※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Evaluation charts of thermal stresses in cylindrical vessels induced by thermal stratification of contained fluid

古橋 一郎*; 川崎 信史 ; 笠原 直人

Furuhashi, Ichiro*; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Kasahara, Naoto


Temperature and thermal stress in cylindrical vessels were analysed for the thermal stratification of contained fluid. Two kinds of temperature analysis results were obtained such as the exact temperature solution of eigen-function series and the simple approximate one by the temperature profile method. Furthermore, thermal stress shell solutions were obtained for the simple approximate temperatures. The simple temperature solution is described by one parameter that is the temperature decay factor. The thermal stress shell solutions are described by two parameters. One is the ratio between the temperature decay factor and the load decay factor. Another is the non-dimensional width of stratification. These solutions are so described by few parameters that those are suitable for the simplified thermal stress evaluation charts. These charts enable quick and accurate thermal stress evaluations of cylindrical vessel of this problem compared with conventional methods.



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