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久保 勝規
Physical Review B, 110(7), p.075110_1 - 075110_7, 2024/08
A tight-binding model for orbitals on a square lattice is investigated. We consider only the nearest-neighbor hopping and the model is characterized by two hopping parameters, and . There are Dirac points in the electronic band structure and the type of the Dirac points (type-I or type-II) depends on the ratio . For the case of the type-I Dirac points, edge states appear for a lattice with edges perpendicular to the direction. The edge states at a certain momentum along the edges have octupole moments with opposite signs between the right and left edges. Thus, these edge states can be called helical octupolar edge states. This study bridges the research fields of topological phenomena and multipole physics.
玉造 博夢; 村上 洋一*; 齋藤 紀子*; 大橋 直樹*; 筒井 智嗣*
Physical Review B, 110(2), p.024301_1 - 024301_8, 2024/07
Using the inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) technique, we investigate the lattice dynamics of inorganic-organic hybrid iodide perovskites FAPbI and FASnI (FA CH(NH), formamidinium) in their cubic phase and tetragonal phase. We find that the IXS spectra of FASnI are highly broad at all momentum points, as has been widely observed in the Pb-based halide perovskites. The speeds of sound (phonon group velocities) and absolute values of elastic constants of FASnI are smaller than those of FAPbI in both phases. In addition, no significant difference in the phonon lifetimes of FAPbI and FASnI is observed. These results correlate better with the reported tendency that the lattice thermal conductivity of ASnX is lower than that of APbX. We discuss that our results also favor the up-conversion mechanism by acoustic phonons in the phonon bottleneck effect for the long lifetime of hot carriers.
寺田 典樹*; Khalyavin, D. D.*; Manuel, P.*; 浅井 晋一郎*; 益田 隆嗣*; 齋藤 開*; 中島 多朗*; 長壁 豊隆
Physical Review B, 110(2), p.024406_1 - 024406_9, 2024/07
フラストレート反強磁性体CuFeOは、圧力により、コメンシュレートなコリニアー相(CM1)からいくつかのインコメンシュレートでノンコリニアーな相への複雑な磁気相転移を示す。圧力が磁気相互作用に及ぼす影響を調べるために、高圧下で中性子回折および非弾性中性子散乱実験を行った。圧力が増すと、CM1基底状態は臨界圧力( 3GPa)以下でも磁場の印加に対して不安定になる。これは、2.1GPaで臨界磁場が7.5Tから4.5Tに大幅に減少したことで確かめられた。さらに、スピン波分散関係のエネルギーギャップは、=2.1GPaの圧力印加によって1.0meVから0.88meVに減少する。実験結果をスピン波計算と比較すると、スピン波励起の変化は、一軸異方性項または最近接交換相互作用の分離度のいずれかの減少によって説明できることがわかった。
Liao, J.*; Huang, Z.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Zhang, B.*; Cheng, S.*; Xu, H.*; 梶本 亮一; 蒲沢 和也*; Bao, S.*; Wen, J.*
Physical Review B, 109(22), p.224411_1 - 224411_10, 2024/06
Antiferromagnetic van der Waals family P ( = Fe, Mn, Co, and Ni; = S and Se) have attracted significant research attention due to the possibility of realizing long-range magnetic order down to the monolayer limit. Here, we perform inelastic neutron scattering measurements on single-crystal samples of MnPSe, a member of the P family, to study the spin dynamics and determine the effective spin model. The excited magnon bands are well characterized by a spin model, which includes a Heisenberg term with three intraplane exchange parameters ( meV, meV, meV) and one interplane parameter ( meV), and an easy-plane single-ion anisotropy term ( meV). Additionally, we observe the intersection of the magnon and phonon bands but no anomalous spectral features induced by the formation of magnon-phonon hybrid excitations at the intersecting region. We discuss possible reasons for the absence of such hybrid excitations in MnPSe.
Elyasi, M.*; 山本 慧; 日置 友智*; 巻内 崇彦*; 清水 祐樹*; 齊藤 英治*; Bauer, G. E. W.*
Physical Review B, 109(18), p.L180402_1 - L180402_7, 2024/05
Magnets are interesting materials for classical and quantum information technologies. However, the short decoherence and dephasing times that determine the scale and speed of information networks severely limit the appeal of employing the ferromagnetic resonance. Here we show that the lifetime and coherence of the uniform Kittel mode can be enhanced by three-magnon interaction-induced mixing with the long-lived magnons at the minima of the dispersion relation. Analytical and numerical calculations based on this model explain recent experimental results and predict experimental signatures of quantum coherence.
松村 武*; 田端 千紘; 金子 耕士; 中尾 裕則*; 垣花 将司*; 辺土 正人*; 仲間 隆男*; 大貫 惇睦*
Physical Review B, 109(17), p.174437_1 - 174437_8, 2024/05
We investigated the magnetic helicity of the triple- magnetic structure of the triangular skyrmion lattice in the A-phase of EuPtSi for a magnetic field along the [111] axis by resonant X-ray diffraction using a circularly polarized beam. We show that all three Fourier components of the triple- structure are perpendicular to the respective vectors and have the same helicity. They are connected by the rotation operations about the [111] axis. The helicity is the same as that of the single- helimagnetic phase at low fields, suggesting that the antisymmetric exchange interaction inherent in the chiral structure supports the formation of the triangular skyrmion lattice. We also observe that the helical plane in the helimagnetic phase is tilted to the magnetic field to form a conical structure before the first-order transition to the skyrmion lattice phase.
田端 千紘; 今 布咲子*; 太田 玖吾*; 日比野 瑠央*; 松本 裕司*; 網塚 浩*; 中尾 裕則*; 芳賀 芳範; 金子 耕士
Physical Review B, 109(13), p.134403_1 - 134403_7, 2024/04
Antiferromagnetic (AF) order of UPtGa with the ordering temperature = 26 K was investigated by resonant X-ray scattering and neutron diffraction on single crystals. This compound possesses a unique crystal structure in which uranium ions form honeycomb layers and then stacks along the c-axis with slight offset, which gives rise to a stacking disorder. The AF order can be described with the propagation vector of q = (1/6, 1/6, 0) in the hexagonal notation. The ordered magnetic moments orient perpendicular to the honeycomb layers, indicating a collinear spin structure consistent with Ising-like anisotropy. The magnetic reflections are found to be broadened along c indicating that the stacking disorder results in anisotropic correlation lengths. The semiquantitative analysis of neutron diffraction intensity, combined with group theory considerations based on the crystallographic symmetry, suggests a zig-zag type magnetic structure for the AF ground state, in which the AF coupling runs perpendicular to the stacking offset, characterized as q = (1, 0, 0). The realization of the zig-zag magnetic structure implies the presence of frustrating intralayer exchange interactions involving both ferromagnetic (FM) first-neighbor and AF second and third-neighbor interactions in this compound.
Park, P.*; Cho, W.*; Kim, C.*; An, Y.*; Avdeev, M.*; 飯田 一樹*; 梶本 亮一; Park, J.-G.*
Physical Review B, 109(6), p.L060403_1 - L060403_7, 2024/02
Spontaneous Hall conductivity has recently been reported in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet CoTaS under a zero magnetic field. This phenomenon originates from the distinctive noncoplanar triple- magnetic ground state, possessing uniform real-space Berry curvature characterized by scalar spin chirality. We investigated the physical properties of CoTaS by judiciously controlling the composition, revealing a drastic change in its bulk properties, even by slight variations in cobalt composition, despite the same crystal structure. For , CoTaS keeps all the characteristics of the ground state consistent with the previous studies --- two antiferromagnetic phase transitions at and (), a large spontaneous Hall conductivity [], and a weak ferromagnetic moment along the axis. However, samples with exhibit distinct bulk properties, including the absence of both and the weak ferromagnetic moment. Our neutron diffraction data reveal that CoTaS with develops coplanar helical magnetic order with . This is entirely different from what has been seen in , explaining the observed composition dependence.
志賀 基之; Thomsen, B.; 君塚 肇*
Physical Review B, 109(5), p.054303_1 - 054303_12, 2024/02
菖蒲田 義博
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (Internet), 27(1), p.011001_1 - 011001_25, 2024/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.11(Physics, Nuclear)円筒チャンバー内でバンチされた相対論的なビームの空間電荷チューンシフトを計算する際、一般に、チャンバー壁の代わりにコースティングビームに対する鏡像電流が使用される。そして、バンチ長を特徴付けるためにバンチ因子が直感的に導入される。そのため、この手法の妥当性はいまだ未確立である。本研究では、グリーン関数を用いてバンチされたビームの空間電荷チューンシフトの計算を行い、鏡像電流を使用して導出された以前の公式と比較する。
Huang, Z.*; Wang, W.*; Ye, H.*; Bao, S.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Liao, J.*; Cao, S.*; 梶本 亮一; 池内 和彦*; Deng, G.*; et al.
Physical Review B, 109(1), p.014434_1 - 014434_9, 2024/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)TbMnSn is a correlated topological magnet with a Mn-based kagome lattice, in which a Chern gap opens at the Dirac point at low temperatures. The magnetic moment direction of the ferrimagnetic order changes from in the kagome plane to the out-of-plane upon cooling, which is essential for generating the Chern gap, but the underlying mechanism for the spin reorientation remains elusive. Here, we investigate the spin-reorientation transition in TbMnSn using neutron scattering. We provide direct evidence for the spin-reorientation transition and unveil the coexistence of two Tb modes at 200 K. To account for these results, we put forward a model based on SU(N) spin-wave theory, in which there is a temperature evolution of the ground state Tb orbitals, driven by the crystalline electric field, single-ion anisotropy, and exchange interactions between Tb and Mn ions. Our findings shed light on the complex magnetism of TbMnSn, despite its relatively simple ground state magnetic structure, and provide insights into the mechanisms for tuning magnetic topological materials.
伊藤 孝; 髭本 亘; 下村 浩一郎*
Physical Review B, 108(22), p.224301_1 - 224301_11, 2023/12
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:44.21(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)In positive muon spin rotation and relaxation (SR) spectroscopy, positive muons () implanted into solid oxides are conventionally treated as immobile spin-probes at interstitial sites below room temperature. This is because each is thought to be tightly bound to an oxygen atom in the host lattice to form a muonic analogue of the hydroxy group. On the basis of this concept, anomalies in SR spectra observed in oxides have been attributed in most cases to the intrinsic properties of host materials. On the other hand, global diffusion with an activation energy of 0.1~eV has been reported in some chemically-substituted perovskite oxides at cryogenic temperatures, although the reason for the small activation energy despite the formation of the strong O bond has not yet been quantitatively understood. In this study, we investigated interstitial diffusion in the perovskite oxide lattice using KTaO cubic perovskite as a model system. We used the SR method and density functional theory calculations along with the harmonic transition state theory to study this phenomenon both experimentally and theoretically. Experimental activation energies for global diffusion obtained below room temperature were less than a quarter of the calculated classical potential barrier height for a bottleneck transfer path. The reduction in the effective barrier height could be explained by the harmonic transition state theory with a zero-point energy correction; a significant difference in zero-point energies for at the positions in the O bonding equilibrium state and a bond-breaking transition state was the primary cause of the reduction. This suggests that the assumption of immobile in solid oxides is not always satisfied since such a significant decrease in diffusion barrier height can also occur in other oxides.
服部 恒一*; 末永 大輝*; 鈴木 渓; 安井 繁宏*
Physical Review B, 108(24), p.245110_1 - 245110_11, 2023/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)通常の近藤効果は、伝導電子と交換相互作用を行う不純物を含んだ金属中で起こり、伝導電子のフェルミ面の存在が重要となるが、フェルミ面を持たない系における類似した現象の解明は近藤効果の基礎的理解のために重要である。さらに、通常の近藤効果は磁場中で抑制されるが、とある条件の下では磁場によって増幅することも起こりえる。本論文では、フェルミ面を持たない系において強磁場の存在に起因する近藤効果を記述するための模型を構築・提案する。この模型では、物質中を伝導するディラック粒子と物質内部で局在する不純物から成る粒子対である「近藤凝縮」を平均場として仮定することで、それを秩序変数とする相図を決定することができる。一方で、ディラック粒子・反粒子の粒子対として定義される「カイラル凝縮」は、クォーク系においては古くから知られた基底状態であるが、相互作用するディラック電子系においても類似した基底状態の存在が期待されている。さらに、ディラック粒子・反粒子間に極小の引力相互作用さえあれば、磁場の大きさに伴ってカイラル凝縮が(一般的には)増幅する現象が知られており、magnetic catalysis(磁気触媒機構)と呼ばれている。このため、本研究ではカイラル凝縮と近藤凝縮との磁場中での競合効果に注目し、この競合効果によって磁場をパラメータとする相図上に量子臨界点が現れることを予言した。さらに、磁場だけでなく有限温度の相図の予言も行った。フェルミ面に起因する通常の近藤効果とは異なり、強磁場のみによって誘起される近藤系はモンテカルロ法における負符号問題を持たないため、モンテカルロシミュレーションによって将来的に高精度の検証がなされることが期待される。
角田 一樹; 藤田 裕一*; Zhou, W.*; 増田 啓介*; 川崎 郁斗; 藤森 伸一; 木村 昭夫*; 桜庭 裕弥*
Physical Review B, 108(24), p.L241101_1 - L241101_6, 2023/12
We investigated the element-specific electronic structure of a half-metallic Weyl ferromagnet candidate CoFeSi film by utilizing soft-X-ray resonant photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles calculations with/without considering on-site Coulomb interaction. Fe 2-3 resonant photoelectron experiment revealed that the Fe 3 states exist around 2 and 4 eV below the Fermi energy. Our calculations, based on the generalized gradient approximation without considering Coulomb interaction at the Fe site, successfully reproduced the experimentally observed Fe 3 partial density of states. Our findings shed light on the highly controversial correlation effect of CoFeSi, offering valuable insights into its half-metallicity and Weyl semi-metallicity.
深谷 有喜; 圓谷 志郎*; 境 誠司*
Physical Review B, 108(15), p.155422_1 - 155422_6, 2023/10
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)本研究では、全反射高速陽電子回折を用いて、Ag及びAu原子のインターカレーションによるCo(0001)表面上の単層グラフェンの界面構造変化について調べた。動力学的回折理論に基づく構造解析の結果、400C以上のアニールによりAg及びAu原子はインターカレーションを起こし、グラフェンの高さが2.04から3.24 (Ag)および3.32 (Au)に変位することがわかった。700Cでのさらなるアニールにより、Ag原子はデインターカレーションを起こし、グラフェンの高さがインターカレーション前のものに戻る。一方、Au原子では900C以上にアニールしてもデインターカレーションを起こさない。この違いは、Ag及びAu原子の熱脱離過程における活性化エネルギーの差によって説明できる。
藤原 秀紀*; 中谷 泰博*; 荒谷 秀和*; 金井 惟奈*; 山神 光平*; 濱本 諭*; 木須 孝幸*; 山崎 篤志*; 東谷 篤志*; 今田 真*; et al.
Physical Review B, 108(16), p.165121_1 - 165121_10, 2023/10
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We report the ground-state symmetry of the Ce 4 states in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeNiGe, yielding anisotropic hybridization between the Ce 4 states and conducting electrons. By analyzing linear dichroism in soft X-ray absorption and core-level hard X-ray photoemission spectra, the 4 symmetry is determined as -type , promoting predominant hybridization with the conducting electrons originating from the Ge site. The band structures probed by soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission indicates that the Ge 4 components contribute to the band renormalization through the anisotropic hybridization effects, suggesting that the control of the electronic structures of Ge orbital gives an impact to achieve the exotic phenomena in CeNiGe.
川崎 郁斗; 竹内 一陽*; 藤森 伸一; 竹田 幸治; 山上 浩志; 山本 悦嗣; 芳賀 芳範
Physical Review B, 108(16), p.165127_1 - 165127_9, 2023/10
We performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments using soft X rays to investigate the electronic structure of the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt. The overall band structure revealed by the present ARPES measurements is compared with density-functional calculations for UPt and the non- reference compound ThPt. We showed that the calculation for ThPt gives a better description of the experimental band structure, except for the -derived heavy quasiparticle bands. This situation is reminiscent of Ce-based heavy-fermion systems, whose band structures are often very similar to those of non- La-based compounds. The narrow heavy quasiparticle bands are located just below the Fermi level (), and their band structure could not be resolved by the present energy resolution. We also showed that most of the U spectral weight exists not as the coherent heavy-fermion bands but as incoherent components that distribute over a wide energy range, spanning from near to approximately 2 eV. This result indicates that the heavy quasiparticle bands are enormously renormalized by the electron correlation effect. Additionally, we showed that the spectral intensity of the heavy-fermion bands is almost temperature independent, at least up to 100 K, where the magnetic susceptibility follows a Curie-Weiss behavior.
常盤 欣文; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; Opletal, P.; 山本 悦嗣; 木俣 基*; 淡路 智*; 佐々木 孝彦*; 柳瀬 陽一*; 芳賀 芳範; et al.
Physical Review B, 108(14), p.144502_1 - 144502_5, 2023/10
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)-軸磁場下で-軸方向の電流を用いて測定することで、スピン3重項超伝導体UTeにおけるボルテックスダイナミクスを研究した。驚くべきことに、超伝導状態の深部で、島状の臨界電流の低い領域を発見した。この現象は、ボルテックスのピンニングが弱まった結果と考えられる。特筆すべきは、この領域が最近提案された中間磁場の超伝導相と一致していることである。我々は、中間磁場超伝導状態において非特異的なボルテックスが存在する可能性を検討した。この中間状態では、複数の超伝導成分が混合するためボルテックスの中心部で超伝導の秩序パラメータが完全に消えない可能性があり、それがピニングが弱まる原因になっている可能性がある。
Bersweiler, M.*; 大場 洋次郎; Sinaga, E. P.*; Peral, I.*; Titov, I.*; Adams, M. P.*; Rai, V.*; Metlov, K. L.*; Michels, A.*
Physical Review B, 108(9), p.094434_1 - 094434_7, 2023/09
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:44.21(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Magnetic nanostructure in an isotropic Nd-Fe-B bulk magnet was investigated using small-angle neutron scattering. The two-dimensional scattering patterns show the so-called spike anisotropy, which points the presence of a strong magnetodipolar interaction within the sample. The field-dependence of the scattering intensity is explained by a vortex-like flux closure structure. This suggests that magnetic vortices form pairs.
北澤 崇文; 池田 陽一*; 榊原 俊郎*; 松尾 晶*; 清水 悠晴*; 徳永 陽; 芳賀 芳範; 金道 浩一*; 南部 雄亮*; 池内 和彦*; et al.
Physical Review B, 108(8), p.085105_1 - 085105_7, 2023/08
We demonstrate field-induced single-ion magnetic anisotropy resulting from the multiorbital Kondo effect on diluted ytterbium alloy (LuYb)RhZn. Single-ion anisotropic metamagnetic behavior is revealed in low-temperature regions where the local Fermi-liquid state is formed. Specific heat, low-field magnetic susceptibility, and resistivity indicate reproduction of the ground-state properties by the SU( = 8) Kondo model with a relatively large - hybridization of = 60.9 K. Dynamical susceptibility measurements on YbRhZn support realizing multiorbital Kondo ground state in (LuYb)RhZn. The single-ion magnetic anisotropy becomes evident above 5 T, which is lower than the isotropic Kondo crossover field of 22.7 T, verifying blurred low-lying crystal field states through the multiorbital Kondo effect.