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Application of PLC to dynamic control system for liquid He cryogenic pumping facility on JT-60U NBI system

JT-60U NBI加熱装置用液体ヘリウム冷凍設備のPLC制御

本田 敦; 岡野 文範; 大島 克己; 秋野 昇; 菊池 勝美; 棚井 豊; 竹之内 忠; 沼澤 呈*; 池田 佳隆

Honda, Atsushi; Okano, Fuminori; Oshima, Katsumi; Akino, Noboru; Kikuchi, Katsumi; Tanai, Yutaka; Takenouchi, Tadashi; Numazawa, Susumu*; Ikeda, Yoshitaka


The control system of the cryogenic facility in the JT-60 NBI system has been renewed by employing the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system. The original control system was constructed about 20 years ago by specifying the DCS (Distributed Control System) computer to deal with 400 feedback loops. Recently, troubles on this control system have increased due to its aged deterioration. To maintain a high reliability of the cryogenic facility, a new control system has been intended with PLC and SCADA system. By optimizing the function blocks and connecting them in the FBD language, the feedback loops in the new control system have been successfully replaced from DCS to PLC without software developer. At present, the new control system has worked well. This is the first application of the marketable PLC to the actual system with feedback loops of $$>$$ 400 produced by the user itself.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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