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検索結果: 10 件中 1件目~10件目を表示
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Development of an ${it in-situ}$ alpha air monitor in a harsh environment

坪田 陽一; 木村 泰久; 永井 佑哉; 小嶋 祥*; 床次 眞司*; 中川 貴博

no journal, , 

An in-situ monitoring system for the $$alpha$$-aerosol in the harsh (high humidity, high $$beta$$/$$gamma$$-ray background) environment expected inside the 1F-PCV was developed. A part of the system was installed at the glovebox dismantling site of a MOX fuel facility, and its fast response performance and long-term operation capability were demonstrated.


Interference-free determination for long-lived radionuclides based on solid-phase extraction combined with ICP-MS/MS

Do, V. K.; 太田 祐貴; Banjarnahor, I. M.; 相田 玲奈; 村上 絵理奈; 本間 駿太; 岩橋 弘之; 古瀬 貴広

no journal, , 

福島第一原子力発電所(1F)由来の放射性廃棄物分析を行う大熊分析研究センターでは、2022年10月より中・低線量の廃棄物試料を取り扱う第1棟のホット運用が開始され、1F廃棄物の受入れ、分析が開始された。測定対象核種の中で長半減期核種の測定については、従来の放射能測定法では複雑な前処理操作と長時間の測定が必要となる一方、ICP-MS法は感度及び測定時間の面でアドバンテージがある。特にハイエンドモデルであるICP-MS/MSは装置自体が高い分離性能を有しており効果的にスペクトル干渉を低減できることから、前処理における化学分離プロセスの簡略化が可能となり、更なる簡易・迅速化が見込める。本発表では、$$^{93}$$Zr, $$^{93}$$Mo, $$^{107}$$Pd, $$^{126}$$Sn, $$^{79}$$Seなどの長半減期核種について、1F廃棄物試料への適用を目的としたICP-MS/MSによる分析法の研究開発に関する最近の成果を報告する。


BWR lower plenum damage by reaction between metallic debris and structural materials

佐藤 拓未; 下村 健太; 永江 勇二

no journal, , 

During the severe accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, a molten metal pool formed by an analytical approach might contribute to the initial failure of the lower plenum. To understand this failure behavior, high-temperature reaction tests were conducted using simulated metal debris and a test bundle that simulated the structure of the control rod drive mechanism in the lower plenum.


Chemical researches assisting in Decommissioning Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station including material corrosion, radioactive nuclides behavior and waste solidification

青山 高士; 高畠 容子; 伊藤 あずさ; 上野 文義; 岡田 尚; 永石 隆二; 駒 義和

no journal, , 

Decommissioning Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station requires wide spectrum of R&D. Japan Atomic Energy Agency is contributing basic research besides supporting technology application, and recent results of basic research for the field of material and waste management is briefly reviewed.


Simulation systems of individual external exposure dose using monitoring data of environmental radiation

吉村 和也

no journal, , 

In Fukushima, evacuation orders have been lifted with the progress in decontamination. Assessment of exposure doses and risk communication with residents are important requirements for the lifting of evacuation orders. This study established three simulation systems were to evaluate external exposure doses based on behavior of residents and integrating ambient dose rate at each location, depending on the objects of the evaluation. Some systems have been applied to local government for risk communication with residents and will relieve residents and help their return.


Research and development of digital technologies to explore radiation source distributions for exposure reduction; Current research and development progress

鈴木 政浩; 青木 勇斗; 山口 隆司; 町田 昌彦; 宮村 浩子; 岡本 孝司

no journal, , 



Measurement of radioactive materials contained in the ALPS treated water by JAEA as a third party

土田 佳裕; 鍛治 直也; 徳森 律朗

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JAEA, as an independent third party, is conducting measurement of radioactive materials in the ALPS treated water in Radioactive Material Analysis and Research Facility Laboratory-1 for the purpose of highly objective and transparent measurement.


Remote control technology for monitoring inside RPV pedestal during retrieval of fuel debris; Prototype experiments

松日楽 信人*; 小松 廉*; 中島 慎介*; 山下 淳*; 福井 類*; 高橋 浩之*; 島添 健次*; Woo, H.*; 田村 雄介*; 高橋 隆行*; et al.

no journal, , 



Navigation and control of a novel shock-resistant mechanical manipulator for fuel debris retrieval

中島 慎介*; 小松 廉*; Moro, A.*; Fraggasso, A.*; Woo, H.*; 松日楽 信人*; 川端 邦明; 淺間 一*

no journal, , 

The aim of this research is to develop a novel manipulator for retrieving fuel debris on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) as shown in Figure 1. We designed a shock-resistant CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) robot in collaboration with the University of Sussex.


Development of an image clarification method using deep learning for improving the operator's spatial awareness

谷藤 祐太; 川端 邦明

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10 件中 1件目~10件目を表示
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