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溶液照射法による$$^{99}$$Mo製造に関する研究,2; ガンマ線照射下におけるモリブデン酸塩水溶液の特性評価

Study on $$^{99}$$Mo production by solution irradiation method, 2; Characterization of aqueous molybdate solutions under $$gamma$$-ray irradiation

稲葉 良知  ; 石川 幸治*; 飯村 光一 ; 蓼沼 克嘉*; 石塚 悦男   

Inaba, Yoshitomo; Ishikawa, Koji*; Iimura, Koichi; Tatenuma, Katsuyoshi*; Ishitsuka, Etsuo


In the present study, using two kinds of aqueous molybdate solutions (an aqueous ammonium molybdate solution and an aqueous potassium molybdate solution) selected as candidates for the irradiation target of the solution irradiation method for $$^{99}$$Mo production, the compatibility between the solutions and structural materials, the chemical stability, circulation characteristics, radiolysis and $$gamma$$ heating of the solutions were investigated under $$gamma$$-ray irradiation. In addition, the integrity of PZC was investigated under $$gamma$$-ray irradiation. As a result, the following were found: (1) the compatibility between the solutions and stainless steel is very well, (2) the solutions are chemically stable and have a smooth circulation, (3) the ratios of hydrogen in the gases generated by the radiolysis of the solutions are higher than that of pure water, (4) the effect of $$gamma$$ heating on the solutions is the same level as that on pure water, and (5) the integrity of PZC is maintained.



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