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Introduction of WRF into coupled water cycle model


永井 晴康  ; 都築 克紀  ; 小林 卓也 

Nagai, Haruyasu; Tsuzuki, Katsunori; Kobayashi, Takuya


As a part of construction of numerical simulation system for environmental studies: SPEEDI-MP, coupled water cycle model was developed to simulate mesoscale water and energy circulations. The coupled model consists of the atmosphere, land-surface, hydrology, ocean-wave, and ocean-current models. Calculations of models are carried out as parallel processes and a model coupling program (model coupler) controls these processes and data exchanges among models using Message Passing Interface (MPI). The first version has been constructed with the atmospheric dynamic model MM5, land surface model SOLVEG and hydrology model RIVERS developed at Japan Atomic Energy Agency, ocean-wave model WW3, and ocean-current model POM. The introduction of WRF into this coupled model is currently under way, and coupled calculations using MM5 and WRF are compared.



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