Development of measurement technique for charged-particle emission double-differential cross section using pencil-beam neutron source (Cooperative research)
近藤 恵太郎; 落合 謙太郎; 久保田 直義; 西谷 健夫; 村田 勲*; 宮丸 広幸*; 高橋 亮人*
Kondo, Keitaro; Ochiai, Kentaro; Kubota, Naoyoshi; Nishitani, Takeo; Murata, Isao*; Miyamaru, Hiroyuki*; Takahashi, Akito*
Charged-particle emission double- differential cross section (DDXc) is quite important to estimate nuclear heating, material damages of a fusion reactor. We have developed a new technique for detailed measurement of DDXc. The technique overcomes fundamental difficulties of DDXc measurement with a pencil-beam neutron source and a counter telescope consisting of silicon surface barrier detectors. A superior S/N ratio, fine energy and angular resolutions, a wide detection energy range, and an excellent particle discrimination are realized together with a reasonable measurement time. In order to confirm the validity of the spectrometer, measurements of the emitted
-particle from
) reaction and the recoiled proton from
H(n,n) reaction are carried out. Based on the results, we conclude the validity and the superiority of the present spectrometry technique.