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Study on X-ray induced photoelectrochemical reaction

田村 和久   ; 大古 善久*; 松沢 貞夫*; 水木 純一郎

Tamura, Kazuhisa; Oko, Yoshihisa*; Matsuzawa, Sadao*; Mizuki, Junichiro


The electrochemical behavior of TiO$$_{2}$$ under X-ray irradiation was studied. Under X-ray irradiation a current, a negative shift in the rest potential, and electrochemical oxidation and decomposition of [FeII(CN)6]4- were clearly observed. The incident photon-current conversion efficiency was 400-2000 %, depending on sample conditions. These results show that the photoelectrochemical reactions were promoted by X-rays with a high incident photon-current conversion efficiency. The photocurrent and photopotential were observed above 4.965 keV, which corresponds to the Ti-K edge, indicating that electron-hole pairs are formed during the relaxation process of the excited Ti atoms.



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