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河口 宗道
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/08
Na冷却高速炉の廃止措置を行う上で、コールドトラップの解体では作業員が放射線量を被ばくする可能性がある。コールドトラップはナトリウム冷却材の純化のために核分裂生成物のトリチウムがトラップされるため、比較的線量の高い機器である。本研究は、コールドトラップの前処理の加熱分解法を改良する基礎的研究として、水素化ナトリウムの熱分解温度及び速度を測定した。TG-DTA装置(NETSCH Japan製STA2500)によりAlO
ルツボ内の水素化ナトリウム粉末(Sigma-Ardrich社製: 95.3%)を使って、熱分解温度及び速度を測定した。測定における加熱速度は
=2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0K/minとして重量減少を測定し、その重量減少開始の温度やキッシンジャープロットから熱分解温度及び速度を算出した。さらに600K近傍の熱分解温度に設定した熱分解曲線を測定した。加熱に伴う化学組成の変化(NaHからNa)はX線分析により測定した。結果、熱分解温度は約600Kで顕著な重量減少が見られ、1時間以内で水素化ナトリウム中の水素は全量放出した。熱分解速度は温度に強く依存することが分かった。
島田 亜佐子; 澤口 拓磨; 武田 聖司
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2020/08
Li, F.; 三原 武; 宇田川 豊; 天谷 政樹
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2020/08
Fuel cladding may be subjected to biaxial tensile stress in axial and hoop directions during pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) of a reactivity-initiated accident (RIA). Incipient crack in the hydride rim assisted by the scattered hydrides in the metal phase may lead to failure of the cladding at small hoop strain level during PCMI. To get insight of such phenomenon, biaxial-EDC tests under axial to hoop strain ratios ranging from 0 to 1 were performed with pre-cracked (outer surface) and uniformly hydrided Zircaloy-4 cladding tube samples with final heat-treatment status of cold worked (CW), stress relieved (SR) and Recrystallized (RX). Results showed dependencies of failure hoop strain on pre-crack depth, strain ratio, hydrogen content and final heat-treatment status on fabrication, but no apparent dependencies were observed on the distribution pattern of hydrides (with similar hydrogen contents and hydrides predominantly precipitated in hoop direction) and the heat-treatment process for hydrogen charging. J integral at failure seems to be available to unify the effect of pre-crack depth.
Kang, Z.; 奥田 幸彦; 西田 明美; 坪田 張二; Li, Y.
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2020/08
Wang, Z.; 岩澤 譲; 杉山 智之
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2020/08
In a hypothetical severe accident in a light water reactor (LWR) nuclear power plant, there is a possibility that molten core released from the reactor vessel gets in contact with water in the containment vessel. In this so-called fuel-coolant interactions (FCIs) process, the melt jet will breakup into fragments, which is one of the important factors for a steam explosion, as a potential threat to the integrity of the containment vessel. In order to investigate the melt-jet breakup with solidification processes, a multiphase particle method is developed in this study. Benefiting from its Lagrangian description and meshless framework, the large deformed interfaces could be directly and easily captured by the particle motions. A simple transient heat conduction test is firstly carried out. Two important multiphase instabilities, namely the Rayleigh-Taylor instability and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, are studied since they play important roles during the melt-jet breakup. After that, a bubble rising benchmark is performed to show the feasibility of modelling for deformation and collapse. The results achieved so far indicates that the developed particle method is capable to analyze the melt-jet breakup with solidification processes.
瀬川 智臣; 川口 浩一; 石井 克典; 鈴木 政浩; 立原 丈二; 高藤 清人; 沖田 高敏; 佐藤根 大士*; 鈴木 道隆*
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/08
崔 炳賢; 西田 明美; 村松 健*; 糸井 達也*; 高田 毅士*
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2020/08
2011年福島原子力発電所事故の後、設計を超える地震動に対する原子力施設の耐震規制が強化されている。そこで、確率論的地震リスク評価(SPRA)が注目されている。不確実さの定量化は、原子炉建屋のフラジリティ評価において非常に重要な問題である。本研究では、低減可能な認識論的不確実さに焦点を当て、原子炉建屋のモデル化手法の違いによる地震応答結果への影響を明らかにすることを目的としている。まず、原子炉建屋は、従来の質点系(SR)モデルと3次元詳細(3D FE)モデルの2種類のモデル化手法によるモデルを用いる。入力地震動として、不確実さを有する震源断層モデルによって生成された200種類の地震波を用いた。不確実さの定量化のために、各入力地震動に対して、2種類のモデル化手法による建屋応答への影響を統計的に分析し、異なるモデル化手法による建屋応答への不確実さを定量的に評価した。特にモデル化手法の違いは、床と壁の開口部近傍で明確に表れた。また、地震応答解析における3次元効果について得られた知見を報告する。
奥田 幸彦; Kang, Z.; 西田 明美; 坪田 張二; Li, Y.
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2020/08
原子炉建屋に飛翔体が衝突した場合、衝突時に発生する応力波は衝突を受けた壁から建屋内へと伝播する。この応力波は建屋内において高振動数を含む振動を励起する可能性があり、安全上重要な内包機器への影響評価が課題となっている。OECD/NEAにおいても、飛翔体衝突による原子力施設への影響評価を目的としたベンチマーク解析プロジェクト(OECD/NEA IRISプロジェクト)を立ち上げ、そのフェーズ3として建屋内包機器への影響評価に取り組んでいる。このIRISプロジェクトのフェーズ3に参加し、原子炉建屋及び内包機器を模擬した構造物への飛翔体衝突試験の結果を対象に再現解析を実施した。具体的には、鉄筋コンクリート(RC)構造である原子炉建屋内の応力波伝播及び建屋内包機器への影響評価に資する数値解析手法を整備し、解析結果と試験結果との比較により解析手法の妥当性を確認した。本論文では、飛翔体衝突による建屋内包機器の応答への影響評価に係る解析的検討結果について報告する。
西田 明美; Kang, Z.; 奥田 幸彦; 坪田 張二; Li, Y.
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2020/08
樽田 泰宜; 柳原 敏*; 橋本 敬*; 小林 重人*; 井口 幸弘; 北村 高一; 香田 有哉; 友田 光一
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2020/08
山下 晋; 木野 千晶*; 吉田 啓之
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2020/08
Trianti, N.; 茂木 孝介; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2020/08
The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have been developed to analyze the correlation equation for laminar flame speed of hydrogen-air mixtures. This analysis was carried out on the combustion of hydrogen-air mixtures performed at the spherical bomb experiment facility consists of a spherical vessel equipped (563 mm internal diameter). The facility has been designed and built at CNRS-ICARE laboratory. The simulation was carried out using the reactingFoam solver, one of a transient chemical reaction solver in OpenFOAM 5.0. The LaunderSharmaKE model was applied for turbulent flow. The interaction of the chemical reaction with the turbulent flow was taken into account using PaSR (Partial Stirred Reactor) model with 19 elementary reactions for the hydrogen combustion. The initial condition of spherical flame analysis was set so as to be consistent with those of the experiment. The position of the flame front was detected by the steep drop of hydrogen mass fraction in the spherical radii, and the flame propagation velocity was estimated from the time-position relationship. The analysis result showed the characteristic of spherical flame acceleration was qualitatively reproduced even though it has a discrepancy with the experiment. After validating the calculation of spherical experiments, a laminar burning velocity correlation is presented using the same boundary conditions with the variation of hydrogen concentration, temperature, and pressure. The calculation of laminar flame speed of hydrogen-air mixtures by reactingFoam use reference temperature T = 293 K and reference pressure P
= 1 atm with validated in the range of hydrogen concentration 6-20%; range of temperature 293-493 K; and range of pressure 1-3 atm.
山野 秀将; 高井 俊秀; 古川 智弘; 菊地 晋; 江村 優軌; 神山 健司; 福山 博之*; 東 英生*; 西 剛史*; 太田 弘道*; et al.
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2020/08
佐藤 博之; 青木 健; 大橋 弘史
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2020/08
矢田 浩基; 高屋 茂; 江沼 康弘
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2020/08
In order to rationalize maintenance for nuclear power plants, it is necessary to develop optimize maintenance plan by considering characteristics of each plant. In sodium-cooled fast reactor, there are constraints on inspections due to the specialty of handling sodium equipment, that is one of the important points when considering rationalization of maintenance. To solve this problem, we proposed a basic concept of maintenance optimization scheme that is a design support tool in order to develop maintenance strategy, based on "system based code". One of the proposed scheme goals is to make a concrete way of necessary assessment method. Another is to provide several combinations of design and maintenance, and information for owner in order to choose the acceptable combination. In the beginning, we are working to develop the scheme that can be applied to sodium fast reactor as the main concept of next generation reactor. In this context, primary heat transfer system (PHTS) piping of fast reactor was evaluated by the scheme. This piping was chosen because it is major significant component and the inspection have constraint conditions that need preparation work. As a result, design candidate (e.g. single and double wall piping) and inspection candidate (e.g. ultrasonic testing and continues leakage monitoring) combinations along with benefit of each cases were provided.
相澤 康介; 檜山 智之; 西村 正弘; 栗原 成計; 石田 勝二*
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2020/08
五十嵐 魁*; 大貫 涼二*; 堺 公明*; 加藤 慎也; 松場 賢一; 神山 健司
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/08
In order to improve the safety of nuclear power plants, it is necessary to make sure measures against their severe accidents. Especially, in the case of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), there is a possibility of significant energy release due to formation of a large-scale molten fuel pool accompanied by re-criticality in the event of a core disruptive accident (CDA). It is important to ensure in-vessel retention that keeps and confines damaged core material in the reactor vessel even if the CDA occurs. CDA scenario initiated by Unprotected Loss Of Flow (ULOF), which is a typical cause of core damage, is generally categorized into four phases according to the progression of core-disruptive status, which are the initiating, early-discharge, material-relocation and heat-removal phases for the latest design in Japan. During the material-relocation phase, the molten core material flows down mainly through the control rod guide tube and is discharged into the inlet coolant plenum below the bottom of the core. The discharged molten core material collides with the bottom plate of the inlet plenum. Clarification of the accumulation behavior of molten core material with such a collision on the bottom plate is important to reduce uncertainties in the safety assessment of CDA. In present study, in order to make clear behavior of core melt materials during the CDAs of SFRs, analysis was conducted using the SIMMER-III code for a melt discharge simulation experiment in which low-melting-point alloy was discharged into a shallow water pool. This report shows the validation results for the melt behavior by comparing with the experimental data.
菊地 晋; 山野 秀将; 中村 勤也*
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2020/08
孫 昊旻; Leblois, Y.*; Gelain, T.*; Porcheron, E.*
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2020/08
During a severe accident of PWR, fission products (FPs) may be released. Containment spray can be utilized to remove the aerosols of FPs. Therefore, it is important to develop an analytical model for predicting aerosol removal efficiency. The containment spray has high spray coverage ratio where the droplets are expected to impact side walls. In such condition, the gas flow induced by droplets will behave differently from that without droplet impaction where a stable gas circulation is expected. Since the aerosol removal efficiency depends on gas flow, to develop the removal model for the containment spray from this viewpoint, several experiments were carried out in TOSQAN facility. It was confirmed that the spray coverage ratios were comparable to that of the containment spray and many droplets impacted side wall. Aerosol removal was found to be more effective in higher spray water flow rates. Aerosol concentration decay calculated by CFD was in agreement with measured one.
青木 健; 佐藤 博之; 大橋 弘史
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/08