※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Production of neutral particles following O 1s excitation of H$$_2$$O; H$$^*$$ yield and kinetic energy, and ion-H$$^*$$ coincidence studies

H$$_2$$OのO1s励起に伴う中性粒子の生成; H$$^*$$イールドと運動エネルギー、それからイオン・H$$^*$$の同時測定

Harries, J.; 伊勢田 満広*; 國分 美希*; 本間 健二*; 下條 竜夫*; Sullivan, J. P.*; 東 善郎*

Harries, J.; Iseda, Mitsuhiro*; Kuniwake, Miki*; Homma, Kenji*; Gejo, Tatsuo*; Sullivan, J. P.*; Azuma, Yoshiro*


We report here on studies where metastable H$$^{*}$$ atoms and VUV photons are detected following the O 1s excitation of H$$_2$$O. The studies reveal new information not accessible with ion or electron techniques. The studies are performed using pulsed soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at SPring-8's BL27SU. Metastable particles and VUV photons are directly detected using 2 MCP detectors, and the arrival times of the particles are recorded relative both to each other and to the pulses of incoming radiation. The technique allows the separation of VUV and metastable particle yield, and the study of fluorescence lifetimes. The time-resolved detection of Lyman-$$alpha$$ radiation allows the determination of the population distribution of excited H atoms.



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