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Characterization of F$$^{+}$$-irradiated graphite surfaces using photon-stimulated desorption spectroscopy


関口 哲弘  ; 馬場 祐治  ; 下山 巖   ; Nath, K. G.

Sekiguchi, Tetsuhiro; Baba, Yuji; Shimoyama, Iwao; Nath, K. G.


We investigated the orientation nature at the top-most layers of F$$^{+}$$-irradiated graphite using polarization dependent near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy which incorporates partial electron yield (PEY) detection and photon-stimulated ion desorption (PSID) techniques. The fluorine K-edge NEXAFS spectra conducted in PEY mode show no significant dependence on polarization angles. In contrast, NEXAFS spectra recorded in F$$^{+}$$ ion yield mode show enhanced yields at a feature of $$sim$$689.4 eV assigned as a $$sigma$$*(C-F) state relevant to =C-F sites, which depend on polarization angles. The C-F bonds prefer relatively tilting down the surface at the top-most layer, while the C-F bonds are randomly directed at deeper regions. We conclude that the difference in the orientation structures between the top surface and bulk is reflected in the NEXAFS recorded in the two different detection modes. It was also found that H$$^{+}$$- and F$$^{2+}$$- PSID NEXAFS spectra are helpful in understanding desorption mechanism, thus in analysing NEXAFS data.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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