※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

シグマ委員会の2003, 2004年度における核データ研究活動

Research activities of Japan Nuclear Data Committee in fiscal years of 2003 and 2004

井頭 政之*; 渡辺 幸信*; 深堀 智生  ; 奥村 啓介 ; 片倉 純一; 千葉 敏; 柴田 恵一; 山野 直樹*; 中川 庸雄; 小田野 直光*; 安藤 良平*; 岡嶋 成晃  

Igashira, Masayuki*; Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Fukahori, Tokio; Okumura, Keisuke; Katakura, Junichi; Chiba, Satoshi; Shibata, Keiichi; Yamano, Naoki*; Nakagawa, Tsuneo; Odano, Naoteru*; Ando, Yoshihira*; Okajima, Shigeaki


This technical note summarizes research activities on nuclear data carried out by Japanese Nuclear Data Committee (JNDC) during the fiscal years of 2003 and 2004. During this period, the nuclear data files for special purposes (JENDL-HE-2004 and JENDL-PD-2004) were released. Other activities are described: analysis of post nuclear fuel irradiation experiments, nuclear chart and nuclear data evaluation for astrophysics.



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