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Development of thermo-hydraulic-stress analysis code PEGASUS (3)

谷川 雅之*; 渡士 克己; 今津 彰; 松岡 敏夫*

not registered; not registered; Imazu, Akira; not registered


A simplified thermo-hydraulic-stress analysis code PEGASUS was verified in its applicability to viscous flow examples. The "MONJU" reactor vessel model tested at "Thermal Transient Test Facility for Structures (TTS)" was selected as one of the examples. Other nine examples including basic and practical ones were also analyzed.verification of PEGASUS code was performed comparing the results from PEGASUS code with those from theoretical solutions, experimental data, and the other codes. Results obtained from the comparison are as follows. PEGASUS code gives accurate solutions for laminar viscous flow, and approximate solutions for turbulent viscous flow with adequate value of eddy diffusivity of momentum. In the example of the "MONJU" reactor vessel model the counter flow of hot sodium caused by its buoyancy was found to be analyzed qualitatively. The future problems found in this study are that viscous flow analysis needs much CPU time for the calculation and includes complexity to determine the appropriate fluid properties for turbulent flow.



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