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JAEA Reports

Core dynamics analysis of control rod withdrawal test in HTTR (Contract Research)

Takada, Eiji*; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Nojiri, Naoki; Fujimoto, Nozomu

JAERI-Tech 2004-048, 60 Pages, 2004/06


The HTTR (High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor), which has thermal output of 30MW, coolant inlet temperature of 395$$^{circ}$$C and coolant outlet temperature of 850$$^{circ}$$C/950$$^{circ}$$C, is a first high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) in Japan. The HTGR has a high inherent safety potential to accident condition. Safety demonstration tests using the HTTR are underway in order to demonstrate such excellent inherent safety features of the HTGR. The reactivity insertion test demonstrates that rapid increase of reactor power by withdrawing the control rod is restrained by only the negative reactivity feedback effect without operating the reactor power control system, and the temperature transient of the reactor is slow. The best estimated analyses have been conducted to simulate reactor transients during the reactivity insertion test. A one-point core dynamics approximation with one fuel channel model is applied to this analysis. It was found that the analytical model for core dynamics could simulate the reactor power behavior.

JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration test (SR-2/S2C-2/SF-1) plan using the HTTR (Contract research)

Sakaba, Nariaki; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi; Takada, Eiji*; Saito, Kenji; Furusawa, Takayuki; Tochio, Daisuke; Tachibana, Yukio; Iyoku, Tatsuo

JAERI-Tech 2004-014, 24 Pages, 2004/02


Safety demonstration tests using the HTTR are in progress to verify the inherent safety features and to improve the safety design and evaluation technologies for HTGRs, as well as to contribute to not only the commercial HTGRs but also the research and development for the VHTR one of the Generation IV reactors. This paper describes the reactivity insertion test and coolant flow reduction test by trip of gas circulator and partial flow loss of coolant planned in 2004 with detailed test method, procedure and results of pre-test analysis. From the analytical results, it was found that the negative reactivity feedback effect of the core brings the reactor power safely to a stable level without a reactor scram.

JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration test (S1C-2/S2C-1) plan using the HTTR (Contract research)

Sakaba, Nariaki; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Takada, Eiji*; Tachibana, Yukio; Saito, Kenji; Furusawa, Takayuki; Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi; Tochio, Daisuke; Iyoku, Tatsuo

JAERI-Tech 2003-074, 37 Pages, 2003/08


Safety demonstration tests using HTTR are now underway in order to verify the inherent safety features and to improve the safety design and evaluation technologies for HTGRs, as well as to contribute to research and development for the VHTR, which is one of the Generation IV reactors. The first phase of the safety demonstration tests includes reactivity insertion tests by means of control-rod withdrawal and coolant flow reduction tests by tripping the gas circulators. In the second phase, accident simulation tests will be conducted. This paper describes the plan of coolant flow reduction tests by tripping of gas circulators planned in August 2003 with detailed test method, procedure and results of pre-test analysis. The analysis results of the steady state and transient behaviours of the reactor and the plant of the HTTR show that in the case of a rapid decrease of the coolant flow rate, the negative reactivity feedback effect of the core brings the reactor power safely to certain stable level without a reactor scram, and that the temperature transient of the reactor core is slow.

JAEA Reports

Safety demonstration test (SR-1/S1C-1) plan of HTTR (Contract research)

Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Sakaba, Nariaki; Takada, Eiji*; Tachibana, Yukio; Saito, Kenji; Furusawa, Takayuki; Sawa, Kazuhiro

JAERI-Tech 2003-049, 22 Pages, 2003/03


Safety demonstration tests in the HTTR (High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor) will be carried out in order to verify inherent safety features of the HTGR (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor). The first phase of the safety demonstration tests includes the reactivity insertion test by the control rod withdrawal and the coolant flow reduction test by the gas circulator trip. In the second phase, accident simulation tests will be conducted. By comparison of their experimental and analytical results, the prediction capability of the safety evaluation codes such as the core and the plant dynamics codes will be improved and verified, which will contribute to establish the safety design and the safety evaluation technologies of the HTGRs. The results obtained through its safety demonstration tests will be also utilised for the establishment of the safety design guideline, the safety evaluation guideline, etc. This paper describes the test program of the overall safety demonstration tests and the test method, the test conditions and the results of the pre-test analysis of the reactivity insertion test and the partial gas circulator trip test planned in March 2003.

Journal Articles

Safety demonstration test plan of HTTR; Overall program and result of coolant flow reduction test

Sakaba, Nariaki; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Tachibana, Yukio

Proceedings of GLOBAL2003 Atoms for Prosperity; Updating Eisenhower's Global Vision for Nuclear Energy (CD-ROM), p.293 - 299, 2003/00

Safety demonstration tests using the HTTR are now underway in order to verify the inherent safety features and to improve the safety design and evaluation technologies for HTGRs, as well as to contribute to research and development for the VHTR, which is one of the Generation IV reactors. The first phase of the safety demonstration tests includes the reactivity insertion test by means of control-rod withdrawal and the coolant flow reduction test by tripping the gas circulators. The coolant flow reduction tests are simulation tests of anticipated transients without scram (ATWS). In the second phase of the safety demonstration tests, accident simulation tests will be conducted. This paper describes the plan of the overall safety demonstration tests and coolant flow reduction tests with test method, test conditions, and analytical and experimental results. From the results, it was found that the negative reactivity feedback of the core brings the reactor power safely to a stable level without a reactor scram in the case of a rapid decrease of the coolant flow rate after tripping of gas circulators.

Journal Articles

Development of a simulation model and safety evaluation for depressurization accident without reactor scram in an advanced HTGR

Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Saikusa, Akio; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Nuclear Technology, 133(2), p.141 - 152, 2001/02

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:27.07(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Dose evaluation for JRR-3 silicide fuel core

; Tachibana, Haruo

JAERI-Tech 97-058, 101 Pages, 1997/11


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Journal Articles

High temperature engineering test reactor design

Tanaka, Toshiyuki; Shiozawa, Shusaku; Okubo, Minoru; Baba, Osamu; Minatsuki, Isao*; ; ;

Proc. of the ASME Joint Int. Power Generation Conf., 0, 10 Pages, 1994/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Safety analysis of JMTR LEU fuel core, 3; Dose analysis at accidents in safety and site evaluation

Tsuchida, Noboru; ; ; ; ; Saito, Minoru;

JAERI-M 92-152, 92 Pages, 1992/10


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Safety design of the NUCEF critical facilities

Takeshita, Isao; Nomura, Masayuki; ; Izawa, Naoki; Yanagisawa, Hiroshi

Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Waste Management,Vol. 1, p.510 - 515, 1991/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Oral presentation

A Tree diagram; Compilation of methods for evaluating host rock suitability taking account of uncertainties in hydrogeological modeling

Sawada, Atsushi; Hayano, Akira; Goto, Junichi*; Inagaki, Manabu*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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