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検索結果: 18 件中 1件目~18件目を表示
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RELAP5 code study of ROSA/LSTF experiment on a PWR station blackout (TMLB') transient

竹田 武司; 中村 秀夫

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2013/07

One of abnormal transient tests was conducted with the ROSA/LSTF simulating a PWR station blackout transient with the TMLB scenario in 1995. Influences of AM measure and coolant injection conditions into SG secondary-side onto core cooling were clarified as RELAP5 code parameter study of the LSTF test. SG secondary-side depressurization as the AM action was initiated by fully opening the safety valve in the loop without pressurizer (loop-B) with the incipience of core uncovery, while coolant was injected into the SG-B at low pressures. The AM action and the coolant injection with larger flow rate would contribute to maintain core cooling by accumulator system actuation. In the test, long-term single-phase natural circulation continued until liquid level formed in hot leg. The primary-side fluid temperatures in SG U-tubes indicated non-uniform flow distribution including reverse flow at different timings. Core uncovery by boil-off took place, while the primary pressure was kept high.


A Preliminary 3D steam flow analysis for CET behavior during LSTF SBLOCA experiment using FLUENT code

Irwanto, D.; 佐藤 聡; 竹田 武司; 中村 秀夫

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2013/07

A 3D analysis of the CET phenomena on the LSTF during SBLOCA was performed for the OECD/NEA ROSA-2 Project Test 3 (SB-HL-18) using CFD ANSYS FLUENT code to clarify influences of the steam flow on CET response during core uncovery. A portion of core above the mixture level was modeled up to CET thermocouple position (13 mm above the UCP), taking into account high, medium and low power heater rod bundle, including internal structures such as end-box, UCP and core spacer. From the calculation, it is clear that inner structures indeed affect the CET due to heat transfer from hot steam to these cool structures. Mixing was happened at the boundary between high-middle-low power rod regions due to steam velocity different at the boundary between each fuel bundles and at the free area above the heater rod. These 3D flows mixing also may contribute to the final CET values and the delay readings of CET relative to the peak cladding temperatures in the core. To confirm this simulation, ROSA/LSTF experiment data was used as comparison, resulting that most of the calculated values of CETs were slightly higher than the measured ones: 608 against 592 K for high power bundle; 598 against 586 K for medium power bundle and 579 against 581 K for low power bundle.


Effect of physical properties on gas entrainment rate from free surface by vortex

大手 直介*; 小泉 安郎*; 上出 英樹; 大野 修司; 伊藤 啓

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2013/07



Research and development of self-priming venturi scrubber for filter venting; Preliminary analysis and observation of hydraulic behavior in venturi scrubber

堀口 直樹; 吉田 啓之; 上澤 伸一郎*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2013/07

From the viewpoint of protecting the PCV and suppressing the diffusion of radioactive materials, the filtered venting system is required. In the filtered venting system that installed in European reactors, so called Venturi scrubber system (VSC) is used. However the mechanism of the VSC is understood insufficiently. Then, it is difficult to install the VSC to Japanese reactors. In this study, to provide knowledge about the mechanism of the VSC, both experimental and numerical research works have been performed. In this paper, hydraulic behavior in a rectangular Venturi scrubber is observed by high speed camera to check the validity of the experimental method. And numerical analysis of a circular Venturi scrubber is performed by the TPFIT to confirm applicability basically. As a result the validity of the experimental method was confirmed. And, it was confirmed that the numerical results were almost same as experimental results qualitatively.


Development of numerical simulation method for relocation behavior of molten debris in nuclear reactors, 1; Preliminary analysis of relocation of molten debris to lower plenum

山下 晋; 吉田 啓之; 高瀬 和之

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2013/07



Demonstration test on concrete with epoxy resin coating using ultra-high pressure water jet decontamination technology

田川 明広; 手塚 将志; 寺倉 嘉宏*; 内藤 雅之*; 宮島 謙治*

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2013/07



Investigation on iodine release behavior during the operation of high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR)

植田 祥平; 猪井 宏幸; 水谷 義隆; 大橋 弘史; 岩月 仁; 坂場 成昭; 沢 和弘

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2013/07



Recent knowledge from an experimental investigation on self-leveling behavior of debris bed

Cheng, S.; 山野 秀将; 鈴木 徹; 飛田 吉春; 中村 裕也*; 竹田 祥平*; 西 津平*; Zhang, B.*; 松元 達也*; 守田 幸路*

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2013/07

To confirm the mechanisms of self-leveling behavior, several series of experiments were elaborately designed and performed in recent years under the constructive collaboration between Japan Atomic Energy Agency and Kyushu University. This paper summarizes the recent knowledge obtained from the newly developed large-scale experiments using gas-injection to simulate coolant boiling. Compared to previous investigations, it can cover a much wider range of gas velocities (presently up to a flow rate of around 300 L/min). The experiments were conducted in a cylindrical tank, in which water, nitrogen gas and different kinds of solid particles, simulate the coolant, vapor and fuel debris, respectively. Based on the quantitative data obtained, influence of various experimental parameters, including gas flow rate, water depth, particle size as well as particle density on the leveling was checked and compared. Moreover, with the help of dimensional analysis technique, a set of empirical correlations to predict the self-leveling development depending on particle size, particle density and gas injection velocity was proposed and validated over current conditions.


Bounding analysis of uplift and erosion scenario for an HLW repository

若杉 圭一郎; 仲島 邦彦*; 注連本 英典; 柴田 雅博; 山口 正秋

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2013/07



Experimental analyses by SIMMER-III on duct-wall failure and fuel discharge/relocation behavior

山野 秀将; 飛田 吉春

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2013/07

本論文は、SIMMER-III/IVコードの検証を目的として、2次元多成分多相流オイラー型流体力学コードSIMMER-III、及びその3次元コードSIMMER-IVを使った実験解析について記述する。炉心崩壊事象における主要な現象のうち2つの事象(ダクト壁破損及び燃料流出/再配置挙動)についてこの論文では提示した。ダクト壁破損挙動を解析するため、SCARABEE BE+3炉内試験を選択した。SIMMER-IIIコードによる計算はこの試験で確認された、冷却材の沸騰,被覆管溶融,燃料破損,溶融プール形成,ダクト壁破損等に特徴づけられた一連の事象進展についてよく一致する結果を得た。CAMEL C6実験では、反応度評価に重要な模擬制御棒案内管を通じた燃料流出及び再配置挙動を調べた。SIMMER-IVコードは、実験で観察された燃料-冷却材相互作用、ナトリウムのボイド化、燃料再配置挙動をよく模擬できた。


Multiphysics analysis system for tube failure accident in steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactor

内堀 昭寛; 菊地 晋; 栗原 成計; 浜田 広次; 大島 宏之

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2013/07



Research of seawater effects on thermal-hydraulic behavior at severe accident, 1; Research plan and results of preliminary experiments

Liu, W.; 永武 拓; 高瀬 和之; 吉田 啓之; 永瀬 文久

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2013/07



Development of prediction technology of two-phase flow dynamics under earthquake acceleration, 10; Numerical prediction of velocity profile around bubble under accelerating condition

吉田 啓之; 永武 拓; 高瀬 和之; 金子 暁子*; 文字 秀明*; 阿部 豊*

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-21) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2013/07

Behavior of gas-liquid two-phase flow in nuclear reactors is unknown under the earthquake conditions. Therefore, the behavior of two-phase flow is investigated in a series of study. In this study, to develop the predictive technology of two-phase flow dynamics under earthquake acceleration, a detailed two-phase flow simulation code with an advanced interface tracking method, TPFIT, was expanded. In this paper, the bubbly flow in a horizontal pipe excited by oscillation acceleration and under the fluctuation of the liquid flow was simulated by using the expanded TPFIT. Predicted time series data of velocity profiles around the bubbles and shapes of bubbles were compared with measured results under flow rate fluctuation and structural vibration. Predicted results were in good agreement with measured results qualitatively. Moreover it was concluded that the expanded TPFIT can be applied to qualitative analysis of bubbly flow under accelerating conditions.


Current status of research and development for HTGR in Japan

國富 一彦

no journal, , 



Development of numerical simulation for jet breakup behavior in complicated structure of BWR lower plenum, 1; Preliminary analysis of jet breakup behavior in complicated structure by TPFIT

鈴木 貴行; 吉田 啓之; 永瀬 文久; 阿部 豊*; 金子 暁子*

no journal, , 



Study on flushing phenomena by microwave heating

八巻 辰徳*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*; 瀬川 智臣; 川口 浩一; 山田 美一; 鈴木 政浩; 藤井 寛一*

no journal, , 



Development of numerical simulation for jet breakup behavior in complicated structure of BWR lower plenum, 2; Flow observation with visualized experimental apparatus

齋藤 隆介*; 阿部 豊*; 金子 暁子*; 鈴木 貴行; 吉田 啓之; 永瀬 文久

no journal, , 



Hydrogen absorption behavior of titanium alloys by cathodic polarization

石島 暖大; 本岡 隆文; 上野 文義; 山本 正弘; 内山 軍蔵; 酒井 潤一*; 横山 賢一*; 多田 英司*; 水流 徹*; 野島 康夫*; et al.

no journal, , 


18 件中 1件目~18件目を表示
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