environmental Research Letters, 10(1), p.014013_1 - 014013_9, 2015/01
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:59.51(Environmental Sciences)The Ogaki Dam Reservoir is one of the principal irrigation dam reservoirs in the Fukushima Prefecture and its upstream river basin was heavily contaminated by radioactivity from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. For the purpose of environmental assessment, it is important to determine the present condition of the water in the reservoir and to understand the behavior of sediment-sorbed radioactive cesium under different modes of operation of the dam. This paper addresses this issue with numerical simulations of fluvial processes in the reservoir using the 2D simulation code Nays2D. We present results for sediment deposition on the reservoir bed and the discharge via the dam under typical yearly flood conditions. The simulations show that almost all the sand and silt that enter into the reservoir deposit onto the reservoir bed. However, the locations where they tend to deposit differ, with sand tending to deposit close to the entrance of the reservoir, whereas silt deposits throughout the reservoir. Both sand and silt settle within a few hours of entering the reservoir. In contrast, clay remains suspended in the reservoir water for a period as long as several days, thus increasing the amount that is discharged downstream from the reservoir. Under the current operating mode of the dam, about three-quarters of clay that enters the reservoir during the flood is discharged downstream. By raising the height of the dam exit, the amount of clay exiting the reservoir can be reduced by a factor of three. The results indicate that the dam can be operated to buffer radioactive cesium and limit the contamination spreading into lowland areas of the Ukedo River basin. These results should be a factor in considerations for the future operation of the Ogaki Dam, and will be of interest for other operators of dam reservoirs in areas contaminated by radioactive fallout.
Kitamura, Akihiro; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Oda, Yoshihiro; Saito, Tatsuo; Kato, Tomoko; Niizato, Tadafumi; Iijima, Kazuki; Sato, Haruo; Yui, Mikazu; et al.
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 179(1), p.104 - 118, 2015/01
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:53.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)The prediction of the distribution and fate of radioactive materials eventually deposited at surface in the Fukushima area is one of the main objectives and expected to be achieved in an efficient manner. In order to make such prediction, a number of mathematical models of radioactive contaminants, with particular attention on cesium, on the land and in rivers, lakes, and estuaries in the Fukushima area are developed. Simulation results are examined with the field investigations simultaneously implemented. The basic studies of the adsorption/absorption mechanism of cesium and soils have been performed to shed light on estimating distribution coefficient between dissolved contaminant and particulate contaminant.
Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Kitamura, Akihiro; Oda, Yoshihiro; Onishi, Yasuo*
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 135, p.135 - 146, 2014/09
Times Cited Count:38 Percentile:70.86(Environmental Sciences)We applied a model, to predict long term cesium distribution on Fukushima area, based on the USLE and simple sediment discharge formulas. Sensitivity analysis was conducted here to narrow the range of the output results due to the uncertainties of parameters. The preliminary calculation indicated significant deposition of sand portion within river basins. On the other hand the most of the eroded silt and clay portions were transported downstream to the river mouths. Annual sediment outflow into the ocean from Abukuma River and its total from the other 13 river basins vary between calculation cases based on the variation of land use, landform or precipitation. On the other hand, contributions of those parameters are relatively small for Cs concentration within transported soil. This indicates the total amount of Cs outflow into the ocean could be controlled by amount of soil erosion and transport, and total amount of Cs remaining within the basin.
Kitamura, Akihiro; Imaizumi, Yoshitaka*; Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Yui, Mikazu; Suzuki, Noriyuki*; Hayashi, Seiji*
Kankyo Hoshano Josen Gakkai-Shi, 2(3), p.185 - 192, 2014/09
Annual discharge rates of radioactive cesium through selected rivers due to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident were simulated by two different watershed models. One is the Soil and Cesium Transport, SACT, model which was developed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency and the other one is the Grid-Catchment Integrated Modeling System, G-CIEMS, which was developed by National Institute of Environmental Studies. We choose the Abukuma, the Ukedo, and the Niida rivers for the present study. Comparative results showed that while components and assumptions adopted in two models differ, both methods predicted the same order of magnitude estimates.
Kitamura, Akihiro; Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Yui, Mikazu; Onishi, Yasuo*
Anthropocene, 5, p.22 - 31, 2014/03
Amount of soil and cesium losses in Eastern Fukushima Prefecture is evaluated by a simple and fast simulation model which we developed utilizing the universal soil loss equation and the geographical information system. We focused on the land use factor of the universal soil loss equation in this study. It was estimated that the forest occupies 64% of the total land surface of the study area, but only accounts for 24% of total soil runoff and 33% of total cesium dispersion. The most contributing component comes from the crop field, while the forest becomes the second. Also, calculation was performed for each river basins and results were compared with field monitoring data.
Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Maekawa, Keisuke; Takeuchi, Shinji*; Kitamura, Akihiro; Onishi, Yasuo*
Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu (CD-ROM), 20(2), p.53 - 69, 2013/12
We developed a simple novel and fast simulation model to predict a long-term distribution of Cs deposited on the land surface of Fukushima due to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident triggered by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami on 11 March 2011. The model utilizes the Geographical Information System (GIS) to integrate online open data provided by individual institutes, and simulate mechanisms of soil erosion, transport and sedimentation. A preliminary calculation shows the significant deposition of sediments in lakes and reservoirs and eroded silt and clay tend to be transported downstream to river mouths than eroded sand. These results were found to be qualitatively consistent with existing data.
Kitamura, Akihiro; Yamaguchi, Masaaki; Oda, Yoshihiro; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Onishi, Yasuo*
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 109(1), p.153 - 155, 2013/11
Long term Cs transport and its future distribution on the territory of Fukushima were predicted based on the USLE and the GIS. By modeling the soil erosion, transport, and deposition, we simulated the future distributions of air dose rates of Cs in mSv/h for 2, 6 and 21 years after the accident. The predictions made by METI were compared with the present results. The predictions of relatively high air dose rate areas were consistently matched between the two models over time. However, our model seemed to predict the decreasing rate of the Cs concentration with time to be slightly less than that of METI prediction. Some portions of the results obtained in the present study were used to provide influxes of sediments and Cs as boundary conditions and lateral inflows for the hydraulic river model.