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イメージング遠隔パーティクルカウンター; 後方散乱光を利用する新しい浮遊微粒子の遠隔計測システム

Remote particle counter for clean rooms

大図 章  ; 岡本 隆太*; 川北 裕司*

Ozu, Akira; Okamoto, Ryuta*; Kawakita, Hiroshi*


In recent years, particle counting devices capable of monitoring particles suspended in air on real-time basis are of considerable practical concern in the fields of semiconductor and large display panel industries. A remote particle counter, which had been developed for monitoring aerosols released in air from nuclear facilities, has been applied to a measurement system for clean rooms used in the fields. It can visualize the particles in narrow space at a distance of 6m and derive the number and size distribution of particles with diameter of above 0.5 microns. By improving the laser energy, sensitivity of the image intensifier camera, and magnification of the zoom lens used in the system, it is possible to detect the particles with diameters of below 0.5 microns. The method and the current performance of the measurement system are described.



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