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Journal Articles

Neutron stress measurement of W/Ti composite in cryogenic temperatures using time-of-flight method

Nishida, Masayuki*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Yamashita, Takayuki*; Gong, W.

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(1), p.8_1 - 8_15, 2023/03

Journal Articles

Effect of solute carbon on the characteristic hardening of steel at high temperature

Koga, Norimitsu*; Umezawa, Osamu*; Yamamoto, Masayuki*; Yamamoto, Takashi*; Yamashita, Takayuki; Morooka, Satoshi; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 52(3), p.897 - 901, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:23.95(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Correlation between intermolecular hydrogen bonds and melting points of uranyl nitrate complexes with cyclic urea derivatives

Suzuki, Tomoya; Takao, Koichiro*; Kawasaki, Takeshi*; Harada, Masayuki*; Nogami, Masanobu*; Ikeda, Yasuhisa*

Polyhedron, 96, p.102 - 106, 2015/08

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:41.28(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

We have determined crystal structures of UO$$_{2}$$(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$(${bf 0a}$)$$_{2}$$ (${bf 0a}$: 2-imidazolidone), UO$$_{2}$$(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$(${bf 0b}$)$$_{2}$$ (${bf 0b}$: tetrahydro-2-pyrimidone) and UO$$_{2}$$(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$(${bf 1a}$)$$_{2}$$ (${bf 1a}$: 1-methyl-2-imidazolidone) by using single crystal X-ray analysis, and examined correlations between melting points (mps) and intermolecular hydrogen bonds (HBs) of UO$$_{2}$$(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$(CU)$$_{2}$$ (CU: cyclic urea derivatives) and UO$$_{2}$$(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$(NRP)$$_{2}$$ (NRP: pyrrolidone derivative).

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2013

Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Kono, Takahiko; Inoue, Kazumi; Yoshii, Hideki*; Otani, Kazunori*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Goto, Ichiro*; Kibe, Satoshi*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2014-040, 115 Pages, 2015/01


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and bylaw of Ibaraki prefecture), the effluent control of liquid waste discharged from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been performed. This report describes the effluent control results of the liquid waste in the fiscal year 2013. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other nuclear fuel material usage facilities were much lower than the limits authorized by the above regulations.

Journal Articles

Cabling technology of Nb$$_3$$Sn conductor for ITER central solenoid

Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Nabara, Yoshihiro; Ozeki, Hidemasa; Hemmi, Tsutomu; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Isono, Takaaki; Matsui, Kunihiro; Kawano, Katsumi; Oshikiri, Masayuki; Uno, Yasuhiro; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 24(3), p.4802404_1 - 4802404_4, 2014/06

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:74.52(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is procuring all amounts of Nb$$_3$$Sn conductors for Central Solenoid (CS) in the ITER project. Before start of mass-productions, the conductor should be tested to confirm superconducting performance in the SULTAN facility, Switzerland. The original design of cabling twist pitches is 45-85-145-250-450 mm, called normal twist pitch (NTP). The test results of the conductors with NTP was that current shearing temperature (Tcs) is decreasing due to electro-magnetic (EM) load cycles. On the other hand, the results of the conductors with short twist pitches (STP) of 25-45-80-150-450 mm show that the Tcs is stabilized during EM load cyclic tests. Because the conductors with STP have smaller void fraction, higher compaction ratio during cabling is required and possibility of damage on strands increases. The technology for the cables with STP was developed in Japanese cabling suppliers. The several key technologies will be described in this paper.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2012

Sumiya, Shuichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Miyagawa, Naoto; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Kono, Takahiko; Inoue, Kazumi; Yoshii, Hideki; Otani, Kazunori*; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2013-041, 115 Pages, 2014/01


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, and the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and bylaw of Ibaraki prefecture), this report describes the effluent control results of liquid waste discharged from the JAEA's Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories in the fiscal year 2012, from 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other facilities were much lower than the authorized limits of the above regulations.

Journal Articles

Stability of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone against $$gamma$$-ray irradiation in HNO$$_{3}$$ media

Nogami, Masanobu*; Sugiyama, Yuichi*; Kawasaki, Takeshi*; Harada, Masayuki*; Kawata, Yoshihisa*; Morita, Yasuji; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*; Ikeda, Yasuhisa*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 296(1), p.423 - 427, 2013/04

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:38.12(Chemistry, Analytical)

Stability of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP), a resin with adsorption selectivity to U(VI) in nitric acid media, against $$gamma$$-ray irradiation has been examined using HNO$$_{3}$$ solutions of various concentrations. As the result, no clear decrease in the capacity was observed for any samples. Or rather, it was found that the capacity increased by approximately 50% for the PVPP slurry irradiated in 6 M HNO$$_{3}$$. The infrared spectroscopic study indicates that PVPP degrades by $$gamma$$-ray irradiation in HNO$$_{3}$$ from the cleavage of the pyrrolidone ring by the addition of oxygen atom originating from HNO$$_{3}$$, followed by the formation of chain monoamides with multiple coordinative atoms by the continuous addition of oxygen, finally leading to the generation of primary-amine type anion exchange resin. It is also indicated that all generated functional groups possess adsorptivity to U(VI) in 3 M HNO$$_{3}$$.

Journal Articles

Stability of pyrrolidone derivatives against $$gamma$$-ray irradiation

Nogami, Masanobu*; Sugiyama, Yuichi*; Kawasaki, Takeshi*; Harada, Masayuki*; Kawata, Yoshihisa*; Morita, Yasuji; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*; Ikeda, Yasuhisa*

Science China; Chemistry, 55(9), p.1739 - 1745, 2012/09

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:19.57(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Stability of N-alkylated pyrrolidone derivatives (NRPs) against radiation was examined by irradiation tests with $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-ray. We have been developed a novel reprocessing system using NRPs which have precipitation ability to haxa- and tetravalent actinides in nitric acid media. Degradation rates of NRPs are evaluated by irradiation in 3M nitric acid solutions and mechanism of degradation are discussed in the present paper.

Journal Articles

Experimental investigation of strain concentration evaluation based on the stress redistribution locus method

Isobe, Nobuhiro*; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Ando, Masanori; Sukekawa, Masayuki*

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles (FR 2009) (CD-ROM), 11 Pages, 2012/00

Evaluation of local strain at structural discontinuities is an important technology in high temperature design of fast reactors because the failure mode in high temperature fatigue or creep fatigue damage is usually crack initiation and growth from such a locally high strained area. A rationalized strain concentration evaluation method was discussed experimentally in this study. The stress redistribution locus (SRL) method had been proposed to improve the accuracy of local stress and strain evaluation for structural discontinuities. High temperature fatigue tests of circumferentially notched specimens were conducted accompanying with local strain measurement by a capacitance type strain gage. Measured strain was compared with the prediction by the SRL method and the applicability of the method is discussed.

Journal Articles

Development of advanced reprocessing system based on precipitation method using pyrrolidone derivatives as precipitants; Overall evaluation of system

Ikeda, Yasuhisa*; Kawasaki, Takeshi*; Harada, Masayuki*; Nogami, Masanobu*; Kawata, Yoshihisa*; Kim, S.-Y.*; Morita, Yasuji; Chikazawa, Takahiro*; Someya, Hiroshi*; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*

Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2011/12

An advanced reprocessing system for spent FBR fuels based on two precipitation processes using pyrrolidone derivatives as precipitants has been developed. Experimental results of precipitation behavior of U, Pu and other elements, the heat- and radiation-resistance of precipitants, the thermal decomposition properties of precipitates showed that N-n-butyl-2-pyrrolidone and N-neopentyl-2-pyrrolidone are the appropriate precipitants for the first and second precipitation steps, respectively. From the engineering investigation, We confirmed that the precipitation and the filtration can be done efficiently using the engineering scale equipment and that the fuel pellets are directly prepared by the calcination of the precipitates. On the basis of these results, we evaluated that the proposed system is expected to be one of candidates of the future reprocessing systems for spent FBR fuels.

Journal Articles

Precipitation ability to U(IV) and stability of 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidone for selective precipitation of U(VI) in nitric acid media

Nogami, Masanobu*; Harada, Masayuki*; Sugiyama, Yuichi*; Kawasaki, Takeshi*; Kawata, Yoshihisa*; Morita, Yasuji; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*; Ikeda, Yasuhisa*

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 53(7), p.948 - 951, 2011/09

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:25.83(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The precipitation ability of 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidone (DMI) to U(VI) and U(IV) was examined using nitric acid solutions. While DMI precipitated U(VI) from 3 M nitric acid, no precipitate was observed in the solution containing 0.15 M U(IV) and 3 M nitric acid by adding DMI at the ratio of [DMI]/[U(IV)]=5. This indicates that the selectivity of DMI to U(VI) than U(IV). In spite of the excellent selectivity to U(VI), DMI has a disadvantage on the stability in nitric acid, because gradual acid hydrolysis of DMI is inevitable due to the nature of the chemical structure. Experiments on the stability of DMI in $$gamma$$-ray irradiation and heating in nitric acid solutions showed that the stability is strongly affected by the concentration of nitric acid and that DMI may be applicable in nitric acid solutions up to ca. 2 M.

Journal Articles

Experimental investigation of strain concentration evaluation based on the stress redistribution locus method

Isobe, Nobuhiro*; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Ando, Masanori; Sukekawa, Masayuki*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48(4), p.567 - 574, 2011/04

A rationalized strain concentration evaluation method was discussed experimentally in this study. High temperature fatigue tests of circumferentially notched specimens were conducted accompanying with local strain measurement by a capacitance type strain gage. Measured strain was compared with the prediction by the SRL method and the applicability of the method is discussed. The SRL method improves the accuracy of inelastic strain estimation with keeping conservativeness in comparison with the Neuber's rule which is used in high temperature design codes.

Journal Articles

Adsorptivity of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone for selective separation of U(VI) from nitric acid media

Nogami, Masanobu*; Sugiyama, Yuichi*; Kawasaki, Takeshi*; Harada, Masayuki*; Morita, Yasuji; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*; Ikeda, Yasuhisa*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 283(2), p.541 - 546, 2010/02

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:78.52(Chemistry, Analytical)

Adsorptivity of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) to various metal ions was examined as a part of the development of resins with selectivity to U(VI) in nitric acid media. It was found that PVPP has a strong adsorptivity to U(VI) in wide concentration range of nitric acid. The mechanism of U(VI) adsorption by PVPP was discussed by results of Scatchard plot analysis and infrared spectroscopic analysis. Furthermore, it was found that fission productions except for Re(VII) as the simulant of Tc(VII) and Pd(II) are not adsorbed on to PVPP and that Pd(II) and Re(VII) species are weakly adsorbed in the lower concentration ranges of nitric acid, where the adsorption rates of Pd(II) are extremely slower than those of U(VI). These results indicate that U(VI) can be separated from other metal ions by PVPP.

Journal Articles

Study on degradation properties of NBP precipitant by $$gamma$$-ray irradiation

Nogami, Masanobu*; Sugiyama, Yuichi*; Kawasaki, Takeshi*; Harada, Masayuki*; Kawata, Yoshihisa; Morita, Yasuji; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*; Ikeda, Yasuhisa*

JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 25, 2009/12

As a part of the development of a novel reprocessing system for spent FBR fuels based on the precipitation method, influence of concentrations of HNO$$_{3}$$ on the stability by $$gamma$$-ray irradiation was examined for $$N$$-$$n$$-butyl-2-pyrrolidone (NBP), a candidate precipitant for the first precipitation step for selectively precipitating U(VI). The residual ratios of the samples for HNO$$_{3}$$ solutions up to 3 M were found to be decreased identically, where ca. 20% of NBP was degraded after the irradiation of 1 MGy. It was found that the degradation of the samples of 6 M HNO$$_{3}$$ is more distinguished, where ca. 30% was degraded after the irradiation of 0.1 MGy. As the result of the investigation of the degradation mechanism of NBP, it was revealed that the degradation started from the cleavage of the pyrrolidone ring of NBP by the addition of oxygen atom, followed by the formation of chain monoamides and C4 compounds by the continuous addition of oxygen, leading to the generation of oxalic acid.

Journal Articles

Development of elevated temperature structural design method for fast reactor vessels, 3; Critical temperature difference of 316FR steel and Inconel-718 for high-cycle thermal fatigue

Okajima, Satoshi; Isobe, Nobuhiro*; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Sukekawa, Masayuki*

Nihon Kikai Gakkai 2009-Nendo Nenji Taikai Koen Rombunshu, Vol.1, p.125 - 126, 2009/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

A Comparative study of negligible creep curves for rational elevated temperature design

Ando, Masanori; Isobe, Nobuhiro*; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Sukekawa, Masayuki*; Kasahara, Naoto*

Proceedings of 2009 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference (PVP 2009) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2009/07

Journal Articles

A Methodology of structural analysis for nuclear power plant size of assembly

Tani, Masayuki; Nakajima, Norihiro; Nishida, Akemi; Suzuki, Yoshio; Matsubara, Hitoshi; Araya, Fumimasa; Kushida, Noriyuki; Hazama, Osamu; Kondo, Makoto; Kawasaki, Kozo

Proceedings of Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics & Computations and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M&C+SNA 2007) (CD-ROM), 12 Pages, 2007/04

JAEA Reports

The Approaches of safety design and safety evaluation at HTTR (High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor)

Iigaki, Kazuhiko; Saikusa, Akio; Sawahata, Hiroaki; Shinozaki, Masayuki; Tochio, Daisuke; Homma, Fumitaka; Tachibana, Yukio; Iyoku, Tatsuo; Kawasaki, Kozo; Baba, Osamu*

JAEA-Review 2006-010, 90 Pages, 2006/07


Gas Cooled Reactor has long history of nuclear development, and High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) has been expected that it can be supply high temperature energy to chemical industry and to power generation from the points of view of the safety, the efficiency, the environment and the economy. The HTGR design is tried to installed passive safety equipment. The current licensing review guideline was made for a Low Water Reactor (LWR) on safety evaluation therefore if it would be directly utilized in the HTGR it needs the special consideration for the HTGR. This paper describes that investigation result of the safety design and the safety evaluation traditions for the HTGR, comparison the safety design and safety evaluation feature for the HTGT with it's the LWR, and reflection for next HTGR based on HTTR operational experiment.

JAEA Reports

Test results of HTTR control system

Motegi, Toshihiro; Iigaki, Kazuhiko; Saito, Kenji; Sawahata, Hiroaki; Hirato, Yoji; Kondo, Makoto; Shibutani, Hideki; Ogawa, Satoru; Shinozaki, Masayuki; Mizushima, Toshihiko; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2006-029, 67 Pages, 2006/06


The plant control performance of the IHX helium flow rate control system, the PPWC helium flow rate control system, the secondary helium flow rate control system, the inlet temperature control system, the reactor power control system and the outlet temperature control system of the HTTR are obtained through function tests and power-up tests. As the test results, the control systems show stable control response under transient condition. Both of inlet temperature control system and reactor power control system shows stable operation from 30% to 100%, respectively. This report describes the outline of control systems and test results.

Journal Articles

Application of react-and-wind method to D-shaped test coil using the 20 kA Nb$$_{3}$$Al conductor developed for JT-60SC

Kizu, Kaname; Miura, Yushi; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Matsui, Kunihiro; Ando, Toshinari*; Hamada, Kazuya; Hara, Eiji*; Imahashi, Koichi*; Ishida, Shinichi; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 14(2), p.1535 - 1538, 2004/06

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:11.53(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

no abstracts in English

77 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)