※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Vapor-liquid equilibria for the HI+H$$_{2}$$O system and the HI+H$$_{2}$$O+I$$_{2}$$ system


程塚 正敏; Yang, X.*; 奥田 泰之; 小貫 薫

Hodotsuka, Masatoshi; Yang, X.*; Okuda, Hiroyuki; Onuki, Kaoru


The isobaric Vapor Liquid Equilibrium(VLE) data in the pressure range of 0.11-0.58MPa where no experimental data had existed was measured for the purpose of increasing VLE data of hydriodic acid which is important physical properties which influence greatly the heat balance and mass balance in the thermochemical IS Cycle. Bubbling point and VLE data of hydriodic acid, which is prepared as adding iodine to almost azeotrope (57%) in the I$$_{2}$$/HI molar ratio from 0 to 4, were acquired at atmospheric pressure using a glass-made Othemer still. It was confirmed that the ratio of HI/H$$_{2}$$O of pseudo azeotrope increased as adding iodine. Furthermore, bubbling point and VLE data near the azeotrope in the high pressure range using a tantalum and Hastelloy made Gillespie still. The results quantitatively showed decrese of HI/H$$_{2}$$O molar ratio of azeotrope as increasing pressure, which used to be estimated by the result of measuring total pressure of hydriodic acid.



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