※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Ionic diffusion and retardation in Horonobe sedimentary rock; Clay-based model approach

幌延堆積岩中のイオンの拡散・遅延挙動; 粘土を中心としたモデルアプローチ

舘 幸男  ; 清田 佳美; 四辻 健治; 油井 三和

Tachi, Yukio; Seida, Yoshimi; Yotsuji, Kenji; Yui, Mikazu


Ionic diffusion and retardation behaviors in the Horonobe sedimentary rock were studied under different salinity conditions by both diffusion and batch sorption experiments from the viewpoints of reliability of experimental evaluation and model prediction. The De for Cs+ decreased as salinity increased, and those for I- showed the opposite dependency. The Kd of Cs showed a consistent trend for salinity between batch sorption and diffusion tests. Diffusion and sorption behaviors were modeled based on the clay-based approach, assuming clay components of smectite and illite as dominating mineral for diffusion and sorption mechanism. The model predicted the De and Kd values obtained by the series of experiments reasonably well, implying the key contribution of the clay particle and nano-size pore for ionic migration in the rock.



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