DTL/SDTL installation and alignment of J-PARC LINAC
森下 卓俊 ; 浅野 博之; 伊藤 崇 ; 池上 雅紀*; 高崎 栄一*; 田中 宏和*; 内藤 富士雄*; 吉野 一男*
Morishita, Takatoshi; Asano, Hiroyuki; Ito, Takashi; Ikegami, Masanori*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Naito, Fujio*; Yoshino, Kazuo*
In the J-PARC Linac, the DTL and the SDTL have been installed. A precise alignment of accelerator components is essential for high quality beam acceleration. Due to the heavy wiring for DTQs, the realignment of DTL cavity requires a long term. Then the DTL/SDTL and the focusing magnets are aligned precisely enough for the beam operation at the installation. The DTL/SDTL alignment accuracy satisfied the requirement, which confirmed by the laser tracker measurement. The floor level of the accelerator tunnel has been measured periodically. The long term motion of accelerator tunnel is quantitatively evaluated since Feb. 2005.