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杉浦 佑樹; 石寺 孝充; 青柳 登; Mei, H.; 斉藤 拓巳*; 舘 幸男
Applied Clay Science, 258, p.107476_1 - 107476_10, 2024/09
This study performed batch sorption experiments using Eu and Sm as chemical analogs of trivalent actinides to evaluate their sorption behavior onto illite in the presence of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The results were analyzed using a thermodynamic sorption model (TSM), which predicted that Eu/Sm forms ternary-surface complexes with carbonate ions. Time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) measurements were performed to gather information on the chemical forms of sorbed Eu on illite. Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of the TRLFS data indicated the presence of two Eu chemical species. The pH dependence of the chemical species was consistent with that of the surface species predicted by TSM. The dominant chemical species in the presence of carbonate was inferred to be coordinating carbonate ions based on the fluorescence lifetime, supporting the validity of the TSM.
浜本 貴史*; 石寺 孝充; 舘 幸男
NUMO-TR-24-01; 技術開発成果概要2022, p.102 - 103, 2024/05
Yuan, X.*; Hu, Q. H.*; Fang, X.*; Wang, Q. M.*; Ma, Y.*; 舘 幸男
Sedimentary Geology, 465, p.106633_1 - 106633_14, 2024/05
Archie's cementation factor, m, is a critical parameter for petrophysical studies, and the value is influenced by several factors such as the shape, type, and size of grains, degrees of diagenesis, and associated pore structure. Using integrated experimental and theoretical approaches, the goal of this study is to obtain the cementation factor of rocks (both reservoir rock and caprock) and assess the impact of diagenesis processes on the values of the cementation factor. Thirteen samples of geologically diverse rocks (six mudstones, four fossiliferous limestones, two marbles, and one sandstone) were selected to achieve these research objectives. Two approaches, the diffusion of gas tracers and the Bosanquet formula calculation using pore-throat sizes from mercury intrusion porosimetry analyses, were used to derive the cementation factors of these rock samples. These rocks were categorized into two groups based on the correlation between average pore-throat diameter and diffusivity, and an exponential-law relationship between the cementation factor and porosity was determined for these sample groups. In addition, thin-section petrography and field emission-scanning electron microscopy observations were utilized to investigate diagenetic processes, with four diagenetic patterns being established: (1) strong compaction, strong cementation, and weak dissolution-diagenesis pattern; (2) weak compaction, medium cementation, and weak dissolution-diagenesis pattern; (3) weak compaction, medium cementation, and strong dissolution-diagenesis pattern; and (4) fracture-matrix pattern. The results indicated that diagenetic processes and microfractures contribute to the variability in the cementation factors in these rock samples.
Mei, H.; 青柳 登; 斉藤 拓巳*; 田中 万也; 杉浦 佑樹; 舘 幸男
Applied Geochemistry, 162, p.105926_1 - 105926_8, 2024/02
The sorption of U(VI) on illite at different pH and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) levels was investigated by using batch experiments, surface complexation modeling, and cryogenic time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (cryo-TRLFS) combined with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). The inhibiting effect of DIC on U(VI) sorption was revealed by the macroscopic batch experimental results. An updated 2-site protolysis non-electrostatic surface complexation and cation exchange model considering the formation of two uranyl-carbonate sorption complexes was able to reproduce the experimental results well. Based on the PARAFAC analysis on the cryo-TRLFS spectra, there was clear correspondence in the variation trend of the derived components with the sorption species from the modeling results, validating the formation of ternary uranyl-carbonate sorption species.
Soler, J. M.*; Keklinen, P.*; Pulkkanen, V.-M.*; Moreno, L.*; Iraola, A.*; Trinchero, P.*; Hokr, M.*; ha, J.*; Havlov, V.*; Trpkoov, D.*; et al.
Nuclear Technology, 209(11), p.1765 - 1784, 2023/11
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:84.55(Nuclear Science & Technology)The REPRO-TDE test was performed at a depth of about 400 m in the ONKALO underground research facility in Finland. Synthetic groundwater containing radionuclide tracers (HTO, Cl-36, Na-22, Ba-133, Cs-134) was circulated for about four years in a packed-off interval of the injection borehole. Tracer activities were additionally monitored in two observation boreholes. The test was the subject of a modelling exercise by the SKB GWFTS Task Force. Eleven teams participated in the exercise, using different model concepts and approaches. Predictive model calculations were based on laboratory-based information concerning porosities, diffusion coefficients and sorption partition coefficients. After the experimental results were made available, the teams were able to revise their models to reproduce the observations. General conclusions from these back-analysis calculations include the need for reduced effective diffusion coefficients for Cl-36 compared to those applicable to HTO (anion exclusion), the need to implement weaker sorption for Na-22, compared to results from laboratory batch-sorption experiments, and the observation of large differences between the theoretical initial concentrations for the strongly-sorbing Ba-133 and Cs-134 and the first measured values a few hours after tracer injection. Different teams applied different concepts, concerning mainly the implementation of isotropic vs. anisotropic diffusion, or the possible existence of Borehole Disturbed Zones around the different boreholes. The role of microstructure was also addressed in two of the models.
舘 幸男
化学と教育, 71(10), p.420 - 423, 2023/10
Arthur, R.*; 笹本 広; Alt-Epping, P.*; 舘 幸男
Applied Geochemistry, 155, p.105707_1 - 105707_8, 2023/08
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:51.18(Geochemistry & Geophysics)地質媒体中でのナチュラルトレーサープロファイルを対象に、過去から現在に至るまでの変遷をモデルによる評価することは、放射性廃棄物の地層処分における性能評価手法をサポートする上でも役立つ。本研究では、北海道幌延地域における古水理地質学的な変遷から推察される境界条件に基づき、前進モデリングにより物質移行モデルを開発した。本研究で対象とした2つのボーリング孔(距離にして約1km程度離れた場所に位置)で認められたプロファイルの違いについては、間隙率や透水係数の違いによる影響というより、むしろ、局所的な割れ目の分布密度や連結性の違いによる影響が大きい可能性が示唆された。
Yuan, X.*; Hu, Q.*; Lin, X.*; Zhao, C.*; Wang, Q.*; 舘 幸男; 深津 勇太; 濱本 昌一郎*; Siitari-Kauppi, M.*; Li, X.*
Journal of Hydrology, 618, p.129172_1 - 129172_15, 2023/03
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Engineering, Civil)Mass transport in geomedia as influenced by the pore structure is an important phenomenon. Six rocks (granodiorite, limestone, two chalks, mudstone, and dolostone) with different extents of heterogeneity at six different particle sizes were studied to describe the effects of pore connectivity on mass transport. The multiple methods applied were porosity measurement, gas diffusion test, and batch sorption test of multiple ions. Porosity measurement results reveal that with decreasing particle sizes, the effective porosities for the "heterogenous" group (granodiorite and limestone) increase, whereas the porosities of "homogeneous" group (chalks, mudstone, and dolostone) roughly remain constant. Gas diffusion results show that the intraparticle gas diffusion coefficient among these two groups, varying in the magnitude of 10 to 10 m/s. The batch sorption work displays a different affinity of these rocks for tracers, which are related to their mineral components. For granodiorite, mudstone, and dolostone, the adsorption capacity increases as the particle size decreases, due to higher specific surface area in smaller particle-size. In general, this integrated research of grain size distribution, rock porosity, intraparticle diffusivity, and ionic sorption capacity gives insights into the pore connectivity effect on both gas diffusion and chemical transport behaviors for different lithologies and/or different particle sizes.
大窪 貴洋*; 武井 滉洋*; 舘 幸男; 深津 勇太; 出口 健三*; 大木 忍*; 清水 禎*
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 127(4), p.973 - 986, 2023/02
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:44.88(Chemistry, Physical)粘土鉱物へのCsの吸着サイトの特定は、環境化学の分野で研究されてきた。核磁気共鳴(NMR)実験によって、吸着されたCsの局所構造を直接観察することが可能である。固体NMR実験から得られたCsのNMRパラメータは、吸着されたCsの局所的な構造に敏感である。しかしながら、NMRデータだけからCsの吸着位置を決定することは困難であった。本研究では、機械学習と実験的に観察されたケミカルシフトを組み合わせることにより、粘土鉱物に吸着されたCsの吸着位置を特定するためのアプローチについて提示する。原子配置の記述子とNMRによるケミカルシフトの第一原理計算結果を関連付けて評価する機械学習の線形リッジ回帰モデルを構築した。これにより、原子配置の構造データからCsのケミカルシフトを高速で計算することが可能となった。機械学習モデルによって、実験的に観察された化学シフトから逆解析を行うことにより、Cs吸着位置を導き出すことが可能になる。
四辻 健治*; 舘 幸男; 佐久間 博*; 河村 雄行*
原子力バックエンド研究(CD-ROM), 29(2), p.63 - 81, 2022/12
放射性廃棄物の処分システムにおいて、粘土鉱物を主体とするベントナイトの物理的・化学的挙動を予測するうえで、モンモリロナイトの膨潤現象を理解することは重要である。本論文では、異なる層間対イオンを有するモンモリロナイト層間の結晶膨潤挙動を支配する因子を、分子動力学(molecular dynamics: MD)シミュレーションによって調査した。MDシミュレーションと分析試験の結果の比較から、5種類の単一イオン型(Na, K, Cs, Ca, Sr)のモンモリロナイト層間への水分子吸着量は、層間対イオンの水和数および層間対イオンの外圏・内圏錯体の差異に強く依存していることが確認された。また、これらの結果のより詳細な分析から、層間における対イオンの水和数は、対イオンの水和自由エネルギー、体積および対イオンの分布状態により決まることが示された。さらに、仮想的に対イオンのパラメータを変動させたMDシミュレーションの結果から、層間対イオンの水和自由エネルギーと電荷とが影響因子として競合することにより外圏錯体率が支配されていることが明らかになった。これらの結果から得られた影響因子を含む経験式によって、層間対イオンの異なるモンモリロナイト層間の膨潤挙動を定量的に予測することが可能となる。
Wang, Q.*; Hu, Q.*; Zhao, C.*; Yang, X.*; Zhang, T.*; Ilavsky, J.*; Kuzmenko, I.*; Ma, B.*; 舘 幸男
International Journal of Coal Geology, 261, p.104093_1 - 104093_15, 2022/09
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:63.89(Energy & Fuels)To understanding the spatial heterogeneity of mineral and pore structure variations in fine-grained shale, microscale X-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF) mapping, (ultra-) small-angle X-ray scattering [(U)SAXS] and wide-angle X-ray scattering were applied for two samples from a piece of Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas. Thin section petrography and field emission-scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), total organic carbon, and pyrolysis were also utilized to investigate the potential spatial heterogeneity of pore types, mineral and organic matter compositions for both samples. Overall, the siliceous-carbonate mineral contents in these carbonate-rich Eagle Ford Shale vary between laminations at mm scales. By analyzing six selected sub-samples on each of two samples with X-ray scattering and XRD techniques, nm-sized pores are mainly interparticle ones in the higher calcite regions, where the porosity is also relatively lower, while the lower calcite regions consist of both interparticle and intraparticle pore types with higher porosity. Finally, the micro-XRF and (U)SAXS are combined to generate porosity distribution maps to provide more insights about its heterogeneity related to the laminations and fractures at our observational scales.
Soler, J. M.*; Meng, S.*; Moreno, L.*; Neretnieks, I.*; Liu, L.*; Keklinen, P.*; Hokr, M.*; ha, J.*; Vetenk, A.*; Reimitz, D.*; et al.
Geologica Acta, 20(7), 32 Pages, 2022/07
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:66.93(Geology)亀裂性岩石中の地下水流動と物質移行のモデル化に関するSKBタスクフォースにおけるTask 9Bは、スウェーデンのエスポ岩盤研究所で実施された原位置長期収着・拡散試験(LTDE-SD)の試験結果のモデル化に焦点をあてたものである。10のモデリングチームによって、異なるモデル概念やコードを用いたモデル化が実施された。モデル化のアプローチは、(1)拡散方程式の解析解、(2)連続多孔質媒体中の数値計算モデル、(3)微細な不均質性(鉱物粒界,微細亀裂の分布等)を考慮した微細構造モデルの大きく3種に分類できる。異なるチームによるモデル化結果から、岩石や亀裂の表面の擾乱影響を含む岩石特性の不均質な分布、微細な亀裂の効果など、様々な異なるモデル概念の比較・評価がなされた。
Bateman, K.*; 村山 翔太*; 花町 優次*; Wilson, J.*; 瀬田 孝将*; 天野 由記; 久保田 満*; 大内 祐司*; 舘 幸男
Minerals (Internet), 12(7), p.883_1 - 883_20, 2022/07
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:20.00(Geochemistry & Geophysics)The construction of a repository for geological disposal of radioactive waste will include the use of cement-based materials. Following closure, groundwater will saturate the repository and the extensive use of cement will result in the development of a highly alkaline porewater, pH 12.5; this fluid will migrate into and react with the host rock. The chemistry of the fluid will evolve over time, initially high [Na] and [K], evolving to a Ca-rich fluid, and finally returning to the groundwater composition. This evolving chemistry will affect the long-term performance of the repository, altering the physical and chemical properties, including radionuclide behaviour. Understanding these changes forms the basis for predicting the long-term evolution of the repository. This study focused on the determination of the nature and extent of the chemical reaction, as well as the formation and persistence of secondary mineral phases within a granite, comparing data from sequential flow experiments with the results of reactive transport modelling. The reaction of the granite with the cement leachates resulted in small changes in pH and the precipitation of calcium aluminum silicate hydrate (C-(A-)S-H) phases of varying compositions, of greatest abundance with the Ca-rich fluid. As the system evolved, secondary C-(A-)S-H phases re-dissolved, partly replaced by zeolites. This general sequence was successfully simulated using reactive transport modelling.
Soler, J. M.*; Neretnieks, I.*; Moreno, L.*; Liu, L.*; Meng, S.*; Svensson, U.*; Iraola, A.*; Ebrahimi, K.*; Trinchero, P.*; Molinero, J.*; et al.
Nuclear Technology, 208(6), p.1059 - 1073, 2022/06
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:54.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)SKBタスクフォースは、亀裂性岩石中の地下水流動と物質移行のモデル化に関する国際フォーラムである。WPDE試験はフィンランドのオンカロ地下施設において実施された片麻岩中のマトリクス拡散試験である。複数の非収着性及び収着性のトレーサーを含む模擬地下水が試錐孔の試験区間に沿って注入された。タスク9Aは、WPDE試験で得られたトレーサー破過曲線に対する予測モデリングを行うことを目的とした。複数のチームが本タスクに参加し、異なるモデル化手法とコードを用いた予測解析を行った。この予測解析の重要な結論は、試錐孔の開口部における地下水流動に関連する分散パラメータにモデル化結果が大きく影響されることである。マトリクス拡散及び収着に関連する破過曲線のテール部に着目すると、異なるチーム間の解析結果の差異は相対的に小さい結果となった。
舘 幸男; 斉藤 拓巳*; 桐島 陽*
日本原子力学会誌ATOMO, 64(5), p.290 - 295, 2022/05
杉浦 佑樹; 陶山 忠宏*; 舘 幸男
JAEA-Data/Code 2021-017, 58 Pages, 2022/03
Francisco, P. C. M.; 松村 大樹; 菊池 亮佑*; 石寺 孝充; 舘 幸男
Environmental Science & Technology, 56(5), p.3011 - 3020, 2022/03
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:25.78(Engineering, Environmental)The radionuclide selenium-79 (Se-79) is predicted to be a key contributor to the long-term radiologic hazards associated with geological high-level waste (HLW) repositories, hence its release is of pertinent concern in the safety assessment of repositories. In this study, we examined the immobilization mechanisms of Se(-II)-prevalent under anoxic and reducing repository conditions-during interaction with aqueous Fe(II) and freshly precipitated Fe(OH) at circumneutral and alkaline conditions, respectively, its response to changes in pH, and its behavior during aging at 90C. Using microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, we observed that Se(-II) was readily immobilized via iron selenide precipitation regardless of whether Se(-II) reacts with aqueous species or solid phases and that modifying the pH following initial immobilization did not immediately remobilize Se(-II). These observations indicate that Se(-II) migration beyond the overpack can be effectively and rapidly retarded via interaction with Fe(II) species arising from overpack corrosion. Thermodynamic calculations, however, showed that at alkaline conditions, iron selenides immediately became metastable and will likely dissolve in the long term. Aging experiments at 90C showed that Se(-II) can be completely retained via the crystallization of ferroselite at circumneutral conditions, while it will be largely remobilized at alkaline conditions. Our results show that Se(-II) mobility can be significantly influenced by its interactions with the corrosion products of the steel overpack and that these behaviors will have to be considered in repository safety assessments.
Mei, H.; 青柳 登; 斉藤 拓巳*; 香西 直文; 杉浦 佑樹; 舘 幸男
Applied Geochemistry, 136, p.105178_1 - 105178_8, 2022/01
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:89.52(Geochemistry & Geophysics)Dissolved inorganic carbonate ions (DIC) present in groundwaters may affect both the aqueous and surface species of U(VI) due to its strong complexation ability with U(VI). However, it is still not clear how DIC affects U(VI) sorption on illite, which is one of the critical components in argillaceous rocks. In this study, the sorption of U(VI) on conditioned illite du Puy in presence of varying DIC concentrations (up to 250 mM DIC) as a function of pH was investigated by combining batch sorption experiments, surface complexation modeling, and the cryogenic time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS). The distribution coefficients of U(VI) were sensitive to the DIC concentration, which decreased with an increase of DIC. There is no sorption of U(VI) under relatively high DIC concentrations (100 mM DIC). The U(VI) sorption behavior on illite was modeled by using the 2 Site Protolysis Non-Electrostatic Surface Complexation and Cation Exchange model. Two ternary surface complexation reactions with carbonate were needed to depict the experimental sorption data in addition to binary and ternary hydroxo surface complexation reactions employed for the description of U sorption to illite without carbonate. The cryogenic TRLFS revealed that U(VI) did sorb to illite in presence of high DIC concentration (up to 10 mM DIC). The spectra were unchanged with DIC at pH 8.5, suggesting the surface speciation of U(VI) remained the same. The decay curves were biexponential, which further indicated that at least two species were responsible for the sorption. Our finding will help to predict the transport and retention behaviors of U(VI) near radioactive waste repositories.
Ochs, M.*; Dolder, F.*; 舘 幸男
Applied Geochemistry, 136, p.105161_1 - 105161_11, 2022/01
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:61.02(Geochemistry & Geophysics)さまざまな種類の放射性廃棄物や環境中に含まれる有機物は、放射性核種との安定な錯体を形成し、収着による遅延効果を低減させる可能性がある。本研究では、有機配位子が共存するセメントシステムにおける収着低減係数(SRF)を定量化する方法論の適用性を評価する。SRFの推定のための3つの手法、(1)溶解度上昇係数との類似性、(2)熱力学的計算に基づく化学種分布、(3)三元系での収着実測データを組合わせ、代表的な有機配位子(ISAおよびEDTA)および選択された主要な放射性核種(アクチニド)を対象に評価を行った。ここで提案した手法により、評価対象とするシステムに関連する利用可能なデータ等の情報量に応じて、3つのSRFの定量化手法の有効性を評価することが可能である。最も信頼できるSRFは、三元系での収着実測データから導出することができる。そのような直接的な証拠がない状況でSRFを導出する必要がある場合、類推評価や熱力学計算からの推定を行うことになるが、それらの推定には不確実性を伴うことに留意する必要がある。
Soler, J. M.*; Keklinen, P.*; Pulkkanen, V.-M.*; Moreno, L.*; Iraola, A.*; Trinchero, P.*; Hokr, M.*; ha, J.*; Havlov, V.*; Trpkoov, D.*; et al.
SKB TR-21-09, 204 Pages, 2021/11
Task 9C of the SKB Task Force on Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Transport of Solutes (Task Force GWFTS) was the third subtask within Task 9 and focused on (1) predictive and (2) back-analysis modelling of experimental results from the REPRO-TDE in situ diffusion experiment. The test was performed at a depth of about 400 m in the ONKALO underground research facility in Finland. Synthetic groundwater containing radionuclide tracers (HTO, Cl-36, Na-22, Ba-133, Cs-134) was circulated for about four years in a packed-off interval of the so-called injection borehole. Tracer activities were additionally monitored in two observation boreholes arranged as a right-angled triangle and located at about 0.1 m wall-to-wall from the injection borehole. Eleven modelling teams participated in the modelling exercise, using different model concepts and approaches. Three main types of models were applied: (1) An analytical solution to the diffusion-retention equations, (2) continuum-porous-medium-type numerical models, and (3) microstructure-based models. The predictive model calculations were based on laboratory-based information concerning porosities, diffusion coefficients and sorption partition coefficients available in the task description. Microstructural characterisation of rock samples was also available and used by the teams using microstructure-based models.