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谷口 良徳; 宇田川 豊; 天谷 政樹
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107188_1 - 107188_7, 2020/05
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:9.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)The fuel-failure-limit data obtained in the simulated reactivity-initiated-accident experiment SPERT-CDC 859 (SPERT859) has entailed a lot of discussions if it represents fuel-failure behavior of typical commercial LWRs for its specific pre-irradiation condition and fuel state. The fuel-rod conditions before and during SPERT859 were thus assessed by the fuel-performance codes FEMAXI-8 and RANNS with focusing on cladding corrosion and its effect on the failure limit of the test rod. The analysis showed that the fuel cladding was probably excessively corroded even when the influential calculation conditions such as fuel swelling and creep models were determined so that the lowest limit of the cladding oxide layer thickness was captured. Such assumption of excessive cladding corrosion during pre-irradiation well explains not only the test-rod state before pulse irradiation but also the fuel-failure limit observed. Such understanding undermines anew the representativeness of the test data as a direct basis of safety evaluation for LWR fuels.
宇田川 豊; 三原 武; 谷口 良徳; 垣内 一雄; 天谷 政樹
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107268_1 - 107268_9, 2020/05
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:29.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)This paper reports a computer-code analysis on the base-irradiation behavior of the chromia-and-alumina-doped BWR rod irradiated to 64 GWd/t in Oskarshamn-3, Sweden, and subjected to the reactivity-initiated-accident (RIA) test OS-1, which resulted in a fuel failure due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) at the lowest fuel-enthalpy increase in all the BWR tests ever performed. The inverse calculation which utilized post-irradiation examination data as its constraint conditions revealed that the OS-1 rod had very likely experienced more intense PCMI loading due to higher swelling rate during base irradiation than other BWR rods subjected to previous RIA tests and thus had been prone to experience enhanced radial-hydride formation. The significant difference in the cladding hoop-stress more than 50 MPa discriminates the OS-1 rod from other BWR rods and supports the interpretation that enhanced radial-hydrides formation differentiated the PCMI-failure behavior observed in the test OS-1 from the previous BWR-fuel tests.
笹島 栄夫; 杉山 智之; 中村 武彦*; 更田 豊志
JAERI-Research 2004-022, 113 Pages, 2004/12
本報告書は、安全性試験研究炉(NSRR)において実施した反応度事故模擬実験、GK-1及びGK-2の結果についてまとめたものである。実験は、九州電力(株)玄海1号機で燃料燃焼度42.1MWd/kgUまで照射された1414型PWR燃料に対して行った。計装を施した試験燃料棒を二重カプセルに装荷し、NSRRにおいて0.1MPa, 293Kの静止水冷却条件下でパルス照射実験を実施した。GK-1実験の発熱量は505J/g、燃料エンタルピは389J/g、GK-2実験の発熱量は490J/g、燃料エンタルピは377J/gに達した。被覆管表面ではDNBが生じ、最高温度はGK-1で589K、GK-2で569Kに達した。パルス照射後の被覆管径方向最大残留歪みはGK-1で2.7%、GK-2で1.2%となったが、燃料棒破損には至らなかった。パルス照射中の燃料棒内自由空間への核分裂ガス放出率はGK-1で11.7%、GK-2で7.0%であった。
山下 利之; 蔵本 賢一; 秋江 拓志; 中野 佳洋; 白数 訓子; 中村 武彦; 草ヶ谷 和幸*; 大道 敏彦*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(8), p.865 - 871, 2002/08
被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:81.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)余剰プルトニウムの効率的な利用と廃棄のための新しいオプションを提案するため、岩石型プルトニウム燃料とその軽水炉中での燃焼技術に関する研究を行った。岩石型燃料はイナートマトリクス燃料の一種で、安定化ジルコニア,スピネルやコランダムなどの鉱物類似化合物から構成される。重核分裂片による照射損傷を軽減するため、粒子分散型燃料を考案した。照射試験により、スエリング,ガス放出,微細組織変化に関する知見が得られた。岩石型プルトニウム燃料装荷炉心が有する本来的な短所は、ウランやトリウムなどの共鳴物質を添加することで改善され、改善炉心の過渡時における特性は通常の軽水炉炉心と同等となった。反応度事故条件下における岩石型燃料棒の破損しきい値は軽水炉燃料と同等であることが、パルス照射試験により確認された。
中村 武彦; 高橋 正人*; 吉永 真希夫
JAERI-Research 2000-048, 77 Pages, 2000/11
宇田川 豊
no journal, ,
This presentation reports a computer-code analysis on the base-irradiation behavior of the chromia-and-alumina-doped BWR rod irradiated to 64 GWd/t in Oskarshamn-3, Sweden, and subjected to the reactivity-initiated-accident (RIA) test OS-1, which resulted in a fuel failure due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) at the lowest fuel-enthalpy increase in all the BWR tests ever performed. The inverse calculation which utilized post-irradiation examination data as its constraint conditions revealed that the OS-1 rod had very likely experienced more intense PCMI loading due to higher swelling rate during base irradiation than other BWR rods subjected to previous RIA tests and thus had been prone to experience enhanced radial-hydride formation. The significant difference in the PCMI-related parameters between the OS-1 rod and other BWR rods supports the interpretation that enhanced radial-hydrides formation differentiated the PCMI-failure behavior observed in the test OS-1 from the previous BWR-fuel tests.