Design of operation and maintenance management support system for JOYO
佐藤 増雄*; 府川 直弘*; 玉置 哲男*; 高橋 秀治*; 伊藤 篤*; 吉田 恵*; 園田 幸夫*; 山本 博樹*; 丸山 富美*
Sato, Masuo*; Fukawa, Naohiro*; Tamaoki, Tetsuo*; Takahashi, Hideji*; Ito, Atsushi*; Yoshida, Megumi*; Sonoda, Yukio*; Yamamoto, Kazuhiko*; Maruyama, Fumi*
In nuclear power plant, we need to realize the computerization for the management of the plant operation and maintenance. Especially, in a periodic inspection, lots of works are concentrated. A great deal of man power is required for examining the permission of works, publishing the component isolation tags and making or revising the documents to control the schedules. Recently, in Light Water Reactor, a lot or computerization systems are developed. We design the plant management system in consideration of the characteristics of a Fast Breeder Reactor. We embody the softwear methods and hardwear systems widely to systematize the plant management technology that is accumulated at the experimental reactor JOYO. We can expect an economization and an inprovment of realiability and efficiency of the plant management.