※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Electrochemical behaviors of uranium and plutonium at simultaneous recoveries into liquid cadmium cathodes


魚住 浩一*; 飯塚 政利*; 加藤 徹也*; 井上 正*; 白井 理*; 岩井 孝; 荒井 康夫

Uozumi, Koichi*; Iizuka, Masatoshi*; Kato, Tetsuya*; Inoue, Tadashi*; Shirai, Osamu*; Iwai, Takashi; Arai, Yasuo


Experiments were conducted on simultaneous recovering of uranium and plutonium electrochemically into laboratory scale liquid cadomium cathodes(LCCs) at different U/Pu ratios in the salt phase. The influence of the salt composition on the recovered amount of uranium and plutonium, the morphology of uranium and plutonium in the LCCs, and the behavior of americium were examined. It was shouwn that there is a threshold in the U/Pu ratio in the salt phase for the successful simultaneous recovery of uranium and plutonium up to 10wt% in high current efficiencies.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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