※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Economic scale of utilization of radiation in medicine; National health expenditures

医学・医療における放射線利用の経済規模; 国民医療費

柳澤 和章; 井上 登美夫*; 早川 和重*; 塩足 春隆*; 中村 吉秀*; 松山 和矢*; 永澤 清*

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki; Inoue, Tomio*; Hayakawa, Kazushige*; Shiotari, Harutaka*; Nakamura, Yoshihide*; Matsuyama, Kazuya*; Nagasawa, Kiyoshi*


The economic scale of radiological technology in medicine/dentistry in 2005 was about 13 billion dollars. Economic scale of medical/dental cares in 2005 was large to the magnitude of 17% than that in 1997. It is worthy of mentioning that almost radiological items used in medical/dental cares were increased except a radioisotope examination in medical care. Namely, radioisotope examination was 1.7 million dollars in 1997 but was 0.4 million dollars in 2005. No radioisotopes were used in the examination of dentist.



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