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熊谷 友多; 木村 敦; 田口 光正
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佐藤 達彦; 永松 愛子*; 武田 和雄*; 仁井田 浩二*; Puchalska, M.*; Sihver, L.*
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宇宙飛行士の宇宙線被ばく線量評価は、長期滞在型ミッションを計画する上で極めて重要となる。そこで、原子力機構では、宇宙開発機構(JAXA)との共同研究の一環として、国際宇宙ステーションきぼうモジュール内の宇宙線環境シミュレーションモデルを開発した。シミュレーションモデルは、原子力機構が中心となって開発した粒子・重イオン輸送計算コードPHITSと、JAXAが中心となって開発した仮想きぼうモジュールにより構成される。開発したモデルの精度検証を、きぼうモジュール内で実施した2つの放射線計測実験(Area PADLES及びMATROSHKA-Kibo)結果を用いて実施した。その結果、開発したモデルは、捕捉陽子の東西効果を考慮することにより、それら実験値を精度よく再現できることが分かった。
永松 愛子*; 佐藤 達彦; 北城 圭一*; 島田 健*; 坂根 小百合*; 武田 和雄*; 仁井田 浩二*
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廣木 章博; 山下 真一*; 木村 敦; 長澤 尚胤; 田口 光正
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本間 俊充
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The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP resulted in a substantial release of radioactive material to the atmosphere and marine environment and caused extensive contamination of the environment. This paper provides an overview of releases of radioactive material to the atmosphere and ocean, and the subsequent distributions of radioactive material in the environment, which are the basis of estimating radiological consequences to people and the environment. In addition, this paper will describe the protective actions that were implemented during the accident to protect people against radiation exposure. By providing an overview of the releases and distribution of radioactive material to the environment and the protective actions that were implemented in Japan, in combination with a comparison of the Chernobyl accident, this paper will contribute to an improved understanding of the radiological consequences from contamination of the environment due to the Fukushima Daiichi accident.
瀬古 典明
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To selectively remove radioactive cesium (Cs) from such contaminated water, a fibrous polymer absorbent has been developed by introducing ammonium 12-molybdophosphate (AMP) onto polyethylene nonwoven fabric with radiation-induced graft polymerization technique. To take a step-by-step approach in the validation with radioactive Cs, the AMP grafted absorbents folded in a cartridge of 4 cm diameter and 3.8 cm height were used in a pond in Iitate-Mura, Fukushima, and 15 cm diameter and 30 cm height in the water of the pool of a school in Fukushima city. Both of these tests for decontamination of dissolved radioactive Cs proceeded successfully. Furthermore, we had conducted a monitoring test throughout one year by utilizing the water purifier filled with the AMP grafted adsorbent at private houses in Kawauchi-Mura, Fukushima. As a result, no radioactive Cs has been detected in tap water filtered through the water purifier, so the developed adsorbent has sufficient effectiveness to trap radioactive cesium. From these evaluations, we have commercialized the Cs-cut grafted fabric adsorbent as water purifier named "KranCsair" on July, 2014.
酒井 卓郎; 安田 良; 飯倉 寛; 佐藤 隆博; 石井 保行
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We report a unique micromachining technique using proton microbeam and range shifters. The combination of these devices enables rapid fabrication of 3D microstructures. The range shifters are used to control the depth profile of energetic particle beams in materials. This device is an essential technique in particle cancer therapy. In this work, we have demonstrated fabrication of 3D structures made from UV/EB curable resin using the scanning proton microbeam. The height of the structures depends on the penetration depth of the proton beam that is controlled by the range shifters. Five different polymer films are used as the range shifters. Optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy have been used to characterize the fabricated samples. The results show that the control of proton beam depth is successful and degradation caused by straggling is tolerable. In conclusion, this new technique is very promising to fabricate 3D structures.
佐藤 達彦; 浜田 信行*; 熊田 博明*
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田中 淳
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Huge efforts have been done for the remediation of large contaminated areas off-site TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). However, comprehensive monitoring of contaminated area is yet necessary for food safety and remediation of agricultural and forest area. We are now progressing actions by using our original cutting-edge technologies, "Ion Beam Breeding "and "Live Radiotracer Imaging". For the Ion Beam Breeding, two times or more cesium-absorbing Japanese millet mutants and mutants of radioresistant bacteria, and one-half or less cesium-absorbing rice mutants have been successfully selected. As for the Live Radiotracer Imaging technology, we have succeeded in developing the world's first gamma camera specialized for plant research which can continuously image relatively high energy -rays emitted from Cs-137 radiotracer. By using this new gamma camera, dynamics of radiocesium transport into/within plants can be elucidated.
平出 哲也
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大川 康寿; 瀬谷 夏美; 橋本 周; 布川 淳*; 松澤 元*; 柳川 行秀*; 飯本 武志*
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Radioactive nuclide released at the accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP accident fell on to land surface and was transferred to water environment. In this study, a systematic analysis on the distribution and movement of radioactive material in the small-scale land water environment based on the actual data and anlytic calculation was made. We selected Matsugasaki pond of Kashiwa sity as a research area. The Matsugasaki pond is an affordable size (60 m length, 30 m wide, "bottle gourd" shape) to make detail study. The specific characteristic of this pond is that the water inlet and outlet is same shore. 10 of sediment samples were collected, and that samples were distributed with particle size and all of the distributed samples were weighed and measured radioactive concentration. These data were utilized for modeling of the soil particle transportation in and around the Matsugasaki pond, using two types of calculation models, Nays2DH and Nays2DFood of iRIC. The movements of water and sediment are evaluated as follwings; In inlet/outlet front part, suspended sand in the flowing water is discharged with the water flow, the bottom become shallow at central zone and become deep at peripheral portion. In back part, the soil particles are kept in place and hardly flow out. These characteristics are consisten with actual sediment conditions. Thesefore, adequate combination of a few measurements of actual environment samples and appropriate analytic calculation could estimate the perspective of movement of radioactive sediments in small-scale land water environment. In can also contribute for Fukushima environmental recovery.
迫田 晃弘; 石森 有; Tschiersch, J.*
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石森 有; 田中 裕史; 迫田 晃弘; 片岡 隆浩*; 山岡 聖典*; 光延 文裕*
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ラドン吸入によって様々な生体応答(例えば抗酸化機能の亢進など)が誘導されることは知られている。しかし、吸入ラドンの体内動態に関する実験データがあまりないため、この生体応答が吸収線量と関連付けられて議論されることはあまりない。本研究では、吸入ラドンの体内動態を検討するために、ラドン約1 MBq/を数分から1000分間で吸入させたマウスの血液中のラドン濃度を測定した。吸入後、マウスの心臓から直接採血し、液体シンチレーションカウンタで血中濃度を測定した。本測定では、原子力機構の水中ラドンの測定技術に基づいており、クエンチング補正も行っている。この結果、血液中ラドン濃度の飽和値は、1MBq/
舟山 知夫; 横田 裕一郎; 坂下 哲哉; 鈴木 芳代; 池田 裕子; 小林 泰彦
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浅香 智美*; 伊藤 加津沙*; 橋本 知佳*; 保田 隆子*; 永田 健斗*; 西槇 俊之*; 勝村 啓史*; 太田 博樹*; 鈴木 芳代; 舟山 知夫; et al.
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鈴木 雅雄*; 舟山 知夫; 横田 裕一郎; 鈴木 芳代; 池田 裕子; 坂下 哲哉; 小林 泰彦; 村上 健*
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村田 和俊*; 野田 真永*; 尾池 貴洋*; 高橋 昭久*; 吉田 由香里*; 鈴木 義行*; 大野 達也*; 舟山 知夫; 小林 泰彦; 高橋 健夫*; et al.
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森林 健悟
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Aiming to advance the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy and to study cluster DNA damage, we have been developing a model for radial dose simulations due to the irradiation of heavy ions. Two types of radial dose distributions have been available in the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy. However, these distributions had been developed without the detailed examinations of physical phenomena that occur near the trajectory of an incident ion, though this region is important to estimate the cell survival. The progress of computers allows us to execute such detailed examinations through simulations and to obtain radial dose closer to reality. We compare radial dose distribution obtained from our simulations with the conventional distributions and we suggest which conventional ones should be selected according to incident ion energies. Our simulation model, which has become possible in this century, is the only way to examine physical phenomena that occurs near the trajectory of an incident ion now as far as we know.
寺西 美佳*; 山口 弘子*; 坂本 綾子; 日出間 純*
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Radiation induce DNA damages, such as strand breaks, oxidative damage, and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) possibly resulting in an increased mutation frequency. Although it is important to know which DNA damage converted into a mutation, little is known about the types and extent of DNA damage induced by radiation in plant cells. We measured the number of DNA damages induced by ionizing radiation (carbon and helium ion beams, rays) and non-ionizing radiation (UVB) in Arabidopsis seedlings. The irradiated seedlings were harvested immediately and used for preparing an agarose plug, which were subjected to denature and non-denature agarose gel electrophoresis using static field electrophoresis and biased sinusoidal field gel electrophoresis. The number of DNA strand breaks were calculated using the molecular length standard curve and the quantity of DNA at each migration position as shown by the quantitative image data. As a result, irradiation of seedlings with 960 Gy of carbon ions resulted in up to 1.9 DNA double-strand breaks per megabase (Mb). Given that the total size of the Arabidopsis genome is 135 Mb, 960 Gy of carbon ions induce 257 DNA double-strand breaks per genome. Our results indicated that double-strand breaks were most inducible DNA damage by irradiation of carbon ions while single-strand breaks were most inducible by irradiation of helium ions and
嶋田 和真; 甲斐 倫明*
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本発表は、Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY)を放射線のリスク指標として用いることを提案するものである。DALYは余命損失Years of Life Lost(YLL)と損なわれた健康的な生活の年数Years Lived with Disability(YLD)を合計することにより計算される。ここで、がん罹患の過剰リスクをERRモデルとEARモデルの二つのモデルを用いて計算した。計算に必要な、がん罹患・死亡率及び5年生存率のデータは日本の国立がんセンターのデータを用いた。がん罹患・死亡率の統計は2010年の日本人のデータを用い、5年生存率は2003から2005年の日本人のデータを用いた。損失重み係数はWHOが示す表から、診断・治療段階の値を用いた。これらの日本人のデータを用いてYLLとYLDを計算した結果、日本人1000人あたりの1Gyの被ばくによる全固形がんのDALYは、EARモデルを基にする場合、男性は402年、女性は796.3年と評価された。同様に、ERRモデルを基にする場合、男性は592.6年、女性は1049.5年と評価された。EARモデルとERRモデルによるDALYの結果の違いは、原爆被爆者のがん罹患率と日本人集団の平均のがん罹患率の違いを反映していると考えられる。この研究発表により、DALYが放射線のリスクと公衆の健康における様々な種類の疾病とを比較することが可能な実践的な道具であることを示す。