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Conceptua1 design study on simplified and safer cooling systems for sodium cooled FBRs

早船 浩樹; 島川 佳郎; 石川 浩康 ; 小林 順 ; 久保田 健一; 笠井 重夫

Hayafune, Hiroki; Shimakawa, Yoshio; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


The objective of this study is to create the FBR plant concepts increasing economy and safety for the Phase-I "Feasibility Studies on Commercialized Fast Reactor System". In this study, various concepts of simplified 2ry cooling system for sodium cooled FBRs are considered and evaluated from the view points of technological feasibility, economy, and safety. The concepts in the study are considered on the basis of the following points of view. (1)To simplify 2ry cooling system by moderating and localizing the sodium-water reaction in the steam generator of the FBRs. (2)To simplify 2ry coolig system by eliminatig the sodium-water reaction using integrated IHX-SG unit (3)To simplify 2ry cooling system by eliminating the sodium-water reaction using a power generating system other than the steam generator. As the result of the study, 12 concepts and 3 innovative concepts are proposed. The evaluation study for those concepts shows the following technical prospects. (1)2 concepts of integrated IHX-SG unit can eliminate the sodium-water reaction (a)Separated IHX and SG tubes unit usig Lead-Bismuth as the heat transfer medium (b)lntegrated IHX-SG unit using copper as the heat transfer medium (2)Cost reduction effect by simplified 2ry cooling system using integrated IHX-SG unit is estimated 0 to 5%. (3)A11 of the integrated IHX-SG unit concepts have more weight and larger size than an conventional steam generator unit. The weight of the unit during transporting and lifting would limit capacity of heat transfer system. These evaluation results will be compared with the results in JFY 2000 and used for the Phase-II study.



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