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Journal Articles

Detection of Simulated Fukushima Daiichi Fuel Debris Using a Remotely Operated Vehicle at the Naraha Test Facility

Nancekievill, M.*; Espinosa, J.*; Watson, S.*; Lennox, B.*; Jones, A.*; Joyce, M. J.*; Katakura, Junichi*; Okumura, Keisuke; Kamada, So*; Kato, Michio*; et al.

Sensors (Internet), 19(20), p.4602_1 - 4602_16, 2019/10

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:46.59(Chemistry, Analytical)

In order to contribute to fuel debris search at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, we developed a system to search for submerged fuel debris by mounting a sonar on the remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The system can obtain 3D images of submerged fuel debris in real time by using the positioning system, depth sensor, and collected sonar data. As a demonstration test, a simulated fuel debris was installed at the bottom of the water tank facility at the Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development, and a 3D image was successfully obtained.

Journal Articles

Development of a radiological characterization submersible ROV for use at Fukushima Daiichi

Nancekievill, M.*; Jones, A. R.*; Joyce, M. J.*; Lennox, B.*; Watson, S.*; Katakura, Junichi*; Okumura, Keisuke; Kamada, So*; Kato, Michio*; Nishimura, Kazuya*

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 65(9), p.2565 - 2572, 2018/09

 Times Cited Count:27 Percentile:94.26(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

In order to contribute to the development of technology to search fuel debris submerged in water inside the primary containment vessel of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, we are developing a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) system equipped with a compact radiation detector and sonar. A cerium bromide (CeBr$$_{3}$$) scintillator detector for dose rate monitoring and $$gamma$$ ray spectroscopy was integrated into ROV and experimentally validated with a $$^{137}$$Cs source, both in the conditions of laboratory and submerged. In addition, the ROV combined with the IMAGENEX 831L sonar could characterize the shape and size of a simulated fuel debris at the bottom of the water pool facility.

Journal Articles

A Remote-operated system to map radiation dose in the Fukushima Daiichi primary containment vessel

Nancekievill, M.*; Jones, A. R.*; Joyce, M. J.*; Lennox, B.*; Watson, S.*; Katakura, Junichi*; Okumura, Keisuke; Kamada, So*; Kato, Michio*; Nishimura, Kazuya*

Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2017/06

We are developping a submersible ROV system, coupled with radiation detectors aimed at mapping the interior of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. To map the $$gamma$$-ray intensity environment a cerium bromide (CeBr$$_{3}$$) inorganic scintillator detector sensitive to $$gamma$$-rays has been incorporated into the ROV to measure $$gamma$$-ray intensity and identify radioactive isotopes. The ROV is a cylindrical shape with a diameter of about 150 mm, and it have two end caps of five pumps each allowing control of the ROV in 5 degree of freedom. It is possible to directly replace the CeBr$$_{3}$$ detector with a single crystal chemical vapour deposition (CVD) neutron detector with a $$^{6}$$Li convertor foil that is capable of mapping the thermal neutron flux.

Journal Articles

Compact neutron sources for energy and security

Uesaka, Mitsuru*; Kobayashi, Hitoshi*; Kureta, Masatoshi; Nakatsuka, Shigehiro*; Nishimura, Kazuya*; Igashira, Masayuki*; Hori, Junichi*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*; Tagi, Kazuhiro*; Seki, Toshichika*; et al.

Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology, 8, p.181 - 207, 2015/00

We choose nuclear data and nuclear material inspection for energy application and nondestructive testing of explosive and hidden nuclear materials for security application. 90 keV electrostatic accelerators of deuterium are commercially available for nondestructive testing. For nuclear data measurement, electrostatic ion accelerators and L-band and S-band electron linear accelerators (linac) are used for the neutron source. Compact or mobile X-band electron linac neutron sources are under development. Compact proton linac neutron source is used for nondestructive testing especially water in solids. Several efforts for more neutron intensity using proton and deuteron accelerators are also introduced.

JAEA Reports

Study on Radiation Dose from Vitrified Waste

WAKASUGI, Keiichiro; Miyahara, Kaname; Makino, Hitoshi; Ishiguro, Katsuhiko; Sawamura, Hidenori*; Neyama, Atsushi*; Nishimura, Kazuya*

JNC TN8400 2003-022, 84 Pages, 2003/11


The radiation dose from the vitrified waste which is the same specification set in the Reference Case of the second progress report (H12 report) was evaluated quantitatively taking into account of the shield of the canister and the overpack. In order to understand the feature of radiation dose from the vitrified waste in terms of shielding, the thickness of the concrete shield to decrease less than safety standard for a radiation controlled zone was evaluated. Main results are summarized as follows. (1)The effective dose rates in the case considering the vitrified waste and the canister decrease approximate 4$$sim$$5 orders of magnitude during the period of 1,000 years after vitrification due to decay of short half-life radionuclides. The effective dose rate doesn't decrease from 1,000 to 10,000 years. (2)The effective dose rates at the outside of overpack in the case considering the vitrified waste, canister and overpack are smaller than those inside of overpack approximate 5 orders of magnitude during the period of 100 years due to shielding effect of the overpack. However this difference is relatively small after 100 years since the contribution of $$gamma$$ radiation to total effective dose rates decrease due to decay of fission products. (3)Excepting a few cases, the result using the old law (dose equivalent rate) is larger than the result using the new law (effective dose rate). However the difference between these results is less than factor of 1.2. (4)The thickness of the concrete shield required to attenuate the effective dose during the period of 50 years less than safety standard for a radiation controlled zone is calculated as approximate 0.8m$$sim$$1.5m. The important factors to determine the thickness of the concrete shield are the $$gamma$$ radiation in the case of vitrified waste and the canister, and the neutron radiation in the case of vitrified waste, canister and overpack.

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of Irradiation Field of High-Level Radioactive Waste

Sawamura, Hidenori*; Neyama, Atsushi*; Nishimura, Kazuya*

JNC TJ1400 2003-003, 300 Pages, 2002/03



JAEA Reports


Mori, Koji*; ; ; Nishimura, Kazuya*

PNC TJ1458 98-004, 33 Pages, 1998/02



JAEA Reports


Mori, Koji*; Neyama, Atsushi*; ; Nishimura, Kazuya*

PNC TJ1458 97-004, 26 Pages, 1997/02



JAEA Reports


Mori, Koji*; Neyama, Atsushi*; ; Nishimura, Kazuya*

PNC TJ1458 97-003, 179 Pages, 1997/02



JAEA Reports


; Neyama, Atsushi*; Nishimura, Kazuya*;

PNC TJ1458 96-002, 72 Pages, 1996/02



JAEA Reports


; Neyama, Atsushi*; Nishimura, Kazuya*;

PNC TJ1458 96-001, 190 Pages, 1996/02



11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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