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 年 ~ 

Screening of uranium particles by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for safeguards environmental sample analysis


江坂 文孝  ; 渡部 和男; 間柄 正明  ; 半澤 有希子  ; 臼田 重和

Esaka, Fumitaka; Watanabe, Kazuo; Magara, Masaaki; Hanzawa, Yukiko; Usuda, Shigekazu


The capability of total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF) technique was studied to screen a swipe sample for uranium content, which was employed to decide on the further isotopic ratio measurements by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for safeguards environmental sample analysis. A part of the measurement system of TXRF was modified to be able to use the same glassy carbon carrier for SIMS analysis. Particles in the swipe sample were recovered on the carbon carrier. The relative sensitivities of 11 elements including uranium were determined using selenium as an internal standard. The detection limit of uranium was 0.4 ng. The screening technique studied was applied to the practical swipe samples taken from the laboratories. The results confirm that TXRF can be a promising screening technique for uranium in swipe samples for safeguards environmental sample analysis.



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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