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我が国の超長期エネルギー需給展望に関する分析; 「2100年原子力ビジョン」のエネルギー需給推計について

Long-term outlook of energy demand and supply in Japan; Estimation of energy demand and supply for "Nuclear Energy Vision 2100" of JAEA

立松 研二; 川崎 弘嗣; 根本 正博; 村上 正一

Tatematsu, Kenji; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Nemoto, Masahiro; Murakami, Masakazu


In this study, we showed an energy demand and supply scenario toward the year 2100 in Japan, which underlies JAEA's "Nuclear Energy Vision 2100" published in October 2008. This energy demand and supply scenario aims at the coexistence of the reduction of the carbon dioxide emission and the energy security through reduction of the fossil fuel usage, positive electrification and the nuclear energy usage. We reduce the ratio of the fossil fuel in the primary energy supply to about 1/3 and extend the share of renewable and nuclear energy to 70% from current 15%. As a result, the carbon dioxide emission is reduced to current 10%, and it developed that the half was the contribution of the nuclear energy.



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