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Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on Nuclear Data; February 2-3, 2006, JAEA, Tokai, Japan

2005年度核データ研究会報文集; 2006年2月2日$$sim$$3日,原子力科学研究所,東海村

田原 義壽*; 深堀 智生  

Tahara, Yoshihisa*; Fukahori, Tokio


The 2005 Symposium on Nuclear Data was held at Nuclear Science Research Institute in Tokai Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), on 2nd and 3rd of February 2006. In the oral sessions, presented were 16 papers on topics of nuclear data for the innovative reactor development and upgrade of current light water reactor, the past and future of nuclear data research, capability of the latest evaluated nuclear data files, and recent cross section measurements. In the poster session, presented were 21 papers concerning experiments, evaluations, benchmark tests, applications and so on. A part of those presented papers are compiled in this proceedings.



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