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廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学*
JAEA-Review 2023-023, 99 Pages, 2024/03
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学*
JAEA-Review 2022-032, 102 Pages, 2022/12
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学*
JAEA-Review 2021-030, 79 Pages, 2021/12
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学*
JAEA-Review 2020-028, 68 Pages, 2021/01
日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)廃炉環境国際共同研究センター(CLADS)では、令和元年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業(以下、「本事業」という)を実施している。本事業は、東京電力ホールディングス福島第一原子力発電所の廃炉等をはじめとした原子力分野の課題解決に貢献するため、国内外の英知を結集し、様々な分野の知見や経験を、従前の機関や分野の壁を越えて緊密に融合・連携させた基礎的・基盤的研究及び人材育成を推進することを目的としている。平成30年度の新規採択課題から実施主体を文部科学省からJAEAに移行することで、JAEA とアカデミアとの連携を強化し、廃炉に資する中長期的な研究開発・人材育成をより安定的かつ継続的に実施する体制を構築した。本研究は、研究課題のうち、「燃料デブリ取り出し時における炉内状況把握のための遠隔技術に関する研究人材育成」の令和元年度の研究成果について取りまとめたものである。本研究では、燃料デブリ取り出し時における炉内状況把握のためのモニタリングプラットフォームの構築、およびプラットフォーム上を移動するセンサによる計測・可視化に関する研究開発を行う。また、このような研究課題に参画することによる研究教育,講義等の座学,施設見学、の3つの柱で研究人材を育成することを目的とする。令和元年度は、主に概念設計,試作,コンセプト立案を行った。
Wright, T.*; 羽成 敏秀; 川端 邦明; Lennox, B.*
Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2020) (Internet), p.315 - 321, 2020/00
In exploratory robotics for nuclear decommissioning, environmental understanding is key. Sites such as Fukushima Daiichi Power Station and Sellafield often use manually controlled or semi-autonomous vehicles for exploration and monitoring of assets. In many cases, robots have limited sensing capabilities such as a single camera to provide video to the operators. These limitations can cause issues, where a lack of data about the environment and limited understanding of depth within the image can lead to a mis-understanding of asset state or potential damage being caused to the robot or environment. This work aims to aid operators by using the limited sensors provided i.e. a single monocular camera, to allow estimates of the robot's surrounding environments to be generated in situ without having to off load large amounts of data for processing. This information can then be displayed as a mesh and manipulated in 3D to improve the operator awareness. Due to the target environment for operation being radioactive, speed is prioritised over accuracy, due to the damaging effects radiation can cause to electronics. In well lit environments images can be overlaid onto the meshes to improve the operators understanding and add detail to the mesh. From the results it has been found that 3D meshes of an environment/object can be generated in an acceptable time frame, less than 5 minutes. This differs from many current methods which require offline processing due to heavy computational requirement of Photogrammetry, or are far less informative giving data as raw point clouds, which can be hard to interpret. The proposed technique allows for lower resolution meshes good enough for avoiding collisions within an environment to be generated during a mission due to it's speed of generation, however there are still several issues which need to be solved before such a technique is ready for deployment.
佐藤 優樹; 寺阪 祐太; 小澤 慎吾*; 谷藤 祐太; 鳥居 建男
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 13(8), p.T08011_1 - T08011_10, 2018/08
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:27.90(Instruments & Instrumentation)The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., suffered a meltdown after a large tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. The measurement of radiation distribution inside FDNPS buildings is indispensable for executing appropriate decommissioning tasks in the reactor's buildings. In addition, it is extremely important to accurately predict the location of radioactive contamination beforehand because the working time is limited owing to radiation exposure to workers. In this paper, a simple virtual reality (VR) system that can detect radioactive substances in virtual space has been developed to simulate real working environments. A three-dimensional (3D) photo-based model of the real working environment, including an image of the radioactive substance, was imported into the virtual space of the VR system. The developed VR system can be accessed using a smartphone and a cardboard goggle. The VR system is expected to be useful for preliminary training of workers and for recognizing radioactive hotspots during decommissioning of the work environment.
佐藤 優樹; 小澤 慎吾*; 谷藤 祐太; 鳥居 建男
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 13(3), p.P03001_1 - P03001_8, 2018/03
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:32.01(Instruments & Instrumentation)The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., went into meltdown after the large tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. Radiation distribution measurements inside FDNPS buildings are indispensable to execute decommissioning tasks in the reactor buildings. We have developed a method of three-dimensional (3-D) image reconstruction for radioactive substances using a compact Compton camera. We also succeeded in visually recognize the position of the radioactive substances on the real space by integration of the 3D radiation image and the 3D photo-model created by photogrammetry.
佐藤 優樹; 寺阪 祐太; 宇津木 弥*; 菊地 弘幸*; 高平 史郎*; 鳥居 建男
no journal, ,
The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., went into meltdown after the occurrence of a large tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. The radiation distribution measurements inside the site of the FDNPS are indispensable to execute decommissioning tasks. We have developed a three-dimensional (3D) radiation imaging technique for grasping the location of the high-dose rate region (hotspot) using a compact Compton camera and a photogrammetry technique to create 3D optical images. We succeeded in detecting the hotspot in a waste storage space inside the FDNPS using the Compton camera. We also created the 3D structural model of the waste storage space in the virtual space by using the photogrammetry and superimposed the image of the hotspot on the 3D structural model. Furthermore, we are developing a system that imports the 3D structural model including the image of the hotspot into the virtual reality and allows workers to experience the actual working environment. We believe that these visualization techniques help workers to easily recognize the hotspot at the actual working environment and to decrease their own exposure. These visualization techniques are also effective for planning decontamination and eventually accelerating the decommissioning of the FDNPS.
松日楽 信人*; 小松 廉*; 中島 慎介*; 山下 淳*; 福井 類*; 高橋 浩之*; 島添 健次*; Woo, H.*; 田村 雄介*; 高橋 隆行*; et al.
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This research aims to develop human resources in the field of remote technology for the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. We conduct research on a monitoring platform for fuel debris removal. Here, the developments on prototype experiments were described. We expect to develop research personnel through participation in projects, lectures, and facility tours.