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Development of passive shutdown system for SFR


中西 繁之*; 細谷 拓三郎; 久保 重信* ; 小竹 庄司; 高松 操 ; 青山 卓史 ; 碇本 岩男*; 加藤 潤悟*; 島川 佳郎*; 原田 清*

Nakanishi, Shigeyuki*; Hosoya, Takusaburo; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Kotake, Shoji; Takamatsu, Misao; Aoyama, Takafumi; Ikarimoto, Iwao*; Kato, Jungo*; Shimakawa, Yoshio*; Harada, Kiyoshi*


A self-actuated shutdown system (SASS) for sodium cooled fast reactor (SFR) is a passive safety feature which inserts control rods by the gravity force, where the detachment of the rods would be achieved by the coolant temperature rise under anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) conditions. Various out-of-pile tests have already carried out to investigate the basic characteristics of SASS, and a demonstration test of holding stability under the reactor operation condition has been performed, where a function test of the driving system to re-connect and of pulling out the control rod have been done in the experimental reactor JOYO. The element irradiation tests have been also conducted to confirm that no impact will be foreseen by the irradiation. The effectiveness of SASS for a reference core design of JSFR has been evaluated through all types of ATWS. As a result, it is ensured that JSFR will have a reliable passive shutdown system.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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