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JAEA Reports

Utilization of gamma ray irradiation at the WASTEF Facility

Sano, Naruto; Yamashita, Naoki; Watanabe, Masaya; Tsukada, Manabu*; Hoshino, Kazutoyo*; Hirai, Koki; Ikegami, Yuta*; Tashiro, Shinsuke; Yoshida, Ryoichiro; Hatakeyama, Yuichi; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2023-029, 36 Pages, 2024/03


At the Waste Safety Testing Facility (WASTEF), the gamma ray irradiation device "Gamma Cell 220" was relocated from the 4th Research Building of the Nuclear Science Research Institute in FY2019, and the use of gamma ray irradiation has begun. Initially, Fuel Cycle Safety Research Group, Fuel Cycle Safety Research Division, Nuclear Safety Research Center, Sector of Nuclear Safety Research and Emergency Preparedness, the owner of this device, conducted the tests as the main user, but since 2022, other users, including those outside the organization, have started using it. The gamma ray irradiation device "Gamma Cell 220" is manufactured by Nordion International Inc. in Canada. Since it was purchased in 1989, the built-in $$^{60}$$Co radiation source has been updated once, and safety research related to nuclear fuel cycles, etc. It is still used for this purpose to this day. This report summarizes the equipment overview of the gamma ray irradiation device "Gamma Cell 220", its permits and licenses at WASTEF, usage status, maintenance and inspection, and future prospects.

JAEA Reports

Geopolymers and their potential applications in the nuclear waste management field; A Bibliographical study

Cantarel, V.; Motooka, Takafumi; Yamagishi, Isao

JAEA-Review 2017-014, 36 Pages, 2017/06


After a necessary decay time, the zeolites used for the water decontamination will eventually be conditioned for their long-term storage. Geopolymer is considered as a potential matrix to manage radioactive cesium and strontium containing waste. For such applications, a correct comprehension of the binder structure, its macroscopic properties, its interactions with the waste and the physico-chemical phenomena occurring in the waste form is needed to be able to judge of the soundness and viability of the material. Although the geopolymer is a young binder, a lot of research has been carried out over the last fifty years and our understanding of this matrix and its potential applications is progressing fast. This review aims at gathering the actual knowledge on geopolymer studies about geopolymer composites, geopolymer as a confinement matrix for nuclear wastes and geopolymer under irradiation. This information will finally provide guidance for the future studies and experiments.

JAEA Reports

JAEA Reports

Selection of dissolution process for spent fuels and preparation of corrosion test solution simulated to dissolver (Contract research)

Motooka, Takafumi; Terakado, Shogo; Koya, Toshio; Hamada, Shozo; Kiuchi, Kiyoshi

JAERI-Tech 2001-023, 29 Pages, 2001/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

JAEA Reports

Annual report on operation, utilization and technical development of Hot Laboratories; From April 1, 1998 to March 31, 1999

Department of Hot Laboratories

JAERI-Review 99-026, p.118 - 0, 1999/11


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Journal Articles

Overview of Department of Hot Laboratories


JAERI-M 93-016, p.58 - 63, 1993/02

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Neutron irradiation tests of structural materials for nuclear reactors using JRR-3 and WASTEF, 1; An Overview of the neutron irradiation test for reactor pressure vessel steels

Hata, Kuniki; Okada, Yuji; Ha, Yoosung; Ushijima, Hiroki; Mitsui, Kento; Fuyushima, Takumi; Ishijima, Yasuhiro; Nio, Daisuke; Watanabe, Masaya; Katsuyama, Jinya

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development on processing and testing techniques for neutron-irradiated reactor pressure vessel steels in hot cells

Watanabe, Masaya; Ha, Yoosung; Matsumoto, Naoya*; Hoshino, Kazutoyo*; Sano, Naruto; Tagami, Susumu; Usami, Koji; Hata, Kuniki; Chimi, Yasuhiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

14 (Records 1-14 displayed on this page)
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