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Cs accumulation behavior by ${it Pseudomonas fluorescens}$

${it Pseudomonas fluorescens}$へのCsの濃集

中尾 淳*; 吉田 崇宏*; 尾崎 卓郎; 大貫 敏彦; 舟川 晋也*; 小崎 隆*

Nakao, Atsushi*; Yoshida, Takahiro*; Ozaki, Takuo; Onuki, Toshihiko; Funakawa, Shinya*; Kozaki, Takashi*

土壌細菌(Pseudomonas fluiorescens)へのCsの取り込みについて、培養下及び休眠条件下での実験を行った。その結果、培養下では細胞内への若干の取り込みが確認された。休眠下での実験から、土壌細菌はCsを乾燥重量1gあたり5$$mu$$molのCsを吸着した。吸着したCsは1M酢酸溶液で脱離したことから、細胞表面への吸着であることがわかった。

Cs accumulation by Pseudomonas fluorescens was examined under conditions of growth and resting to elucidate the interaction between Cs and bacteria. In the growth condition, P. fluorescens did not accumulate Cs irrespective of the presence of K. In the resting condition, the cells quickly adsorbed approximately 5 $$mu$$mol Cs/gcell dry-weight and subsequently released approximately 90 % of the adsorbed Cs with 1 M CH$$_{3}$$COONH$$_{4}$$. The amount of Cs adsorption by cells of P. fluorescens varied with changing pH and ionic strength of the solution. These results indicate that Cs accumulation by P. fluorescens occurs mainly by reversible adsorption on the cell walls, but not by intracellular accumulation under nutrient conditions.



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