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A 3D particle-based simulation of heat and mass transfer behavior in the EAGLE ID1 in-pile test

Zhang, T.*; 守田 幸路*; Liu, X.*; Liu, W.*; 神山 健司

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 179, p.109389_1 - 109389_10, 2022/12

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:27.23(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The ID1 test was the final target test of the EAGLE experimental framework program. It was used to verify that during a core disruptive accident, the molten fuel could be discharged via wall failure of an inner duct in FAIDUS, a design concept for the sodium-cooled fast reactor. The ID1 results revealed that the wall failure behavior owed to the large heat flow from the surrounding fuel/steel mixture. The present study numerically investigated the heat transfer mechanisms in the test using the finite volume particle method in the three-dimensional domain. The thermal hydraulic behaviors during wall failure were reproduced reasonably. The present three-dimensional simulation mitigated inherent defects of our previous two-dimensional calculation and clarified that the solid fuel and liquid steel close to the outer surface of the duct can expose the duct to high thermal loads, resulting in the wall failure.


A 3D particle-based analysis of molten pool-to-structural wall heat transfer in a simulated fuel subassembly

Zhang, T.*; 守田 幸路*; Liu, X.*; Liu, W.*; 神山 健司

Extended abstracts of the 2nd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences (Internet), 2 Pages, 2021/10

日本のナトリウム冷却高速炉では、高速炉の炉心損傷事故における大規模炉心プール形成による再臨界を回避する方策として、内部ダクト付き燃料集合体(FAIDUS)が提案されている。本研究では、FAIDUSの有効性を実証するために実施されたEAGLE ID1炉内試験を対象に3次元粒子粒子法シミュレーションを行い、溶融燃料/スティールの混合プールからダクト壁への熱伝達機構を明らかにするための解析的検討を行った。


Numerical simulation of heat transfer behavior in EAGLE ID1 in-pile test using finite volume particle method

Zhang, T.*; 船越 寛司*; Liu, X.*; Liu, W.*; 守田 幸路*; 神山 健司

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 150, p.107856_1 - 107856_10, 2021/01

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:63.04(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The EAGLE ID1 test was performed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency to demonstrate the effectiveness of fuel discharge from a fuel subassembly with an inner duct structure. The experimental results suggested that the early duct wall failure observed in the test was initiated by high heat flux from the molten pool comprising liquid fuel and steel. In addition, the post-test analyses showed that the high heat flux may be enhanced effectively by molten steel in the pool. In this study, a series of thermal-hydraulic behaviors in the ID1 test was analyzed to investigate the mechanisms of molten pool-to-duct wall heat transfer using a fully Lagrangian approach based on the finite volume particle method. The present 2D particle-based simulation demonstrated that a large thermal load on the duct wall can be caused by direct contact of the liquid fuel with nuclear heat and high-temperature liquid steel.


Development of experimental technology for simulated fuel-assembly heating to address core-material-relocation behavior during severe accident

阿部 雄太; 山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲; 中桐 俊男; 石見 明洋

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 6(2), p.021113_1 - 021113_9, 2020/04

The authors are developing an experimental technology for simulating severe accident (SA) conditions using simulate fuel material (ZrO$$_{2}$$) that would contribute, not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning, but also to enhance the safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of accident progression behavior. Nontransfer (NTR) type plasma, which has been in practical use with a large torch capacity as high as 2 MW, has the potential to heat subject materials to very high temperatures without selecting the target to be heated. When simulating 1F with SA code, the target of this core-material-melting and relocation (CMMR) experiment was to confirm that NTR plasma has a sufficient heating performance realizing large temperature gradients ($$>$$ 2000 K/m) expected under 1F conditions. The authors selected NTR-type plasma-heating technology that has the advantage of continuous heating in addition to its high-temperature level. The CMMR-2 experiments were carried out in 2017 applying the improved technology (higher heating power and controlled oxygen concentration). The CMMR-2 experiment adopted a 30-min heating period, wherein the power was increased to a level where a large temperature gradient was expected at the lower part of the core under actual 1F accident conditions. Most of the control blade and channel box migrated from the original position. After heating, the simulated fuel assembly was measured by X-ray computed tomography (CT) technology and by electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA). CT pictures and elemental mapping demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, an excellent perspective, in terms of applicability of the NTR-type plasma-heating technology to the SA experimental study, was obtained.


Particle-based simulation of heat transfer behavior in EAGLE ID1 in-pile test

守田 幸路*; 小川 竜聖*; 時岡 大海*; Liu, X.*; Liu, W.*; 神山 健司

Proceedings of 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-12) (USB Flash Drive), 11 Pages, 2018/10



Development of experimental technology for simulated fuel-assembly heating to address core-material-relocation behavior during severe accident

阿部 雄太; 山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲; 中桐 俊男; 石見 明洋; 永江 勇二

Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2018/07

Authors are developing an experimental technology to realize experiments simulating Severe Accident (SA) conditions using simulant fuel material (ZrO$$_{2}$$ with slight addition of MgO for stabilization) that would contribute not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning but also to enhance the safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of the accident progression behavior. Based on the results of the prototype test, improvement of plasma heating technology was conducted. The Core Material Melting and Relocation (CMMR)-1/-2 experiments were carried out in 2017 with the large-scale simulated fuel assembly (1 m $$times$$ 0.3 m $$phi$$) applying the improved technology (higher heating power and controlled oxygen concentration). In these two tests, heating history was different resulting basically in similar physical responses with more pronounced material melting and relocation in the CMMR-2 experiment. The CMMR-2 experiment is selected here from the viewpoint of establishing an experimental technology. The CMMR-2 experiment adopted 30-min heating period, the power was increased up to a level so that a large temperature gradient ($$>$$ 2,000 K/m) expected at the lower part of the core in the actual 1F accident conditions. Most of the control blade and the channel box migrated from the original position. After the heating, the simulated fuel assembly was measured by the X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) technology and by Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA). CT pictures and elemental mapping demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, an excellent perspective in terms of applicability of the non-transfer type plasma heating technology to the SA experimental study was obtained.



丸山 信一郎*; 綿谷 聡*

三井住友建設技術研究開発報告, (15), p.107 - 112, 2017/10



Development of non-transfer type plasma heating technology to address CMR behavior during severe accident with BWR design conditions

阿部 雄太; 佐藤 一憲; 中桐 俊男; 石見 明洋; 永江 勇二

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2017/04

Authors are developing an experimental technology to realize experiments simulating severe accident conditions that would contribute not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning but also to enhance safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of the accident progression behavior. In the first part of this program, called Phase I hereafter, a series of small-scale experiments (10 cm $$times$$ 10 cm $$times$$ 25 cmh) were performed in March 2015 and it was demonstrated that non-transfer (NTR) type plasma heating is capable of successfully melting the high melting-point ceramics. In order to confirm applicability of this heating technology to larger scale test specimens to address the experimental needs, authors performed a second series plasma heating tests in 2016, called Phase II hereafter, using a simulated fuel assembly with a larger size (100 cm $$times$$ 30 cm phi). In the phase II part of the program, the power was increased up to a level so that a large temperature gradient (2,000 K/m - 4,000 K/m) expected at the lower part of the core in the actual 1F accident conditions. After the heating, these test pieces were measured by the X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) technology. CT pictures demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, basic applicability of the NTR plasma heating for the SA experimental study was confirmed. With the Phase II-type 100 cm-high test geometry, core material relocation (CMR) behavior within the active core region and its access to the core support structure region would be addressed. JAEA is also preparing for the next step large-scale tests using up to four simulated fuel assemblies covering the lower part of the active fuel and fully simulating the upper part of the lower core support structures addressing CMR behavior including core material relocation into the lower plenum.


Preparation for a new experimental program addressing core-material-relocation behavior during severe accident with BWR design conditions; Conduction of preparatory tests applying non-transfer-type plasma heating technology

阿部 雄太; 佐藤 一憲; 石見 明洋; 中桐 俊男; 永江 勇二

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2016/06



Experimental study on secondary depressurization action for PWR vessel bottom small break LOCA with HPI failure and gas inflow (ROSA-V/LSTF test SB-PV-03)

鈴木 光弘; 竹田 武司; 浅香 英明; 中村 秀夫

JAERI-Research 2005-014, 170 Pages, 2005/06




シビアアクシデントの伝熱流動現象における素過程に関する研究; 溶融炉心プールと冷却水との液滴界面における熱伝達, 原子力基礎研究 H10-027-6 (委託研究)

三島 嘉一郎*; 齋藤 泰司*

JAERI-Tech 2002-014, 83 Pages, 2002/03




BWR定常ポストCHF試験結果; 限界熱流束及びポストCHF熱伝達率(受託研究)

井口 正; 岩城 智香子*; 安濃田 良成

JAERI-Research 2001-060, 91 Pages, 2002/02




Analysis of WITCH/LINER experiments on heat transfer between gas-agitated steel melt and vertical wall

丸山 結; 杉本 純

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 36(10), p.914 - 922, 1999/10

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:28.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)



A Feasibility study on core cooling of pressurized heavy water moderated reactor with tight lattice core

大貫 晃; 大久保 努; 秋本 肇

Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-7) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 1999/00



Coolability of molten core in containment

丸山 結; 杉本 純; 山野 憲洋; 日高 昭秀; 工藤 保; 早田 邦久

Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, p.23.5-1 - 23.5-6, 1992/00



Analysis of SCTF/CCTF counterpart test results

大久保 努; 傍島 眞; 岩村 公道; 大貫 晃; 阿部 豊; 安達 公道; 村尾 良夫

JAERI-M 90-083, 155 Pages, 1990/06




Thermal hydraulic feasibility study of a double-flat-core type High Conversion Light Water Reactor

岩村 公道; 大久保 努; 村尾 良夫; 末村 高幸*

Thermal Hydraulics of Advanced Nuclear Reactors, p.31 - 38, 1990/00



Recent study on two-dimensional thermal-hydraulic behavior in PWR core during the reflood phase of LOCA with the slab core test facility:SCTF

安達 公道; 岩村 公道; 大貫 晃; 秋本 肇; 傍島 真; 村尾 良夫

Proc.2nd Int.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Thermal Hydraulics and Operations, p.2 - 104, 1986/00

平板炉心再冠水試験においては、半径の大きいPWR炉心における冷却材喪失事故時再冠水過程の2次元的な熱水力学的挙動について、実験的に研究している。2次元挙動のうち、炉心の最高到達温度の低減に最も寄与するのは半径方向の出力分布に基づく2次元的効果であるが、その物理的なメカニズムについては、不明な点が多い。本法ではこのメカニズムの解明に定性的に役立つ情報を得るために炉心冠水速度を変えた2回の実験、及び炉心初期温度を変えた2回の実験を行ない、そのデータを分析した結果を報告する。 これらの実験を通じて、クエンチフロント下で高出力バンドルへの流れの集中が起れば、熱伝達率に有意な量の向上が現れること、及び炉心の初期温度分布の影響のかなりの部分が温度そのものよりも流体挙動を介して熱伝達率に影響を与えることが明らかにされた。


JRR-3改造炉のための炉心熱伝達実験,II; 垂直矩形流路における沸騰開始(ONB)条件およびDNB熱流束に関する実験的研究

数土 幸夫; 宮田 佳一*; 井川 博雅; 大河原 正美; 神永 雅紀

JAERI-M 85-126, 95 Pages, 1985/09





稲垣 嘉之; 河村 洋; 田中 利幸

JAERI-M 84-174, 43 Pages, 1984/09



42 件中 1件目~20件目を表示