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 年 ~ 

Measurements of small organic molecules on the single crystal neutron diffractometers for biomolecules at JAERI


大原 高志   ; 栗原 和男; 玉田 太郎; 田中 伊知朗*; 新村 信雄*; 黒木 良太

Ohara, Takashi; Kurihara, Kazuo; Tamada, Taro; Tanaka, Ichiro*; Niimura, Nobuo*; Kuroki, Ryota


Our group has two single crystal neutron diffractometers, called BIX-3 and BIX-4, in the JRR-3 reactor-hall at JAERI. Although these diffractometers were designed for bio-macromolecules, these can be used for diffraction measurement of small organic molecules by changing the wavelength of incident neutron beam from 2.9 ${AA}$ to 1.5 ${AA}$. Since both BIX-3 and 4 has a large neutron imaging plate as a detector, they can efficiently collect the Bragg reflections of organic crystal which has relatively large unit cell, the longest value of cell dimension is 50 ${AA}$ and typical value is 20 $$sim$$ 30 ${AA}$. In typical measurement, the crystal size is 1 $$sim$$ 3 mm$$^{3}$$, the measurement time is 1 $$sim$$ 2 weeks and the minimum ${it d}$-value is 0.8 ${AA}$. In addition, the large imaging plate also makes the efficient measurements of fiber diffraction possible. In this presentation, we introduce the performance of BIX-3 and 4 as diffractometers for small organic molecules.



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分野:Physics, Condensed Matter



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