Status report on the JAERI AVF cyclotron system
中村 義輝; 奈良 孝幸; 上松 敬; 石堀 郁夫; 田村 宏行; 倉島 俊; 横田 渉; 奥村 進; 福田 光宏; 赤岩 勝弘*; 吉田 敏浩*; 居城 悟*; 松村 秋彦*; 荒川 芳隆*; 吉田 剛*; 狩野 智*; 伊原 彰*; 高野 圭介*
Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; Tamura, Hiroyuki; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yokota, Wataru; Okumura, Susumu; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Akaiwa, Katsuhiro*; Yoshida, Toshihiro*; Ishiro, Satoshi*; Matsumura, Akihiko*; Arakawa, Yoshitaka*; Yoshida, Tsuyoshi*; Kano, Satoshi*; Ihara, Akira*; Takano, Keisuke*
The AVF cyclotron system at JAERI Takasaki has been smoothly operated without serious troubles since the first beam extraction in March, 1991. A yearly operation time is about 3200 hours on an average for recent eight years. In last two years, we performed some improvements and developments as followings: stabilization of the cyclotron beam by addition on an exclusive cooling system, designing and investigation of the flat-top system using fifth-harmonic RF, reconstruction of the rotary shutter for radiation shielding and reinforcement of the magnetic channel and its power supply. Furthermore, the renewal of main circulation pump for cooling system, replacement of shunt resistor in the power supplies and re-alignment of the several magnets along the trunk beam transport line were also carried out.