※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of analytical method and study about microstructure of oxide films on stainless steel


根本 義之  ; 三輪 幸夫; 菊地 正彦; 加治 芳行  ; 塚田 隆 ; 辻 宏和

Nemoto, Yoshiyuki; Miwa, Yukio; Kikuchi, Masahiko; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Tsukada, Takashi; Tsuji, Hirokazu


Surface morphology of oxidized stainless steel was evaluated using atomic force microscope (AFM) and scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). Cross-sectional morphology of oxide layer on the specimens was evaluated using FE-SEM after fabrication. Focused ion beam (FIB) technique was applied to fabricate thin film samples of oxide films, which were used for microstructure observation by transmission electron microscope (FE-TEM), and microscopic chemical analysis by energy dispersed X-ray spectrometer (EDS). These preparations and observations were successful, and microstructure and chemical composition of oxide films were evaluated on nanometer scale. Effects of silicon (Si) doping and dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water for oxide layer formation are discussed.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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