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Brumm, S.*; Gabrielli, F.*; Sanchez Espinoza, V.*; Stakhanova, A.*; Groudev, P.*; Petrova, P.*; Vryashkova, P.*; Ou, P.*; Zhang, W.*; Malkhasyan, A.*; et al.
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 211, p.110962_1 - 110962_16, 2025/02
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)The completed Horizon-2020 project on "Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA)" has reviewed uncertainty sources and Uncertainty Quantification methodology for the purpose of assessing Severe Accidents (SA). The key motivation of the project has been to bring the advantages of the Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty approach to the field of Severe Accident. The applications brought together a large group of participants that set out to apply uncertainty analysis (UA) within their field of SA modelling expertise, in particular reactor types, but also SA code used (ASTEC, MELCOR, etc.), uncertainty quantification tools used (DAKOTA, RAVEN, etc.), detailed accident scenarios, and in some cases SAM actions. This paper synthesizes the reactor-application work at the end of the project. Analyses of 23 partners are sorted into different categories, depending on whether their main goal is/are (i) uncertainty bands of simulation results; (ii) the understanding of dominating uncertainties in specific sub-models of the SA code; (iii) improving the understanding of specific accident scenarios, with or without the application of SAM actions; or, (iv) a demonstration of the tools used and developed, and of the capability to carry out an uncertainty analysis in the presence of the challenges faced. The partners' experiences made during the project have been evaluated and are presented as good practice recommendations. The paper ends with conclusions on the level of readiness of UA in SA modelling, on the determination of governing uncertainties, and on the analysis of SAM actions.
Baccou, J.*; Glantz, T.*; Ghione, A.*; Sargentini, L.*; Fillion, P.*; Damblin, G.*; Sueur, R.*; Iooss, B.*; Fang, J.*; Liu, J.*; et al.
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 421, p.113035_1 - 113035_16, 2024/05
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:96.65(Nuclear Science & Technology)In the Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) framework, the use of best-estimate code requires to go through a Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification process (VVUQ). The relevance of the experimental data in relation to the physical phenomena of interest in the VVUQ process is crucial. Adequacy analysis of selected experimental databases addresses this problem. The outcomes of the analysis can be used to select a subset of relevant experimental data, to encourage designing new experiments or to drop some experiments from a database because of their substantial lack of adequacy. The development of a specific transparent and reproducible approach to analyze the relevance of experimental data for VVUQ still remains open and is the topic of this contribution. In this paper, the concept of adequacy initially introduced in the OECD/NEA SAPIUM (Systematic APproach for model Input Uncertainty quantification Methodology) activity is formalized. It is defined through two key properties, called representativeness and completeness, that allows considering the multifactorial dimension of the adequacy problem. A new systematic approach is then proposed to analyze the adequacy of a set of experimental databases. It relies on the introduction of two sets of criteria to characterize representativeness and completeness and on the use of multi-criteria decision analysis method to perform the analysis. Finally, the approach is applied in the framework of the new OECD/NEA ATRIUM activity which includes a set of practical IUQ exercises in thermal-hydraulics to test the SAPIUM guideline in determining input uncertainties and forward propagating them on an application case. It allows evaluating the adequacy of eight experimental databases coming from the Super Moby-dick, Sozzi-Sutherland and Marviken experiments and identifying the most adequate ones.
Li, J.*; Li, X.*; Zhang, Y.*; Zhu, J.*; Zhao, E.*; 古府 麻衣子; 中島 健次; Avdeev, M.*; Liu, P.-F.*; Sui, J.*; et al.
Applied Physics Reviews (Internet), 11(1), p.011406_1 - 011406_8, 2024/03
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:97.43(Physics, Applied)The desire for intrinsically low lattice thermal conductivity () in thermoelectrics motivates numerous efforts on understanding the microscopic mechanisms of heat transport in solids. Here, based on theoretical calculations, we demonstrate that -MgAgSb hosts low-energy localized phonon bands and avoided crossing of the rattler modes, which coincides with the inelastic neutron scattering result. Using the two-channel lattice dynamical approach, we find, besides the conventional contribution (70% at 300 K) from particlelike phonons propagating, the coherence contribution dominated by the wavelike tunneling of phonons accounts for 30% of total at 300 K. By considering dual contributions, our calculated room-temperature of 0.64 WmK well agrees with the experimental value of 0.63 WmK. More importantly, our computations give a nonstandard dependence, perfectly explaining the abnormal temperature-trend of in experiment for -MgAgSb. By molecular dynamics simulation, we reveal that the structure simultaneously has soft crystalline sublattices with the metavalent bonding and fluctuating liquid-like sublattices with thermally induced large amplitude vibrations. These diverse forms of chemical bonding arouse mixed part-crystal part-liquid state, scatter strongly heat-carrying phonons, and finally produce extremely low . The fundamental research from this study will accelerate the design of ultralow- materials for energy-conversion applications.
Li, X.*; Zhu, R.*; Xin, J.*; Luo, M.*; Shang, S.-L.*; Liu, Z.-K.*; Yin, C.*; 舟越 賢一*; Dippenaar, R. J.*; 肥後 祐司*; et al.
CALPHAD; Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 84, p.102641_1 - 102641_6, 2024/03
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Thermodynamics)The phase transformations and pressure-volume dependencies of the Ti-45Al alloy with respect to pressure have been investigated by means of in-situ observation using multi anvil-type high-pressure devices and synchrotron radiation. Under hydrostatic compression from 0 to 10.1 GPa, about 2.3 vol. % of transforms continuously to 2. Lattice parameters as well as volume fractions of these two phases have been determined as a function of pressure. Bulk moduli estimated using Birch-Murnaghan's equation of state are 148 GPa for the phase, 138 GPa for the 2 phase, and 149 GPa for their two-phase mixture of Ti-45Al alloy. First-principles have also applied to investigate bulk moduli of two single phases, and the deviation between calculations and measurements is discussed and attributed to mainly phase transformation. The presently study provides useful insights into thermodynamics of 2 and phases under high pressure.
Zhou, Y.*; Song, W.*; Zhang, F.*; Wu, Y.*; Lei, Z.*; Jiao, M.*; Zhang, X.*; Dong, J.*; Zhang, Y.*; Yang, M.*; et al.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 971, p.172635_1 - 172635_7, 2024/01
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:18.99(Chemistry, Physical)The grain orientation-dependent lattice strain evolution of a (TiZrHfNb) refractory high-entropy alloy (HEA) during tensile loading has been investigated using neutron diffraction. The equivalent strain-hardening rate of each of the primary -oriented grain families was found to be relatively low, manifesting the macroscopically weak work-hardening ability of such a body-centered cubic (BCC)-structured HEA. This finding is indicative of a dislocation planar slip mode that is confined in a few single-slip planes and leads to in-plane softening by high pile-up stresses.
Lloveras, P.*; Zhang, Z.*; Zeng, M.*; Barrio, M.*; 川北 至信; Yu, D.*; Lin, S.*; Li, K.*; Moya, X.*; Tamarit, J.-L.*; et al.
Barocaloric Effects in the Solid State; Materials and methods, p.7_1 - 7_30, 2023/10
被引用回数:232 パーセンタイル:99.37(Multidisciplinary Sciences)「固体状態における圧力熱量効果」と題する電子ブックの第一章として、様々な柔粘性結晶が紹介されている。柔粘性結晶における圧力熱量反応を決定する方法、その熱力学的な起源、中性子準弾性散乱からの分光学的洞察、柔粘性結晶の応用などが解説されている。
Jiang, X.*; 服部 高典; Xu, X.*; Li, M.*; Yu, C.*; Yu, D.*; Mole, R.*; 矢野 真一郎*; Chen, J.*; He, L.*; et al.
Materials Horizons, 10(3), p.977 - 982, 2023/03
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:93.10(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)現在の蒸気圧縮式冷凍機に代わる環境に優しい冷凍機として、バロカロリック効果に基づく固体冷凍機が世界的に注目されている。一般に、バロカロリック効果が発現する相はいずれも常圧でも存在する。ここでは、それらの物質と違って、KPFが高圧の菱面体晶相を生成することにより、巨大なバロカロリック効果を示すことを実証した。相図は、圧力依存の熱量測定、ラマン散乱測定、中性子回折測定に基づいて構築されたものである。本研究は、巨大バロカロリー効果に、高圧相の生成という新たな手法をもたらすと期待される。
Zhang, M. M.*; Tian, Y. L.*; Wang, Y. S.*; Zhang, Z. Y.*; Gan, Z. G.*; Yang, H. B.*; Huang, M. H.*; Ma, L.*; Yang, C. L.*; Wang, J. G.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 106(2), p.024305_1 - 024305_6, 2022/08
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:50.12(Physics, Nuclear)The extremely neutron-deficient even-even uranium isotopes U were produced in the complete-fusion reactions induced by impinging Ar and Ca ions on W targets. Fusion evaporation residues were separated in flight by the gas-filled recoil separator SHANS (Spectrometer for Heavy Atoms and Nuclear Structure) and subsequently identified using the recoil--correlation method. In this paper, we report on new -decay activities with keV for U and keV for U, which decay from the 8 isomeric states of U into the 2 states of their daughter nuclei Th, respectively. The new results extend the systematics of the -decay fine structure for the = 124 and 126 even-even isotones.
Walter, H.*; Colonna, M.*; Cozma, D.*; Danielewicz, P.*; Ko, C. M.*; Kumar, R.*; 小野 章*; Tsang, M. Y. B*; Xu, J.*; Zhang, Y.-X.*; et al.
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 125, p.103962_1 - 103962_90, 2022/07
被引用回数:76 パーセンタイル:96.00(Physics, Nuclear)原子核-原子核衝突や原子核の状態方程式の研究において、反応計算モデルは重要なツールとなり、世界中で開発が進んでいる。本論文は、原子力機構のJQMD-2.0を含め、現在開発中の複数のコード開発者の協力により、これらコードを同じ条件で比較することで共通点や差異を明らかにしたプロジェクトTransport Model Evaluation Project (TMEP)を総括したものである。参加したコードはBoltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck(BUU)法に基づく13のコードと、Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD)法に基づく12のコードであった。プロジェクトでは、Au原子核同士を衝突させてその終状態を観測する現実的な計算や、一辺が640nmの箱に核子を詰めて時間発展させる仮想的な計算を行った。その結果、BUU法コードとQMD法コードは計算原理が異なるため、計算の設定に関係なく系統的な差異が生じることが明らかになった。その一方で、同じ方法を採用するコード間の比較では、時間発展を細かく計算することでコード間の差は埋まっていき、一定の収束値を持つことが示された。この結果は今後開発される同分野のコードのベンチマークデータとして有用なものであるだけでなく、原子核基礎物理学の実験や理論研究の標準的な指針としても役に立つことが期待される。
Brumm, S.*; Gabrielli, F.*; Sanchez-Espinoza, V.*; Groudev, P.*; Ou, P.*; Zhang, W.*; Malkhasyan, A.*; Bocanegra, R.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Berda, M.*; et al.
Proceedings of 10th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR 2022) (Internet), 13 Pages, 2022/05
The current HORIZON-2020 project on "Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA)" aims at applying Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) in the modeling of Severe Accidents (SA), particularly in predicting the radiological source term of mitigated and unmitigated accident scenarios. Within its application part, the project is devoted to the uncertainty quantification of different severe accident codes when predicting the radiological source term of selected severe accident sequences of different nuclear power plant designs, e.g. PWR, VVER, and BWR. Key steps for this investigation are, (a) the selection of severe accident sequences for each reactor design, (b) the development of a reference input model for the specific design and SA-code, (c) the selection of a list of uncertain model parameters to be investigated, (d) the choice of an UQ-tool e.g. DAKOTA, SUSA, URANIE, etc., (e) the definition of the figures of merit for the UA-analysis, (f) the performance of the simulations with the SA-codes, and, (g) the statistical evaluation of the results using the capabilities, i.e. methods and tools offered by the UQ-tools. This paper describes the project status of the UQ of different SA codes for the selected SA sequences, and the technical challenges and lessons learnt from the preparatory and exploratory investigations performed.
Zhang, X. X.*; Lutz, A.*; Andr, H.*; Lahres, M.*; Gong, W.; Harjo, S.; Emmelmann, C.*
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 898, p.162890_1 - 162890_8, 2022/03
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:62.69(Chemistry, Physical)The ductility of the Al alloys produced by additive manufacturing (AM) has become a critical property, as the AM Al alloys are increasingly used in the automotive industry. However, the ductility of as-built AM Al alloys is relatively low, even with optimized AM conditions. The post-annealing treatment provides an efficient way to improve ductility. Previous investigation has shown that the annealed AM AlSi3.5Mg2.5 alloy possesses superior ductility. However, the plastic deformation micro-mechanisms of the annealed AM AlSi3.5Mg2.5 alloy remain unclear. In this study, in-situ neutron diffraction was employed to explore the annealed AM AlSi3.5Mg2.5 alloy. The evolutions of phase stresses, dislocation density, and crystallite size in the annealed AM AlSi3.5Mg2.5 alloy during tensile deformation were analyzed. The experimental investigation reveals that the dislocation density in the Al matrix of the annealed AM AlSi3.5Mg2.5 alloy increases slowly in the early plastic deformation stage, and it reaches a saturated level upon the following uniform deformation. The crystallite size decreases quickly in the early deformation stage, and then it decreases slowly. The Kocks-Mecking model and the Voce model can capture the strain hardening behavior well. The determined physical constitutive equations can be applied in continuum mechanical computer simulations.
Wang, X.*; Tang, X.*; Zhang, P.*; Wang, Y.*; Gao, D.*; Liu, J.*; Hui, K.*; Wang, Y.*; Dong, X.*; 服部 高典; et al.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 12(50), p.12055 - 12061, 2021/12
被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:62.66(Chemistry, Physical)置換ポリアセチレンは、ポリアセチレン骨格の化学的安定性,物性,付加機能の向上が期待されるが、その多様性は非常に限られている。今回我々は、固体のアセチレンジカルボン酸に外圧を加えることにより、従来の方法では合成が非常に困難であったトランス-ポリアセチレン骨格上のすべての炭素がカルボキシル基に結合した結晶性のポリ-ジカルボキシルアセチレンができることを報告する。重合は、水素結合を利用したトポケミカル反応であった。このユニークな構造は、カルボニル基の極めて高い含有量とポリアセチレン骨格の高い導電性を組み合わせたもので、リチウムイオン電池(LIB)負極として高い比容量と優れたサイクル/レート性能を示す。我々は、完全に機能化された結晶性ポリアセチレンを紹介し、高分子LIB材料や活性基を多く含む高分子材料合成のために圧力重合が有力な方法であることを提案する。
Zhang, J.*; Chen, M.*; Chen, J.*; 山本 慧; Wang, H.*; Hamdi, M.*; Sun, Y.*; Wagner, K.*; He, W.*; Zhang, Y.*; et al.
Nature Communications (Internet), 12, p.7258_1 - 7258_8, 2021/12
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:79.92(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Magnons can transfer information in metals and insulators without Joule heating, and therefore are promising for low-power computation. The on-chip magnonics however suffers from high losses due to limited magnon decay length. In metallic thin films, it is typically on the tens of micrometre length scale. Here, we demonstrate an ultra-long magnon decay length of up to one millimetre in multiferroic/ferromagnetic BiFeO(BFO)/LaSrMnO (LSMO) heterostructures at room temperature. This decay length is attributed to a magnon-phonon hybridization and is more than two orders of magnitude longer than that of bare metallic LSMO. The long-distance modes have high group velocities of 2.5 km as detected by time-resolved Brillouin light scattering. Numerical simulations suggest that magnetoelastic coupling via the BFO/LSMO interface hybridizes phonons in BFO with magnons in LSMO. Our results provide a solution to the long-standing issue on magnon decay lengths in metallic magnets and advance the bourgeoning field of hybrid magnonics.
大柳 洸一*; Gomez-Perez, J. M.*; Zhang, X.-P.*; 吉川 貴史*; Chen, Y.*; Sagasta, E.*; Chuvilin, A.*; Hueso, L. E.*; Golovach, V. N.*; Sebastian Bergeret, F.*; et al.
Physical Review B, 104(13), p.134428_1 - 134428_14, 2021/10
被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:77.05(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We report the observation of the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) in a paramagnetic insulator. By measuring the transverse resistance in a Pt/GdGaO (GGG) system at low temperatures, paramagnetic SMR is found to appear with an intensity that increases with the magnetic field aligning GGG's spins. The observed effect is well supported by a microscopic SMR theory, which provides the parameters governing the spin transport at the interface. Our findings clarify the mechanism of spin exchange at a Pt/GGG interface, and demonstrate tunable spin-transfer torque through the field-induced magnetization of GGG. In this regard, paramagnetic insulators offer a key property for future spintronic devices.
Zhang, X. X.*; Knoop, D.*; Andr, H.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Lutz, A.*; Lahres, M.*
International Journal of Plasticity, 140, p.102972_1 - 102972_20, 2021/05
被引用回数:39 パーセンタイル:94.97(Engineering, Mechanical)To better understand and predict the mechanical properties of additive manufacturing (AM) Al-Si-Mg alloys, developing a physically-based constitutive model is crucial. Among different models, the dislocation-density-based Kocks-Mecking (K-M) constitutive model has been widely used. In-situ neutron diffraction, a powerful method to measure the phase stress and dislocation density in bulk polycrystalline materials under loading, is employed to investigate the AM AlSi3.5Mg1.5 and AlSi3.5Mg2.5 (wt.%) alloys. Based on the present measured and previous experimental data, a multiscale constitutive model is developed for different AM Al-Si-Mg alloys.
Hao, Y. Q.*; Wo, H. L.*; Gu, Y. M.*; Zhang, X. W.*; Gu, Y. Q.*; Zheng, S. Y.*; Zhao, Y.*; Xu, G. Y.*; Lynn, J. W.*; 中島 健次; et al.
Science China; Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 64(3), p.237411_1 - 237411_6, 2021/03
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:70.28(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We report thermodynamic and neutron diffraction measurements on the magnetic ordering properties of the honeycomb lattice magnet YbCl. We find YbCl exhibits a Nel type long-range magnetic order at the wavevector (0, 0, 0) below T = 600 mK. This magnetic order is associated with a small sharp peak in heat capacity and most magnetic entropy release occurs above the magnetic ordering temperature. The magnetic moment lies in-plane, parallel to the monoclinic a-axis, whose magnitude m = 0.86(3) is considerably smaller than the expected fully ordered moment of 2.24 for the doublet crystal-field ground state. The magnetic ordering moment gradually increases with increasing magnetic field perpendicular to the ab-plane, reaching a maximum value of 1.6(2) at 4 T, before it is completely suppressed above 9 T. These results indicate the presence of strong quantum fluctuations in YbCl.
He, H.*; Naeem, M.*; Zhang, F.*; Zhao, Y.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Wang, B.*; Wu, X.*; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; et al.
Nano Letters, 21(3), p.1419 - 1426, 2021/02
被引用回数:62 パーセンタイル:96.39(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)In CrCoNi, a so-called medium-entropy alloy, an fcc-to-hcp phase transformation has long been anticipated. Here, we report an in situ loading study with neutron diffraction, which revealed a bulk fcc-to-hcp phase transformation in CrCoNi at 15 K under tensile loading. By correlating deformation characteristics of the fcc phase with the development of the hcp phase, it is shown that the nucleation of the hcp phase was triggered by intrinsic stacking faults. The confirmation of a bulk phase transformation adds to the myriads of deformation mechanisms available in CrCoNi, which together underpin the unusually large ductility at low temperatures.
Zhang, X. X.*; Andr, H.*; Harjo, S.; Gong, W.*; 川崎 卓郎; Lutz, A.*; Lahres, M.*
Materials & Design, 198, p.109339_1 - 109339_9, 2021/01
被引用回数:52 パーセンタイル:94.04(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Here, in-situ neutron diffraction is employed to explore the residual strains, stresses, and dislocation density in the LPBF AlSi10Mg during loading-unloading-reloading deformation. It is found that the maximum residual stresses of the Al and Si phases in the loading direction reach up to about -115 (compressive) and 832 (tensile) MPa, respectively. A notable dislocation annihilation phenomenon is observed in the Al matrix: the dislocation density decreases significantly during unloading stages, and the amplitude of this reduction increases after experiencing a larger plastic deformation. At the macroscale, this dislocation annihilation phenomenon is associated with the reverse strain after unloading. At the microscale, the annihilation phenomenon is driven by the compressive residual stress in the Al matrix. Meanwhile, the annihilation of screw dislocations during unloading stages contributes to the reduction in total dislocation density.
Zhang, D.*; Hu, X.*; Chen, T.*; Abernathy, D. L.*; 梶本 亮一; 中村 充孝; 古府 麻衣子; Foley, B. J.*; Yoon, M.*; Choi, J. J.*; et al.
Physical Review B, 102(22), p.224310_1 - 224310_10, 2020/12
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:32.86(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The long carrier lifetime and defect tolerance in metal halide perovskites (MHPs) are major contributors to the superb performance of MHP optoelectronic devices. Large polarons were reported to be responsible for the long carrier lifetime. Yet microscopic mechanisms of the large polaron formation, including the so-called phonon melting, are still under debate. Here, time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering experiments and first-principles density-functional theory calculations were employed to investigate the lattice vibrations (or phonon dynamics) in methylammonium lead iodide, a prototypical example of MHPs. Our findings are that optical phonons lose temporal coherence gradually with increasing temperature which vanishes at the orthorhombic-to-tetragonal structural phase transition. Surprisingly, however, we found that the spatial coherence is still retained throughout the decoherence process. We argue that the temporally decoherent and spatially coherent vibrations contribute to the formation of large polarons in this metal halide perovskite.
Naeem, M.*; He, H.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Zhang, F.*; Wang, B.*; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Lu, Z.*; et al.
Scripta Materialia, 188, p.21 - 25, 2020/11
被引用回数:78 パーセンタイル:98.11(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)The deformation behavior of CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy was investigated by in situ neutron diffraction at an ultralow temperature of 15 K. Analysis of the diffraction peak widths showed an extremely high dislocation density at 15 K, reaching 10 m. In addition, the dislocation density was found to closely follow the development of texture caused by deformation. In contrast to deformation by dislocation slip at room temperature, the ultralow-temperature deformation also involved stacking faults, twinning and serrations. The deformation pathway at ultralow temperature is outlined which is responsible for the extraordinary strength-ductility combination.