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 年 ~ 

金属電解法乾式再処理プロセス実用化研究開発; MOXペレットの還元と還元物の電解精製のシーケンシャル試験

Development of pyro-metallurgical reprocessing; Electrochmical reduction of MOX pellets & Sequential test for electro-refining using reduced MOX pellets

倉田 正輝* ; 矢作 昇*; 北脇 慎一 ; 仲吉 彬  ; 福嶋 峰夫 

Kurata, Masaki*; Yahagi, Noboru*; Kitawaki, Shinichi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Fukushima, Mineo

電力中央研究所と原子力機構は、U, Pu, Amを用いて実用を模した主要工程の連続/繰り返し試験(シーケンシャル試験)を共同で実施している。高速炉用MOXペレットを電解還元法により還元し、U-Pu合金を製造し、そのU-Pu合金と固体陰極,液体陰極を用いた電解精製試験を実施した。その結果、電極電位の推移,電流効率,塩組成,製品中のPu, Am濃度等を測定した。

CRIEPI and JAEA are continuing a collaboration study for metal pyro-processing, in which sequential process tests have been performed under practical conditions. Recent results on two kinds of sequential process test are reported. The former is the electro-chemical reduction test of MOX pellet. The latter is the electrolysis test using a combination of U-Pu alloy anode and solid or liquid cadmium cathode. Variation in electrode potentials, current efficiency, molten salt composition, Pu- or Am-impurity in the U-product, and etc. were measured.



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