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山本 孟*; 池田 理; 本田 孝志*; 木村 健太*; 青山 拓也*; 大串 研也*; 鈴木 昭夫*; 石井 賢司*; 松村 大樹; 辻 卓也; et al.
Physical Review Materials (Internet), 8(9), p.094402_1 - 094402_6, 2024/09
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:79.08(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We investigate the crystal and electronic structures as well as magnetic properties of ilmenite-type NiVO, which has attracted research interest as an = 1 honeycomb lattice magnet. Ilmenite-type NiVO samples were synthesized under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. Synchrotron x-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement results demonstrated that NiVO underwent a continuous structural phase transition from the triclinic () phase to the rhombohedral () phase at 450 K. This transition is concomitant with the decomposition of the V-V dimers formed by the tetravalent V ions. X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements confirmed that the Ni and V ions were divalent and tetravalent, respectively. Magnetic and specific heat measurements revealed that NiVO underwent an antiferromagnetic transition at 140 K, and a zigzag-type magnetic order with magnetic propagation vector =(0,1/2,0) was observed by neutron diffraction measurements.
市川 裕大; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐藤 進; 佐甲 博之; 田村 裕和; 谷田 聖; et al.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2024(9), p.091D01_1 - 091D01_13, 2024/09
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We conducted a measurement of the inclusive missing-mass spectrum in the C reaction at an incident beam momentum of 1.8 GeV/. This measurement was carried out utilizing the Superconducting Kaon Spectrometer (SKS) and the K1.8 beamline spectrometer at the Hadron Experimental Hall in J-PARC. Remarkably, our experimental setup yielded an exceptionaly good energy resolution of 8.2 MeV (FWHM), enabling us to observe significant enhancements in the vicinity of the Be threshold region. In order to estimate the spectrum information, we employed several fitting parameters assumptions. The best agreement with the spectrum shape was obtained with combining quasi-free (QF) component and two-Gaussian functions, with the experimental resolution being held constant. The peak positions were obtained to be (stat.) (syst.) MeV and (stat.) (syst.) MeV. Another model assumption, utilizing quasi-free (QF) and one Breit-Wigner function with (stat.) (syst.) MeV and (stat.) (syst.) MeV, also yielded a similar value.
奥平 琢也*; 谷 結以花*; 遠藤 駿典; Doskow, J.*; 藤岡 宏之*; 広田 克也*; 亀田 健斗*; 木村 敦; 北口 雅暁*; Luxnat, M.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 107(5), p.054602_1 - 054602_7, 2023/05
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:79.43(Physics, Nuclear)波共鳴と波共鳴の混合に起因するParity violationの増幅が観測されているXe+nにおける3.2eV共鳴からのガンマ線の中性子エネルギーに依存する角度分布を測定した。波共鳴からのガンマ線の遷移を同定し、1807keVの終状態に遷移する7132keVガンマ線の角度分布を評価した。この角度分布は波共鳴と波共鳴の干渉による結果と考えられており、複合核におけるParity violationの増幅メカニズムの理解に役立つ。
遠藤 駿典; 奥平 琢也*; 安部 亮太*; 藤岡 宏之*; 広田 克也*; 木村 敦; 北口 雅暁*; 奥 隆之; 酒井 健二; 嶋 達志*; et al.
Physical Review C, 106(6), p.064601_1 - 064601_7, 2022/12
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:68.39(Physics, Nuclear)熱外中性子入射により形成される複合核において観測された、空間反転対称性の破れの大きな増幅は、今のところ複合核状態の入射チャネルにおけるパリティの異なる部分波の混合の結果として説明されている。さらに時間反転対称性の破れも同様のメカニズムで増幅されることが示唆されている。この入射チャネルにおける混合は、複合核共鳴から放出される個々のガンマ線のエネルギー依存なスピン-角相関を引き起こす。本研究ではJ-PARC・MLF・ANNRIにて偏極熱外中性子ビームを用い、Sn()Sn反応におけるガンマ線強度分布が、中性子の偏極方向に依存することを確認した。
藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; Kim, S.; 七村 拓野; 佐甲 博之; 田村 裕和; 山本 剛史; et al.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2022(12), p.123D01_1 - 123D01_17, 2022/12
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:18.56(Physics, Multidisciplinary)atomic X-ray spectroscopy is one of the most useful methods for investigation of the -nucleus strong interaction. Since the X-ray energy is shifted and/or broadened due to the -nucleus strong interaction compared to those calculated from electromagnetic interaction alone, the measurement of the energy shift, E, and the width, , give us information on the -nucleus potential. A serious problem in the measurement is the significant background derived from in-flight decay. A novel method of identifying stopped events using the nuclear emulsion was developed to realize the first atomic X-ray spectroscopy experiment as the J-PARC E07 experiment, which also aimed at searching for and hypernuclei in the emulsion. The X-rays emitted from Br and Ag atoms were measured using germanium detectors. No clear peaks were observed in the obtained spectra. However, we succeeded in reducing the background to 1/170 by this method employing coincidence measurements using nuclear emulsion and X-ray detectors.
後神 利志*; 江端 健悟; 藤田 真奈美; 原田 健志; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; Kim, S.; 七村 拓野; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.11002_1 - 11002_7, 2022/11
In the K1.8 beam-line at Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC, a new magnetic spectrometer S-2S is being installed. S-2S was designed to achieve a high momentum resolution of in FWHM. Several strangeness-physics programs which require the high resolution will be realized by S-2S. The present article introduces J-PARC E70 (missing-mass spectroscopy of Be) and E94 (missing-mass spectroscopy of Li, B, and C) experiments.
七村 拓野; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 成木 恵; 佐藤 進; 佐甲 博之; 田村 裕和; et al.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2022(9), p.093D01_1 - 093D01_35, 2022/09
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:84.20(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We performed a novel scattering experiment at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. Approximately 2400 elastic scattering events were identified from tagged particles in the momentum range 0.44 - 0.80 GeV/c. The differential cross sections of the elastic scattering were derived with much better precision than in previous experiments. The obtained differential cross sections were approximately 2 mb/sr or less, which were not as large as those predicted by the fss2 and FSS models based on the quark cluster model in the short-range region. By performing phase-shift analyses for the obtained differential cross sections, we experimentally derived the phase shifts of the and channels for the first time. The phase shift of the 3S1 channel, where a large repulsive core was predicted owing to the Pauli effect between quarks, was evaluated to be . If the sign of is assumed to be negative, the interaction in this channel is moderately repulsive, as the Nijmegen extended-sort-core models predicted.
古賀 淳*; 高田 秀佐*; 遠藤 駿典; 藤岡 宏之*; 広田 克也*; 石崎 貢平*; 木村 敦; 北口 雅暁*; 新實 裕大*; 奥平 琢也*; et al.
Physical Review C, 105(5), p.054615_1 - 054615_5, 2022/05
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:74.34(Physics, Nuclear)J-PACR MLFのパルス中性子源及びBL04 ANNRIに設置されたゲルマニウム検出器を用いて、Sn(n,)反応により生じるガンマ線の中性子エネルギー依存する角度分布を測定した。Snの複合核状態からSnの基底状態への遷移で発生する9327keVのガンマ線に関して、角度によって1.33eVの波共鳴の形状が変わることが明らかに確認できた。この共鳴の低エネルギー側の積分値と高エネルギー側の積分値をそれぞれで表したとき、非対称性はcosという角度依存をし、それぞれのパラメータ値が、であることがわかった。
三輪 浩司*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大*; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; 田村 裕和; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 128(7), p.072501_1 - 072501_6, 2022/02
The differential cross sections of the reaction were measured accurately for the momentum ranging from 470 to 650 MeV/ at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. Precise angular information about the reaction was obtained for the first time by detecting approximately 100 reaction events at each angular step of . The obtained differential cross sections show slightly forward-peaking structure in the measured momentum regions. The cross sections integrated for were obtained as mb and mb for (MeV/c) and (MeV/c), respectively. These results show a drastic improvement compared to past measurements of the hyperon-proton scattering experiments. They will play essential roles in updating the theoretical models of the baryon-baryon interactions.
三輪 浩司*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; et al.
Physical Review C, 104(4), p.045204_1 - 045204_20, 2021/10
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:91.96(Physics, Nuclear)A high statistics scattering experiment is performed at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. Momentum-tagged s running in a liquid hydrogen target are accumulated by detecting the reaction with a high intensity beam of 20 M/spill. The differential cross sections of the elastic scattering were derived with a drastically improved accuracy by identifying approximately 4,500 events from 1.72 10 . The derived differential cross section shows a clear forward-peaking angular distribution for a momentum range from 470 to 850 MeV/. The accurate data will impose a strong constraint on the theoretical models of the baryon-baryon interactions.
奥平 琢也*; 遠藤 駿典; 藤岡 宏之*; 広田 克也*; 石崎 貢平*; 木村 敦; 北口 雅暁*; 古賀 淳*; 新實 裕大*; 酒井 健二; et al.
Physical Review C, 104(1), p.014601_1 - 014601_6, 2021/07
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:63.08(Physics, Nuclear)Neutron energy-dependent angular distributions were observed for individual rays from the 0.74 eV -wave resonance of La+ to several lower excited states of La. The -ray signals were analyzed in a two dimensional histogram of the -ray energy, measured with distributed germanium detectors, and neutron energy, determined with the time-of-flight of pulsed neutrons, to identify the neutron energy dependence of the angular distribution for each individual rays. The angular distribution was also found for a photopeak accompanied with a faint -wave resonance component in the neutron energy spectrum. Our results can be interpreted as interference between - and -wave amplitudes which may be used to study discrete symmetries of fundamental interactions.
吉本 雅浩*; 藤田 真奈美; 橋本 直; 早川 修平; 市川 裕大; 市川 真也; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2021(7), p.073D02_1 - 073D02_19, 2021/07
被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:79.45(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Bound-systems of - are studied via capture at rest followed by emission of a twin single- hypernucleus in the emulsion detectors. Two events forming extremely deep bound states were obtained by analysis of a hybrid method in the E07 experiment at J-PARC and reanalysis of the E373 experiment at KEK-PS. The decay mode of one event was assigned as +++. Since there are no excited states for daughter particles, the binding energy of the hyperon, , in nucleus was uniquely determined to be 6.27 0.27 MeV. Another - system via the decay + + brings a value, 8.00 0.77 MeV or 4.96 0.77 MeV, where the two possible values of correspond to the ground and the excited states of the daughter nucleus, respectively. Because the values are larger than those of the previously reported events (KISO and IBUKI), which are both interpreted as the nuclear state of the - system, these new events give the first indication of the nuclear state of the hypernucleus, .
赤澤 雄也*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011134_1 - 011134_6, 2021/03
We are performing a scattering experiment between a hyperon and a proton (J-PARC E40) at the K1.8 beamline in the J-PARC Hadron Hall. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the interaction by measuring the differential cross sections of the , elastic scatterings and inelastic scattering. The experimental data gives a strong constraint on the theoretical models of the interaction. The identification of scattering event with a high statistics is important by overcoming the difficulties in the hyperon proton scattering experiment. We have introduced a new identification method of the scattering event, which does not need to detect particles directly. We used a new detector system called CATCH and two spectrometer systems installed at the upstream and the downstream of a liquid hydrogen target. A high intensity beam of 20 M/spill was used to produce particle. The momenta of beam and scattered were measured by the spectrometers to reconstruct the momentum of a beam produced via the reactions. The scattering angle and the kinetic energy of recoil protons from the scattering were measured by CATCH for the identification of the scattering events by checking the kinematic consistency. A part of the experiment was performed in 2018 and 2019 in J-PARC. As a result of analyzing the collected data, the production and the scattering reaction have been identified. It means that our new measurement and analysis method are successfully working well. Analysis for deriving the differential cross section of the scattering is on going.
吉田 純也; 赤石 貴也; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 橋本 直; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; Kim, S.; et al.
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011112_1 - 011112_8, 2021/03
J-PARC E07 is the most ambitious and complex emulsion experiment to date investigating double hypernuclei with Hybrid emulsion method. The physics run at the K1.8 beam line in the J-PARC hadron experimental facility have been completed in 2017. The emulsion sheets are presently being analyzed with dedicated optical microscopes. Current statistics are estimated to be more 3 times than that of previous experiments. Quantitative data on the and interaction are being accumulated successfully via analysis of double and hypernuclei. Multiple hypernucleus candidates suggests several features about hypernucleus that the identification efficiency of C is significantly higher than other mode, many daughters of C are identified as He or Be, and multiple bound states of exist in the N nucleus. An analysis of X-ray spectroscopy of hyperatoms are ongoing.
酒井 健二; 奥 隆之; 奥平 琢也; 甲斐 哲也; 原田 正英; 廣井 孝介; 林田 洋寿*; 加倉井 和久*; 清水 裕彦*; 広田 克也*; et al.
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011116_1 - 011116_6, 2021/03
坂尾 珠和*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011133_1 - 011133_6, 2021/03
The reaction is an important elementary process to produce from a proton target and is a key for a scattering experiment where the momentum of should be tagged from the missing momentum of the reaction. However, the spectroscopy method has not been established yet due to the difficulty of the detection. Therefore, we have proposed a new detection method where and from the decay are measured by a forward magnetic spectrometer and a detector cluster surrounding the target, respectively. The feasibility of the detection method was confirmed by analyzing the J-PARC E40 data taken with such a detector system. In the analysis, 's were successfully identified in the missing mass spectrum of the reaction.
早川 修平; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 橋本 直; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 126(6), p.062501_1 - 062501_6, 2021/02
被引用回数:41 パーセンタイル:94.31(Physics, Multidisciplinary)In an emulsion-counter hybrid experiment performed at J-PARC, a absorption event was observed which decayed into twin single- hypernuclei. Kinematic calculations enabled a unique identification of the reaction process as NBe + He. For the binding energy of the hyperon in the -N system a value of MeV was deduced. The energy level of is likely a nuclear state which indicates a weak - coupling.
三輪 浩司*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1643, p.012174_1 - 012174_6, 2020/12
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:80.14(Astronomy & Astrophysics)A high statistics scattering experiment has been performed at the K1.8 beamline in the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. Data for momentum-tagged beam running in a liquid hydrogen target were accumulated by detecting the reaction with a high intensity beam of 20 M/spill. The number of the beam was about in total. The elastic scattering and the inelastic scattering events were successfully observed with about 100 times larger statistics than that in past experiments.
後神 利志*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 今井 憲一*; 市川 裕大; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1643, p.012133_1 - 012133_6, 2020/12
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:80.14(Astronomy & Astrophysics)We performed hypernuclear spectroscopy with the reaction at J-PARC to investigate the interaction (J-PARC E05). A new experiment (J-PARC E70) in which a better energy resolution could be achieved is now being prepared. In this article, an analysis status of J-PARC E05 and a preparation status of J-PARC E70 are described.
奥平 琢也; 奥 隆之; 猪野 隆*; 林田 洋寿*; 吉良 弘*; 酒井 健二; 廣井 孝介; 高橋 慎吾*; 相澤 一也; 遠藤 仁*; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 977, p.164301_1 - 164301_8, 2020/10
被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:88.97(Instruments & Instrumentation)We are developing a neutron polarizer with polarized He gas, referred to as a He spin filter, based on the Spin Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP) for polarized neutron scattering experiments at Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). A He gas-filling station was constructed at J-PARC, and several He cells with long spin relaxation times have been fabricated using the gas-filling station. A laboratory has been prepared in the MLF beam hall for polarizing He cells, and compact pumping systems with laser powers of 30 W and 110 W, which can be installed onto a neutron beamline, have been developed. A He polarization of 85% was achieved at a neutron beamline by using the pumping system with the 110 W laser. Recently, the first user experiment utilizing the He spin filter was conducted, and there have been several more since then. The development and utilization of He spin filters at MLF of J-PARC are reported.