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Study on the discharge behavior of the molten-core materials through the control rod guide tube; Investigations of the effect of an internal structure in the control rod guide tube on the discharge behavior

加藤 慎也; 松場 賢一; 神山 健司; Akaev, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*

Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-13) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2022/09



Analysis on cooling behavior for simulated molten core material impinging to a horizontal plate in a sodium pool

松下 肇希*; 小林 蓮*; 堺 公明*; 加藤 慎也; 松場 賢一; 神山 健司

Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-13) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2022/09

ナトリウム冷却高速炉の炉心損傷事故では、溶融炉心物質が制御棒案内管などの流路を通って炉心領域下の炉心入口プレナムに流れ込む。溶融炉心物質は、ナトリウム冷却材中で入口プレナムの水平板に衝突しながら冷却・固化されると見込まれる。しかし、水平構造物に衝突した溶融炉心物質の固化・冷却挙動は、これまで十分に研究されていなかった。これはナトリウム冷却高速炉の安全性向上の観点から解明が必要な重要な現象である。そこで、カザフスタン共和国国立原子力センターの実験施設において、模擬溶融炉心物質(アルミナ: Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$)を水平構造物上のナトリウム冷却材中に放出する一連の実験が実施された。本研究では、高速炉安全性評価コードSIMMER-IIIを用いたナトリウム試験に関する解析を実施した。解析結果と実験データの比較により、解析手法の妥当性を確認した。また、ジェット衝突時の冷却・固化挙動を評価した。その結果、溶融炉心物質が水平板への衝突により破砕され、周辺部へ飛散することがわかった。さらに、模擬溶融炉心物質がナトリウムによって冷却され、その後、固化することを確認した。


A Status of experimental program to achieve in-vessel retention during core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors

神山 健司; 松場 賢一; 加藤 慎也; 今泉 悠也; Mukhamedov, N.*; Akayev, A.*; Pakhnits, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2022/04

To achieve in-vessel retention for mitigating the consequences of core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors, controlled material relocation (CMR) has been proposed as an effective safety concept. CMR is not only aiming at eliminating the potential for exceeding prompt criticality events that affect the integrity of the reactor vessel, but also enhancing the potential for the in-vessel cooling of degraded core materials during CDAs. Based on this concept several design measures have been studied, and, to evaluate their effectiveness, experimental evidences to show relocation of molten-core material were required. With this background, a series of experimental program called EAGLE (Experimental Acquisition of Generalized Logic to Eliminate re-criticalities) has been carried out collaboratively over 20 years between Japan Atomic Energy Agency and National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC/RK) using an out-of-pile and in-pile test facilities of NNC/RK. The EAGLE program is divided into three phases, they are called EAGLE-1, EAGLE-2 and EAGLE-3, to cover whole phase after core-melting begins. The subject for EAGLE-1 and the first half of EAGLE-2 is CMR in the early phase of CDA in which the core melting progresses rapidly driven by positive reactivity insertions. The subject for the latter half of EAGLE-2 and whole EAGLE-3 is CMR in the later phase of CDA in which the gradual core melting by decay heat and relocation and cooling of degraded core materials occurs. In the paper, the major achievement of the EAGLE program and future plans are presented.


Validation of analysis models on relocation behavior of molten core materials in sodium-cooled fast reactors based on the melt discharge experiment

五十嵐 魁*; 大貫 涼二*; 堺 公明*; 加藤 慎也; 松場 賢一; 神山 健司

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/08

In order to improve the safety of nuclear power plants, it is necessary to make sure measures against their severe accidents. Especially, in the case of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), there is a possibility of significant energy release due to formation of a large-scale molten fuel pool accompanied by re-criticality in the event of a core disruptive accident (CDA). It is important to ensure in-vessel retention that keeps and confines damaged core material in the reactor vessel even if the CDA occurs. CDA scenario initiated by Unprotected Loss Of Flow (ULOF), which is a typical cause of core damage, is generally categorized into four phases according to the progression of core-disruptive status, which are the initiating, early-discharge, material-relocation and heat-removal phases for the latest design in Japan. During the material-relocation phase, the molten core material flows down mainly through the control rod guide tube and is discharged into the inlet coolant plenum below the bottom of the core. The discharged molten core material collides with the bottom plate of the inlet plenum. Clarification of the accumulation behavior of molten core material with such a collision on the bottom plate is important to reduce uncertainties in the safety assessment of CDA. In present study, in order to make clear behavior of core melt materials during the CDAs of SFRs, analysis was conducted using the SIMMER-III code for a melt discharge simulation experiment in which low-melting-point alloy was discharged into a shallow water pool. This report shows the validation results for the melt behavior by comparing with the experimental data.


Development of experimental technology for simulated fuel-assembly heating to address core-material-relocation behavior during severe accident

阿部 雄太; 山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲; 中桐 俊男; 石見 明洋

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 6(2), p.021113_1 - 021113_9, 2020/04

The authors are developing an experimental technology for simulating severe accident (SA) conditions using simulate fuel material (ZrO$$_{2}$$) that would contribute, not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning, but also to enhance the safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of accident progression behavior. Nontransfer (NTR) type plasma, which has been in practical use with a large torch capacity as high as 2 MW, has the potential to heat subject materials to very high temperatures without selecting the target to be heated. When simulating 1F with SA code, the target of this core-material-melting and relocation (CMMR) experiment was to confirm that NTR plasma has a sufficient heating performance realizing large temperature gradients ($$>$$ 2000 K/m) expected under 1F conditions. The authors selected NTR-type plasma-heating technology that has the advantage of continuous heating in addition to its high-temperature level. The CMMR-2 experiments were carried out in 2017 applying the improved technology (higher heating power and controlled oxygen concentration). The CMMR-2 experiment adopted a 30-min heating period, wherein the power was increased to a level where a large temperature gradient was expected at the lower part of the core under actual 1F accident conditions. Most of the control blade and channel box migrated from the original position. After heating, the simulated fuel assembly was measured by X-ray computed tomography (CT) technology and by electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA). CT pictures and elemental mapping demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, an excellent perspective, in terms of applicability of the NTR-type plasma-heating technology to the SA experimental study, was obtained.


Development of experimental technology for simulated fuel-assembly heating to address core-material-relocation behavior during severe accident

阿部 雄太; 山下 拓哉; 佐藤 一憲; 中桐 俊男; 石見 明洋; 永江 勇二

Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2018/07

Authors are developing an experimental technology to realize experiments simulating Severe Accident (SA) conditions using simulant fuel material (ZrO$$_{2}$$ with slight addition of MgO for stabilization) that would contribute not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning but also to enhance the safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of the accident progression behavior. Based on the results of the prototype test, improvement of plasma heating technology was conducted. The Core Material Melting and Relocation (CMMR)-1/-2 experiments were carried out in 2017 with the large-scale simulated fuel assembly (1 m $$times$$ 0.3 m $$phi$$) applying the improved technology (higher heating power and controlled oxygen concentration). In these two tests, heating history was different resulting basically in similar physical responses with more pronounced material melting and relocation in the CMMR-2 experiment. The CMMR-2 experiment is selected here from the viewpoint of establishing an experimental technology. The CMMR-2 experiment adopted 30-min heating period, the power was increased up to a level so that a large temperature gradient ($$>$$ 2,000 K/m) expected at the lower part of the core in the actual 1F accident conditions. Most of the control blade and the channel box migrated from the original position. After the heating, the simulated fuel assembly was measured by the X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) technology and by Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA). CT pictures and elemental mapping demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, an excellent perspective in terms of applicability of the non-transfer type plasma heating technology to the SA experimental study was obtained.



阿部 雄太; 中桐 俊男; 綿谷 聡*; 丸山 信一郎*

JAEA-Technology 2017-023, 46 Pages, 2017/10


本件は、廃炉国際共同研究センター(Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science: CLADS)燃料溶融挙動解析グループにて平成27年度に実施した「プラズマトーチによる模擬燃料集合体加熱試験(Phase II)」で用いた試験体について実施したAbrasive Water Jet (AWJ)切断作業に関する報告である。模擬燃料集合体は、外周のるつぼ及び模擬燃料にジルコニア、制御ブレード及びステンレス、そして被覆管及びャンネルボックスにジルカロイ(Zr)を利用している。したがって、プラズマトーチを用いて高温に加熱し物質移行した模擬燃料集合体に対して、材料分析を実施するためには、硬度及び靭性の異なる材料を一度に切断する必要がある。加えて、本試験体は、大型かつ、溶融物を保持するためエポキシ樹脂が充填されている。これらの影響を鑑みて、AWJ切断を選定した。以下の点を工夫することで、本試験体をAWJで切断することができた。ホウ化物の溶融部分のように1回(ワンパス)で切断できない場合は、アップカットとダウンカットを繰り返す往復運動により切断を行った。切断が困難な箇所には、Abrasive Injection Jet(従来工法AIJ)方式より切断能力が高いAbrasive Suspension Jet(ASJ)方式を用いた。本作業を通じて、プラズマトーチを用いた模擬燃料集合体加熱試験における切断方法が確立できた。なお、切断作業では、AWJの先端で切断能力を失うと送り方向と反対に噴流が逃げる際に生じる湾曲した切断面が試験体中央部で確認できた。その結果を元に、切断面の荒さや切断時間の短縮のための課題の抽出を行った。



丸山 信一郎*; 綿谷 聡*

三井住友建設技術研究開発報告, (15), p.107 - 112, 2017/10



Development of non-transfer type plasma heating technology to address CMR behavior during severe accident with BWR design conditions

阿部 雄太; 佐藤 一憲; 中桐 俊男; 石見 明洋; 永江 勇二

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2017/04

Authors are developing an experimental technology to realize experiments simulating severe accident conditions that would contribute not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning but also to enhance safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of the accident progression behavior. In the first part of this program, called Phase I hereafter, a series of small-scale experiments (10 cm $$times$$ 10 cm $$times$$ 25 cmh) were performed in March 2015 and it was demonstrated that non-transfer (NTR) type plasma heating is capable of successfully melting the high melting-point ceramics. In order to confirm applicability of this heating technology to larger scale test specimens to address the experimental needs, authors performed a second series plasma heating tests in 2016, called Phase II hereafter, using a simulated fuel assembly with a larger size (100 cm $$times$$ 30 cm phi). In the phase II part of the program, the power was increased up to a level so that a large temperature gradient (2,000 K/m - 4,000 K/m) expected at the lower part of the core in the actual 1F accident conditions. After the heating, these test pieces were measured by the X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) technology. CT pictures demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, basic applicability of the NTR plasma heating for the SA experimental study was confirmed. With the Phase II-type 100 cm-high test geometry, core material relocation (CMR) behavior within the active core region and its access to the core support structure region would be addressed. JAEA is also preparing for the next step large-scale tests using up to four simulated fuel assemblies covering the lower part of the active fuel and fully simulating the upper part of the lower core support structures addressing CMR behavior including core material relocation into the lower plenum.


Preparation for a new experimental program addressing core-material-relocation behavior during severe accident with BWR design conditions; Conduction of preparatory tests applying non-transfer-type plasma heating technology

阿部 雄太; 佐藤 一憲; 石見 明洋; 中桐 俊男; 永江 勇二

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2016/06



Computational and experimental examination of simulated core damage and relocation dynamics of a BWR fuel assembly

Hanus, G.*; 佐藤 一憲; 岩間 辰也*

Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposia 2016 (WM2016) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2016/03



プラズマ加熱試験の材料分析を用いた評価手法の確立,1; プラズマ加熱試験の材料分析を用いた評価手法の概要

阿部 雄太; 中桐 俊男; 佐藤 一憲; 中野 菜都子*; 山口 英信*; 丸山 信一郎*

no journal, , 



プラズマ加熱試験の材料分析を用いた評価手法の確立,2; プラズマ基礎加熱試験体を用いた材料分析とLIBSの適用可能性

川上 智彦*; 阿部 雄太; Spaziani, F.*; 中野 菜都子*; 中桐 俊男

no journal, , 



プラズマ加熱試験の材料分析による評価手法の確立,3; AWJによる模擬試験体の切断

丸山 信一郎*; 阿部 雄太; 中桐 俊男; 綿谷 聡*; 高島 雄次*

no journal, , 



A Quick-look report on JAEA plasma heating tests simulating severe accident in BWR

佐藤 一憲; 中桐 俊男; 阿部 雄太; 石見 明洋; 永江 勇二

no journal, , 



Visualization of the boron distribution in simulated melted core material by neutron energy resolving method

甲斐 哲也; 阿部 雄太; 松本 吉弘*; Parker, J. D.*; 篠原 武尚; 大石 佑治*; 永江 勇二; 佐藤 一憲

no journal, , 

The energy resolved neutron imaging system RADEN, installed at the Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (J-PARC), utilizes short-pulsed neutrons in the energy range from meV to keV by means of the time-of-flight method. The wide neutron energy range makes it possible to adjust neutron attenuation of a sample to suit a particular measurement by selecting the neutron energy range. The Core Material Melting and Relocation (CMMR) experiments have been performed to investigate core melt accidents in the Fukushima-Daiichi (1F) Nuclear Power Plant. Some amount of boride was found to be contained in simulated melted core material. The authors show the status of the development of a method utilizing energy-resolved neutrons, and demonstrate some measurements of boron-containing samples, including simulated melted core material.


軽水炉シビアアクシデント挙動模擬のためのプラズマ加熱試験技術の開発,3; EPMAを用いた広範囲にわたる酸素マッピング分析手法の検討

阿部 雄太; 中桐 俊男; 佐藤 一憲; 中野 菜都子*; 田中 宏*; 山口 英信*

no journal, , 

原子力機構では福島第一原子力発電所事故時の事象推移解明に向けた非移行型プラズマ加熱を用いたBWRシビアアクシデント時の炉心物質の下部プレナムへの移行挙動(CMR)に着目した試験の実施を検討している。当該試験では、BWRの基本構成要素(燃料ロッド、チャネルボックス、制御棒ブレード、下部支持構造)を模擬した試験体を製作し、加熱試験を行う計画である。しかし、模擬燃料ペレットでUO$$_{2}$$-Zr系と疑似的状態図が類似しているジルコニア(ZrO$$_{2}$$)を用いるため、移行挙動を評価するには被覆管(Zr)に含まれる酸素量または内包される不純物量を比較する必要がある。そこで、我々はコンクリートの劣化診断などで広く使われている広範囲EPMA(WDX)に着目し、模擬燃料ペレットと被覆管のみを模擬した小規模試験体(Phase I)を対象に、酸素濃度分布及び内包される不純物(Mg, Hf)分布を測定し、その妥当性をXRF及び不活性ガス溶解法を用いた酸素の定量分析によるO/M比で評価した。



曽我部 丞司; 神山 健司; 飛田 吉春; 岡野 靖

no journal, , 



Experimental studies in the EAGLE-3 project for controlled material relocation in severe accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors

加藤 慎也; 松場 賢一; 神山 健司; Mukhamedov, N.*; Akayev, A.*; Pakhnits, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*

no journal, , 

To achieve the In-Vessel Retention (IVR) in case of Core Disruptive Accidents (CDAs) is of prime importance in enhancing safety of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). In order to ensure IVR, we are investigating the feasibility of the controlled material relocation (CMR) which enables to decrease the reactivity of degraded core and encourage cooling of relocated material. EAGLE-1 and -2, which have already conducted as the collaboration studies of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNR-RK), focused on the molten-fuel discharge on the early phase of CDAs and demonstrated the molten-material discharge through the intra-subassembly sodium-filled duct without an inner structure1). In EAGLE-3, the discharge of molten-core material, which gradually expands in the core region by decay heat during the later phase of CDAs, toward the lower sodium plenum through the control rod guide tubes (CRGTs) has been focused. CRGTs have internal structures, such as a sodium-flow regulator, which could affect fuel discharge. Thus, in order to clarify the effect of the internal structures in the CRGT on the discharge behavior of the molten-core material, a series of experiments has been conducted. The knowledge obtained through the EAGLE-3 experiments are presented here.


軽水炉シビアアクシデント挙動模擬のためのプラズマ加熱試験技術の開発,1; 目的とH26年度の成果

佐藤 一憲; 阿部 雄太; 中桐 俊男; 永江 勇二; 石見 明洋

no journal, , 

原子力機構では福島第一原子力発電所事故時の事象推移解明に向けて、非移行型プラズマ加熱を用いたBWRシビアアクシデント時の炉心物質の下部プレナムへの移行挙動(CMR)に着目した試験の実施を検討している。非移行型プラズマ加熱は酸化物燃料が溶融するような高温条件の達成や連続的な加熱の実現性の観点で有望であるが、シビアアクシデントの実験研究分野への適用例はなく、その適用性を確認して試験技術を確立する必要があった。そこで機構では平成26年度に模擬燃料ロッドを主体とした小規模試験体(縦横約10cm$$times$$高さ約20cm)をプラズマトーチで加熱する予備試験(Phase I)を行い、燃料の一部溶融を確認して本プラズマ加熱の基本的な適用性を確認した。

27 件中 1件目~20件目を表示