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小野 綾子; 坂下 弘人*; 山下 晋; 鈴木 貴行*; 吉田 啓之
Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 11(4), p.24-00188_1 - 24-00188_12, 2024/07
Zablackaite, G.; 塩津 弘之; 城戸 健太朗; 杉山 智之
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(2), p.536 - 545, 2024/02
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:77.18(Nuclear Science & Technology)Radioactive iodine is a representative fission product to be quantified for the safety assessment of nuclear facilities. In integral severe accident analysis codes, the iodine behavior is usually described by a multi-physical model of iodine chemistry in aqueous phase under radiation field and mass transfer through gas-liquid interface. The focus of studies on iodine source term evaluations using the combination approach is usually put on the chemical aspect, but each contribution to the iodine amount released to the environment has not been decomposed so far. In this study, we attempted the decomposition by revising the two-film theory of molecular-iodine mass transfer. The model involves an effective overall mass transfer coefficient to consider the iodine chemistry. The decomposition was performed by regarding the coefficient as a product of two functions of pH and the overall mass transfer coefficient for molecular iodine. The procedure was applied to the EPICUR experiment and suppression chamber in BWR.
勝村 庸介*; 高木 純一*; 細見 憲治*; 宮原 直哉*; 駒 義和; 井元 純平; 唐澤 英年; 三輪 周平; 塩津 弘之; 日高 昭秀*; et al.
日本原子力学会誌ATOMO, 65(11), p.674 - 679, 2023/11
本委員会では、東京電力ホールディングス株式会社(東電)福島第一原子力発電所(1F)事故後の 核分裂生成物(FP)挙動を予測可能な技術に高めて廃炉作業に貢献することと、1F事故進展事象の把握で得られた情報をソースターム(ST)の予測技術の向上に反映させ、原子炉安全の一層の向上に繋げることを目標とした活動を実施している。この2年間では、これまでの12年間の1F実機調査や1F関連研究で得られた情報を調査し、1F廃炉における燃料デブリやFP挙動の予測、及びST予測精度向上に必要な課題として「FPの量・物質収支と化学形態」「サンプリング目的とデータ活用」「環境への移行経路」を摘出した。今後、これらの課題の解決に向けた道筋の議論を進める。
久保 光太郎; Jang, S.*; 高田 孝*; 山口 彰*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(4), p.359 - 373, 2023/04
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:84.34(Nuclear Science & Technology)確率論的リスク評価(PRA)は、原子力発電所の安全性を向上させるための重要なアプローチである。しかし、この手法では、複合ハザードのモデル化は困難である。地震に起因した溢水シナリオでは、地震による炉心損傷、溢水による炉心損傷、地震と溢水が組み合わさった炉心損傷といった複数の炉心損傷シーケンスを含んでいる。溢水に係るフラジリティは、溢水がタンクなどの水源から区画に伝播するため、時間依存性を有している。そのため、現実的なリスク評価及び定量化を行うためには、動的リスク評価を用いる必要がある。本研究では、地震,溢水,熱水力シミュレーションを連成させ、複数ハザード間の依存関係を明示的に考慮し、地震起因溢水のリスク評価を行った。特に、福島第一原子力発電所事故を踏まえた安全性向上対策に注目し、システムの耐力に関する感度解析と可搬型ポンプを用いた蒸気発生器代替注水の効果を評価した。我々は、シミュレーションに基づく動的PRA手法の複合ハザード起因のリスクの評価への使用を実証した。
伊藤 あゆみ*; 山下 晋; 田崎 雄大; 垣内 一雄; 小林 能直*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(4), p.450 - 459, 2023/04
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)The rapid dissolution of UO in molten Zr that could occur during fuel-cladding liquefaction at high temperatures and its kinetics were reformulated considering the convective mass transfer and the chemical effect at the UO/Zr interface. The mass transfer coefficient of U was obtained as a correlation including the aspect ratio term by CFD analysis. To explain the gap between the rapid dissolution rate observed in the experiments and the density-driven convective mass transfer, we introduced an idea in which the eutectic melting at the UO/Zr interface promotes the grain detachment owing to infiltration of the U-Zr-O liquid into the UO grain boundaries. The developed model was validated with UO-Zr crucible experiments at 2273 and 2373 K. The calculated mass percentage ratios of U/Zr agreed with the measurements and the transition times from rapid saturation to precipitation were consistent with the metallographic observations.
山本 智彦; 加藤 篤志; 早川 雅人; 下山 一仁; 荒 邦章; 畠山 望*; 山内 和*; 江田 優平*; 由井 正弘*
Proceedings of 2023 International Congress on Advanced in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2023) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/04
In the secondary cooling system of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), a rapid detection of hydrogen explosion due to sodium-water reaction by water leakage from heat exchanger tube is steam generator (SG) is important in terms of safety and property protection. For the hydrogen detection, Ni-membrane hydrogen detectors using atomic transmission phenomenon were used in Japanese proto-type sodium-cooled fast reactor "Monju". However, during the plant operation, many alarms of water leakage were occurred without sodium-water reaction in relation to temperature up and down. The authors focus on the difference in composition of hydrogen and the difference between the background hydrogen under normal operation and the hydrogen generated by the sodium-water reaction and theoretically estimate the hydrogen behavior in liquid sodium by using ultra-accelerated quantum chemical molecular dynamics (UA-QCMD). As the results of theoretical estimation, dissolved H or NaH, rather than H, is the predominant form of the background hydrogen in liquid sodium, and hydrogen produced in large amounts by sodium-water reaction can exist stably as fine bubbles with a NaH layer on their surface. Currently, the authors study the new hydrogen detector system focusing on the difference between the background hydrogen (dissolved H) and the hydrogen by sodium-water reaction (fine bubbles H). This paper describes the comparison between the theoretical estimation and experimental results based on hydrogen form in sodium.
小野 綾子; 坂下 弘人*; 山下 晋; 鈴木 貴行*; 吉田 啓之
Proceedings of 12th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS12) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2022/10
小野 綾子; 山下 晋; 坂下 弘人*; 鈴木 貴行*; 吉田 啓之
Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-13) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2022/09
吉田 啓之; 堀口 直樹; 小野 綾子; 古市 肇*; 上遠野 健一*
Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 29) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2022/08
About the boiling transition (BT) that determines the maximum thermal output of the BWR, it is considered that the spacers have significant effects on the occurrence of BT. And occurrence conditions of BT can be changed by devising the spacer shapes. In the light water cooled fast reactor: RBWR, thermal-hydraulics conditions are more severe than the current BWR. Then, the effect of the spacer on BT should be sufficiently utilized in the RBWR. In the thermal-hydraulics design for the current BWR, large-scale tests were carried out and used to evaluate BT conditions. The RBWR is still in the design stage, and there is room to be changed to many parameters. Then, it is not reasonable to determine the shape of the spacer by evaluation only for large-scale tests. On the other hand, by applying a two-phase CFD method with remarkable development in recent years, we can develop a model that can predict the effect of spacers mechanistically. This research used the detailed two-phase flow simulation code TPFIT developed by JAEA to simulate annular dispersed flow in RBWR subchannels. In the occurrence of BT, it is considered that the two-phase flow pattern is the annular dispersed flow, and we want to evaluate the effects of spacer shape on annular dispersed flow in RBWR subchannels. As the first step of this research, we performed numerical simulations of annular dispersed flow in the simplified subchannel of RBWR. We used a circular tube with the same hydraulic diameter as the RBWR subchannel to consider the basic effects of spacer on the annular dispersed flow. As a simulation parameter, we choose the existence of the spacer. The spacer used in the simulation has a simplified shape and the same blockage ratio as the RBWR. In this paper, we describe the result of numerical simulation. We evaluated droplets' size and velocity based on simulation results for the spacer's existence and non-existence cases.
小野 綾子; 山下 晋; 坂下 弘人*; 鈴木 貴行*; 吉田 啓之
第26回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2022/07
久保 光太郎; Jang, S.*; 高田 孝*; 山口 彰*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(3), p.357 - 367, 2022/03
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:66.91(Nuclear Science & Technology)熱水力シミュレーションと確率論的サンプリング手法を組み合わせることにより偶然的不確実さと認識論的不確実さを取扱い可能な動的確率論的リスク評価(PRA)手法は、従来のPRAと比較してより現実的かつ詳細な評価を可能とする。しかしながら、これらの向上と引き換えに膨大な計算コストが発生する。これに対する一つの解決方法は、適切なサンプリング手法を選択することである。本論文では、我々はモンテカルロ,ラテン超方格,格子点及び準モンテカルロサンプリング手法を沸騰水型原子炉の全交流電源喪失シーケンスの動的PRAに適用した。その結果、準モンテカルロ法が仮定したシナリオにおいて最も効率的に不確実さを取扱えることが示された。
小野 綾子; 山下 晋; 鈴木 貴行*; 吉田 啓之
Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03
JAEA-Review 2021-054, 85 Pages, 2022/01
小坂 亘; 内堀 昭寛; 柳沢 秀樹*; 高田 孝; Jang, S.*
日本機械学会論文集(インターネット), 88(905), p.21-00310_1 - 21-00310_9, 2022/01
仮にナトリウム(Na)冷却高速炉の蒸気発生器(SG: Steam generator)内部の伝熱管から加圧された水/水蒸気が漏えいした場合、管内外の圧力差のため高流速かつ高温の腐食性ジェットを形成される。このジェットが隣接する管に新たな破損を生じさせ、管破損が伝播する可能性がある。このような伝熱管破損伝播事象の評価はNa冷却高速炉の安全性評価において重要である。数値解析コードLEAP-IIIは、実験相関式や1次元保存式などで構成され、事象進展に伴う水リーク率変化を低計算コストで評価できるが、構成モデルのひとつである現在の反応ジェット温度分布評価モデルでは、いくつかの条件において高温領域を過度に広く評価する。低計算コストという利点を生かしつつ、この温度分布評価を精緻化するため、工学的近似に基づいたLagrange粒子法コードを開発してきた。本論文では、管群内の流体挙動評価に注目し、管近傍の粒子挙動に関する新しいモデルを構築した。本粒子コードと既往の計算流体力学コードを用いてテスト解析を行い、構築したモデルにより、ターゲット管内部に粒子が侵入しない、管周りに粒子が広がる、最終的に浮力方向への運動に帰結する、という基本的な挙動が示されることを確認した。
岩澤 譲; 杉山 智之; 阿部 豊*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 386, p.111575_1 - 111575_17, 2022/01
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:50.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)In severe accidents in a light water reactor, the relocated molten core (so-called corium or melt) can form a debris bed. The debris bed coolability is a critical issue for prevention and mitigation of the molten core-concrete interactions. Agglomeration has a serious impact on assessment of debris bed coolability if agglomeration forms massive debris (so-called agglomerated debris) by merging of melt particles with others when the melt particles accumulate on a floor. This paper presents the results of melt jet-breakup experiments for agglomerated debris formation using a simulant metallic melt. The experiments injected a melt jet of a low-melting point metal through a circular nozzle into a test section filled with coolant water. The particles were generated due to the melt jet-breakup accumulated on to a catcher, which is a flat plate made of stainless steel, installed in the test section. A high-speed video camera imaged particle formation and accumulation on the catcher plate. Agglomerated debris was confirmed by morphological investigation of the recovered debris. The experimental results revealed the effects of the melt jet injection conditions (melt temperature, coolant temperature, and coolant depth) on the mass fraction of agglomerated debris. On the basis of the experimental results, we proposed a simple correlation to estimate the mass fraction. The simple correlation successfully reproduced the mass fraction of agglomerated debris obtained in the DEFOR-A test [Kudinov et al., Nucl. Eng. Des., 301 (2013), 284-295]. The experimental data base presented in this paper makes further contributions to the modeling and validation of mechanistic models or simulation tools for agglomerated debris formation.
大川 富雄*; 森 昌司*; Liu, W.*; 小瀬 裕男*; 吉田 啓之; 小野 綾子
日本原子力学会誌ATOMO, 63(12), p.820 - 824, 2021/12
佐藤 一憲
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 383, p.111426_1 - 111426_19, 2021/11
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:66.91(Nuclear Science & Technology)The D/W (Drywell) and S/C (Suppression Chamber) pressure data of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 was analyzed in depth. This analysis provided valuable information related to the accident progression behavior on one hand, and gave a hint for understanding of the debris-to-coolant heat transfer when fuel debris relocated to the pedestal on the other hand. In this unit, the D/W and S/C pressure increased and decreased cyclically with a relationship, which seems to have been dependent on the composition of vapor and non-condensable gases in the S/C cover gas region. Based on this characteristic, the vapor pressure in the S/C cover gas region was evaluated for two pressure decrease cycles during and after the expected debris relocation to the pedestal respectively. This evaluation allowed an understanding that the S/C vapor pressure increased due to the heat transfer from the debris relocated to the pedestal.
JAEA-Review 2021-011, 86 Pages, 2021/08
工務技術部は、原子力科学研究所及びJ-PARC の水、電気、蒸気、排水等のユーティリティ施設、原子炉施設及び核燃料物質取扱施設内の特定施設(受変電設備、非常用電源設備、気体・液体廃棄設備、圧縮空気設備)並びに一般施設内の機械室設備の運転、保守管理を担っている。さらに、建物・設備の補修・改修工事及び点検・整備業務、電子装置及び機械装置の工作業務を行ってきた。本報告書は、令和元年度の工務技術部の業務実績の概況、主な管理データ及び技術開発の概要を記録したものであり、今後の業務の推進に役立てられることを期待する。
丸山 結; 吉田 一雄
日本原子力学会誌ATOMO, 63(7), p.517 - 522, 2021/07
宇田川 豊; 更田 豊志*
Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, 2nd Edition, Vol.2, p.322 - 338, 2020/08
This article aims at providing a general outline of fuel behavior during a reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) postulated in light water reactors (LWRs) and at showing experimental data providing technical basis for the current RIA-related regulatory criteria in Japan.