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 年 ~ 

A New back-end cycle strategy for enhancing separation, transmutation and utilization of materials (Adv.-ORIENT cycle)


小澤 正基; 鈴木 達也*; 小山 真一  ; 赤塚 洋*; 三村 均*; 藤井 靖彦*

Ozawa, Masaki; Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Koyama, Shinichi; Akatsuka, Hiroshi*; Mimura, Hitoshi*; Fujii, Yasuhiko*

放射姓物質の分離・核変換・利用研究を「三位一体」で進めるための研究開発戦略(先進オリエントサイクル)を提案する。研究の意義/目的,目標,研究手法など、構想の全容を概説し、3級ピリジン樹脂を用いたIXC法による$$f$$-元素(Am, Cm, Pu, Ln他)の精密分離・個別回収,極性希釈剤による同時一括抽出分離,触媒的電解採取法(CEE)による希少金属FP(Tc, Ru他)の電解分離と水素エネルギー利用,固体吸着法によるSr, CsのIXC分離と固定,利用,レーザー化学法等による長寿命FP(Cs, Sn他)の同位体分離研究など、先進オリエントサイクルを構成する主要要素技術の研究開発の現状と計画を述べる。

For the minimization of the ecological burden originated in nuclear fuel recycling, a new R&D strategy was filed as "Adv.-ORIENT cycle". In the context, mutual precise separation of $$f$$-elements, such as minor actinide (MA)/lanthanides (Lns) and Am/Cm, are highly essential for enhancing the MA ($$^{241}$$Am) burning. The separation and utilization of rare metal fission products (RMFPs; Ru, Tc, etc) are a new direction in the partitioning and transmutation field. Separation of exothermic nuclides, $$^{90}$$Sr, $$^{137}$$Cs as well as MA, will significantly help to improve the repository tasks. A key separation media are ion exchange chromatography (IXC) by tertiary pyridine resin and a catalytic electrolytic extraction (CEE) by Pd$$_{adatom}$$. On challenging the isotope separation of LLFP, theoretical and laboratory studies were begun for $$^{135}$$Cs, $$^{126}$$Sn in the first priority.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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