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柴田 薫
波紋, 28(1), p.26 - 28, 2018/02
柴田 薫; 川北 至信; 中川 洋; 山田 武*; 富永 大輝*; 松浦 直人*
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J-PARCセンター物質・生命科学実験施設MLFに設置されているSi結晶アナライザー背面反射TOF型高エネルギー分解能分光器DNAは、1.6micro eV以下の高エネルギー分解能を実現し高S/N比で広帯域に亘るmicro eV分解の非弾性散乱・準弾性散乱測定を世界に先駆けて実現した。本発表では、DNA分光器の平成29年度の現状と新たな研究成果を報告書する。
柴田 薫
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柴田 薫
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川北 至信; 松浦 直人*; 富永 大輝*; 山田 武*; 玉造 博夢; 中川 洋; 大内 啓一*
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DNA is a TOF type Si crystal analyzer backscattering spectrometer installed at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) spallation source. DNA uses a pulse-shaping chopper to extract sharp pulsed neutron from strong but broad spectrum of coupled moderator, which achieves good energy resolution (~2.4 micro-eV) and large neutron flux simultaneously. In addition, time-of-flight technique allows us to go high energy transfers of about 1500 micro-eV. Furthermore, the signal-to-noise ratio at DNA achieves 10, which enables to covers a variety of research fields from biomaterials with small scattering amplitudes or with small quantities of samples (of the order of milligrams). DNA has Si111 analyzers, which allows to access momentum transfer range from 0.08 to 1.86
. Currently, we are installing Si311 analyzers covering momentum transfer from 1.79 to 3.39
, which overlaps Q-region of Si111. We are developing various sample environments, such as magnet, automatic sample changers, furnace, humidity controller, and radial collimators. We are also promoting the Internet of Things (IoT) of the equipment due to strong demands of remote experiments from COVID-19. We will show the current status and upgrade plan of DNA.
川北 至信; 松浦 直人*; 富永 大輝*; 山田 武*; 玉造 博夢; 中川 洋; 大内 啓一*
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DNA is a time-of-flight backscattering spectrometer installed at BL02 neutron port seeing a coupled moderator of Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) aiming at revealing pico to nano second dynamics in a wide field of basic sciences and industrial applications including soft matter, bio-molecules, chemical molecules, battery, catalyst, and magnetism. Recent scientific outcomes exhibit a wide variety of research fields and methods of experiments and data analyses. In my presentation, current status and upgrade plan in near future of the DNA spectrometer and typical experiments demonstrating its performance will be presented.
柴田 薫; 高橋 伸明*; 川北 至信; 松浦 直人*; 富永 大輝*; 山田 武*; 中島 健次; 小林 誠*; 稲村 泰弘
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